Ares Stories


Ares on the Mind by Trixie Johns

Rated NC:17

Ares on the Mind is a first story by a new Aussie writer.  It's short, a PWP, (Plot?  What Plot? <g>) and is rated NC:17 for the language which is rougher than what I usually write.  Still, it's an awfully <ahem> HOT story! <g>


Frozen in Time by LoreliLee

Rated NC:17

This story started out as a suggestion for the Reader's Challenge page, but it turned into a real story, so I posted it here!  It's short, but <ahem> sweet! <g>  It's a modern/uber day, but only in passing and it's NOT a vampire story!


Reader's Challenge - Story Five by LoreliLee

Rated NC:17 

Not quite a real story, but slightly more than the usual PWP for the Challenge page!  A borderline blond has a close encounter with the God of War.


Reader's Challenge - Story One by LoreliLee

An Ares sandwich! <g>


Are's Sheath By Stathira

Rated NC:17 

This story is by a new author to this site and is (I hope) the first of several about Ares and a very unusual "weapon."  The story contains some serious S/M type bondage (all in good taste of course!) as well as very graphic sex.


A Divine Birthday by Lady Godiva

Rated: NC:17

A first erotic story, by a new author it features Ares, God of Love.  This was a birthday story written for my altar ego, LoreliLee, but was so incredible, I insisted on sharing it with everyone and the author kindly allowed it. <g>



Note:  Ares, God of War makes a cameo appearance in Christmas Comes But Once a Year, a slightly longer appearance or should I say larger <g> appearance in Ringing in the New and has a much larger part to play in Games to Keep the Light Away.  He has a really BIG part in the newest one, Wild Women Do.  All four stories can be found in the Flatmates Stories folder.  (There's a lovely video capture of Scotty in the folder too! <g>)




The first in my Amazons of Parnasis series

Also available from Unicorn Press in "By the Sword of Ares #5"

Unicorn Press -  to purchase the above please click on link and go to their site.


Dawn of the Dead


The second story in the Amazons of Parnasis series

Also available from Unicorn Press in "By the Sword of Ares #5"

Unicorn Press - to purchase the above please click on link and go to their site.


Ransoming the Stone


This is the third story in the Amazons of Parnasis series.  


The Chosen One - Chapter One

NC: 17

The first chapter of a saga that continues to trace the history of the Amazons of Parnasis through their interaction with Ares and the other gods.  In Chapter One we meet Ileana, a very special Amazon who catches the eye and captures the attention of the God of War, not always a good thing! <g>  Although . . .


The Chosen One - Chapter Two - PG

The second chapter in the saga continues where Chapter One left off. 


The Chosen One - Chapter Three - NC:17

The third chapter in the saga continues!


The Chosen One - Chapter Four - NC:17

The fourth chapter in the saga!


The Chosen One - Chapter Five - PG

The fifth chapter in the saga!


The Chosen One - Chapter Six - PG

The sixth chapter in the saga!


The Chosen One - Chapter Seven - NC:17

The seventh and FINAL Chapter!


The Rains of Eurynome


Also available from Unicorn Press in "By the Sword of Ares #5"

Unicorn Press  - to purchase the above please click on link and go to their site.


Raising the God of War


This was the first fan fiction I ever wrote so it holds a special place in my heart.  It's a modern day story of what happens when a housewife drinks to many martinis and attempts to summon the God of War.

Now available from Unicorn Press in "By the Sword of Ares #6"

Unicorn Press -  to purchase the above please click on link and go to their site.


Viva Ares!


This is modern day story of Ares in Las Vegas and also of what he could have been if he wasn't who he was born to be. 


The Sword of Purity

PG (Sorry - no sex!)

Moved from Lessa's Smithsonian Site since it's closing.  This is a modern day story that recounts a myth I made up to explain something that had always bothered me.  It also has ties to the Amazons of Parnasis series, in particular the Chosen One saga.


Ares on Howard Stern

This is on Sura's Kevin Smith Page.  I wrote it in answer to a challenge she put forth to have Ares interviewed by Howard Stern.  It's rated R for language and content.


Velvet Storms


At Kendaa's Ares Shrine.  This is a birthday story that Ares insisted I write for his favorite warrior and which she liked well enough to title for me (thanks again!) and post. <g>


For The Love of A God by Moire Linne Sullivan 

Rated NC 18 - A sea captain gets an unusual commission from the God of War.

Visitors since 5/9/00
