The Chosen One

Chapter Six

By LoreliLee



Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: The characters of Ares, Artemis, Hera and a myriad of other Greek gods belong to Greek Mythology and also apparently to Universal Studios and Pacific Renaissance and this story is not intended to violate any copyrights held by MCA, Universal Studios, Renaissance Pictures or any other entity involved in the making of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys or Xena: Warrior Princess. (Even though Xena or and Hercules don't happen to appear in this story! <snicker>)

Author's Note: While this story is not a true sequel to Kalea, Dawn of the Dead, or Ransoming the Stone, it is a continuation of the story of the Amazons of Parnasis. You don't have to have read the other stories to enjoy this one. However, you should probably read Chapters One, Two, Three, Four and Five. <g>


Tobias repeated, "I can't accept your thanks. I did nothing."

Tessa eyed him speculatively. He was handsome in a bland sort of way, brown hair, brown eyes, nice muscular body. Much shorter than the God of War, but still, pretty attractive for a mortal. Moreover, there was the added bonus of his being that blond brat’s ‘friend.’ She insisted, "We would never have been able to recover Jihilla without you."

"Still, I was only there because . . ." he blushed nervously and looked at his feet. "Anyway, I didn’t do anything that someone else wouldn’t have done." He was alone with Tessa in what had been Jihilla’s hut and which was now apparently hers. He found her disturbingly attractive. Her long red hair was wild and her green eyes glittered. Though her clothing was torn and covered with splotches of blood, not her own, there was a scent about her driving him mad. He couldn't believe, even in his worry over Ileana, he was thinking about what she would look like naked.

She recognized the feelings surging through him, the rush of lust following a death battle. She smiled secretively to herself. She could use this to her advantage. No one knew what had happened after the black winged creatures came and they fled for their lives. The rumors were flying, Galea was dead, Ileana was dead and the God of War was dead.

Tessa moved closer to him. "I know you did what you did because you owed Galea a debt. I was in Parnasis when they brought you to the village. You did everything you could."

"I just wish we knew what happened. If she was dead or alive."

Tessa sighed. 'I need to get his mind off her and on to me,' she thought. 'But how?' Then luck came her way. Tyr burst into the hut, "Tessa, the healer says come now. Jihilla is asking for you and there isn’t much time."

Tessa nodded and Tyr left. She looked at Tobias, "Will you wait for me? Please?" She gave him a weak and helpless smile.

Tobias nodded and offered, "Of course. But are you sure you wouldn’t like one of your sisters?"

"No. I'm to be Queen and I can't let them see me be weak. If I wish to grieve, I must do so alone. But if you're here, waiting, then I don't have to be alone."

"I'll wait," he confirmed.

Hera was in a fury, her shoulder throbbed where the knife had gone in and even with her power back, she couldn't make it heal fast enough. She threw another vase on to the already huge pile of cracked pottery and screamed with anger. The sound of her roars made Olympus tremble. No one would come near her. None of the other gods would risk being in range when she was in a frenzy. Only Ares ever dared talk to her when she was in such a savage mood. And he was hardly interested in talking to her now. Killing her maybe, talking to her no.

Zeus was hoping to wait her out. He sat in his throne room, his head in his hands, waiting for her fury to subside. It would do him no good to talk to her and punishment wasn’t an option. He couldn’t blame his son for falling in love with a mortal. This one was clearly very special indeed. Imagine, a young girl facing down Hera and killing the Braca. He smiled when he thought of how much Hera must hate her and then pityingly of Ares, who was sure to lose the girl long before her time. Hera wouldn't forget this although she brought it on herself.

Hera threw another vase. She was blinded with rage; she didn’t care if she destroyed everything. 'I must do something,' she thought. Then it occurred to her, there were still three or four hundred of Cartegena’s men in the mountains, waiting for a leader. 'Who was his second?' she asked herself. 'Oh yes, Nostrum. I don’t believe he was at the battle. The Amazons are badly depleted; they lost many warriors today. If he were to make a concentrated effort, he could wipe them out!'

Suddenly the Peacock Queen felt a lot better. With a wave of her hand, she vanished from Olympus.

Kori paced outside the healer’s tent. The surviving warriors were slowly straggling into the encampments surrounding the Village. The plan had been for the Amazons to regroup in Jihilla’s village to plot the next move if one were needed. As far as she could tell the battle over the stone was over. But there was no word from Ares, no word from Ileana, no word from Galea and most disturbingly, no word from Artemis. 'I just wish I knew something,' she thought for the hundredth time.

Tessa walked slowly out of the healer’s tent her head held high. Kori looked at her and Tessa shook her head. Kori went to her. "Thank you for bringing Jihilla back," Tessa remarked. "At least she was able to die with us and we can give her a proper funeral. Has there been any word?"

"None. Not even from Artemis. I think I shall have to go there. I must know what happened."

"Give them a little more time," Tessa cautioned. "I know the waiting is hard, but perhaps . . ."

Kori nodded and began pacing again. Tessa walked slowly, regally, back to what was now her hut. Tobias, she knew, would still be waiting.

Artemis had known the second the Braca had died. She couldn't see what happened, but after it was dead, she could see into the circle of power. However, all she was able to see even when she physically went there were dead bodies and broken rocks. No Ares, no Ileana, no Hera, no Braca. It was as if they all vanished. 'Did they survive?' she wondered. 'And if they did, where are there? And what are they doing?'

She went to Galea’s dead body lying at the foot of the broken stone and examined her. 'Hera did this,' she thought. She could also see the wound from the sword that would have killed Galea anyway. 'I doubt whether I can get Zeus to do anything, it’s clear she would have died no matter what.' Tenderly she picked Galea up in her arms. 'I'll make sure you have a proper Amazon funeral.' With a thought, she transported herself and Galea’s body to Jihilla’s village.


Ileana was shaking and trembling. Ares held her, but her body, now ice cold, now hot, couldn't keep still. A myriad of thoughts raced through her mind. Galea was dead. She'd hurt the Queen of the Gods. Ares had almost died because she didn’t want to do something. She was going to be Queen. Hera would kill her now she had her powers back. Or worse, hurt Ares. 'What have I done?' she thought with panic.

Ares pulled Ileana more closely against him molding her body to his. He tilted her face towards his and tried to get her to focus her eyes on him. He caressed her cheek with gentle fingers. She didn't respond to him. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He lay her down and wrapped two blankets around her. Then he sat next to her. "Ileana, can you hear me?" She nodded. "Then talk to me. You always have so much to say whenever we’re alone. Talk to me now."

"Ares," she whispered his name. "I'm so frightened."

He reached over to stroke her hair. "Of what?"

"Hera. She'll be even angrier now. She'll try to kill us, to kill you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Ileana," he commented dryly. "I'm a God. One God can't kill another. Zeus would punish that."

"But then, was that why you came? Because although you say he doesn't love you, he wouldn't let you die. Or your death be unpunished?"

What answer was there for this? Ares was silent for a long moment and then he finally remarked, "I came because if I hadn't and you had died, I'd always have wondered if I could have somehow prevented it."

His words were not a declaration of any sort. Yet, something in his tone make her look at him hard. His eyes were almost soft with emotion. That yearning look she had caught once before seemed to settle over his features. It was almost as if he was waiting for something. As she stared into his eyes, she felt the world come back into focus and she realized that she was in his bed. Suddenly she began to laugh.

"And what's so funny?" he muttered.

"Do you think I'm still vowed to Artemis?" she mused.

"You’re back," he retorted with relief.

She sat up. "Ares, do you think we dare? I mean, we are in your bedroom, aren’t we?"

"I don’t know. The deal was if you survived she would have to let you go."

"Do we dare to risk it?" She threw off the blankets and reached for him.

"Slow down, little one," he murmured softly. He took her in his arms and held her close. She threw her arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest. He thought, 'I wonder if Artemis will honor her word?'

He didn’t have to wait long to find out. Within seconds of the thought, Artemis was there in the room with them. "And just what do you think you’re doing?" the goddess demanded angrily.

Ileana raised her head from Ares’ shoulder and stared at her. "We haven’t done anything goddess. I on the other hand, slew the Braca as promised. I believe you have a vow to release me from."

'Good for her,' Ares thought.

Artemis looked at them with distaste. "I've been to the circle of power. There's nothing there. How do I know you slew the stone?"

"Because there's nothing there," Ileana retorted tartly. "If the Braca were still alive you'd know it. Believe me, you'd know it."

"Galea's dead," Artemis proclaimed sadly.

"Yes, I know," Ileana murmured softly. "I know I must go back. The tribe can't be without a queen. And I will. First, I want what you promised me. Release me from my vow."

"And if I don't?" Artemis asked. "What will you do?"

"Artemis," Ares declared dangerously, "I don't think you want to try me. This time I might actually have Zeus on my side. After all, she did do what you asked her to. I think you owe her at least that much."

"Ares, I don’t care what you do," she complained bitterly. "I want to know what Ileana will do."

Then Ileana understood. "You want to know if I'd risk your wrath to be with him? If I'd break my vow to you, in defiance of you? Do I love him that much?" Artemis nodded.

"You know I wouldn't. I'd be angry and I'd tell everyone in my tribe how you used us. I'd also tell them of the deal you made with him. Just how long do you think Amazons would keep worshipping you if they knew you would trade their servitude for sex? You insist on chastity and yet, you willing gave a woman to a god who is known for just the opposite. Artemis, I don't think you would have too many Amazons left who would serve you if that became public knowledge."

Artemis’ eyes turned angry and Ares saw the fireball appear on the tip of her fingers. Quickly he pushed Ileana behind him and got the brunt of Artemis’ fire. "I don't think you want to try that again," the God of War yelled furiously. "I'm just as powerful as you and while I can't kill you outright, I can certainly hurt you. Why not give us what we want? It will be a lot easier than fighting us. You know she's serious and I WILL go to Zeus if you refuse. Given Hera’s behavior where I'm concerned, I think he'll grant the dispensation."

"And if I release you, will your tribe worship only Ares from now on?" Artemis asked.

'So that's it,' Ares thought. 'She’s afraid she’ll lose the tribe.'

"Of course not," Ileana replied. "I'd never not give a choice. Is that why you don’t wish to release me? You're afraid the tribe will only worship one god?"

Artemis persisted, "If I agree to release you, I want your word that you will continue to allow your tribe to worship me."

"You have my word, goddess. Although I know you used me, I also know why. And I understand. Now, please, please, let me go."

Artemis waved her hand reluctantly and intoned the words. "You are released from your vow. You are no longer mine. You are free to worship at whatever god’s altar you choose." Then with a nasty chuckle she added, "He’s got a very busy altar, you may find, after a time, you're sorry you're no longer vowed." Then she vanished.

Ileana looked at Ares and began to laugh. "A very busy altar?"

He pulled her back into his arms and began to kiss her. She melted against him, returning the kiss, less curious this time and infinitely more passionate. His arms held her tight, his fingers running up and down her back. This time she flicked her tongue out first, tentatively tracing the line of his lips. His own tongue came out to match hers, to trace her lips, then the kiss deepened. She was pressing herself against him, her mouth hungry, wanting him. She kissed him harder; her lips pressing back as if there was nothing in the world but his mouth and hers. Nothing in the world mattered but their kiss.

Suddenly she pulled away, her eyes misty with passion. "Ares," she murmured softly.

"I know," he replied. "You need to go back. To see your sisters and take care of Galea’s funeral."

"We have the absolute worst timing in the known world," she sighed. "I want so much to stay here in your arms. To make love. But you know as well as I do, that they probably don’t even know if we’re alive. I don’t think Artemis likes me much and what are we going to do about Hera?"

"You let me worry about Hera. And don’t worry about Artemis. As long as you keep your promise to her, which I know you will, she’ll be fine."

Ileana gently disentangled herself from his arms. She looked at him longingly, lovingly and promised, "Soon. I promise. But for now."

Ares sighed. He reached for her hand, "I’ll take you."

"Before we go," she hinted with a small smile, "Perhaps just one more kiss?"

He shook his head. "I may be a god, but in some ways I'm all too human. If I kiss you again you won’t be going anywhere!"

She laughed and touched his face gently. "Then I’m ready." With a wave of his hand, he took them to Jihilla’s village.

Tessa lay back in Tobias’ arms. It had been easy, once she was back in the hut to seduce him. She had simply begun to cry and he took her in his arms to comfort her. From there, it was a simple matter to go from crying to kissing to sex. She turned and gazed at him affectionately. 'Mortal men are just too easy,' she thought. 'Ares has spoiled me. Still, it was pleasant and now, when I start to show with the child, no one will suspect the child is Ares’. They will all think the child is Tobias’. Even Ares won't know. Not until it's too late.'

Ares and Ileana materialized by the healer’s hut. Kori saw them and ran to Ileana. Ileana released Ares hand and hugged the older woman. "You're alive," Kori declared gratefully.

"Yes I am," she answered. "In great part, thanks to him," she gestured toward Ares.

Kori released Ileana and knelt down in front of the God of War. "Thank you," she said.

Ares gently pulled Kori to her feet. "No, it's I who should thank you. You taught her well. Ileana did all the work."

"I’m glad she’s alive. Galea’s dead."

"We know, Kori, we were there when it happened," Ileana confirmed. "How do you know?"

"Artemis brought her. But she didn't know what happened at the stone. Or whether you were dead or alive."

"When was this?" Ares asked.

"Quite some time ago," Kori answered. "Have you seen her?"

Ares and Ileana exchanged a look. "Yes, just recently. After I think," Ileana stated. "What of Jihilla? Someone must have gotten her out of the cave. By the time Hera went for her she was gone."

"Hera?" Kori’s eyes opened very wide. "Tobias and I found Jihilla. We brought her back, but I’m afraid we weren’t in time."

"Tobias?" Ileana repeated the name with surprise. "My Tobias?"

Kori glanced at the God of War. He didn't like the word "my" at all. 'Well too bad,' she thought spitefully. 'Too damn bad.' "Yes, your Tobias. He came with us to try to rescue you. Of course by then, you had already escaped. But what happened? Artemis said Galea was sacrificed but would have died anyway. What happened out there?"

Again, the God and Amazon exchanged a glance. "I'll explain everything later. If Jihilla is gone, then Tessa is Queen?" Kori nodded. "Where is she? I should pay my respects and thank her for housing our tribe."

"She’s in her hut," Kori replied. "But Ileana, if Galea is gone?"

"I'm Queen," she proclaimed simply. "And Kori, something else you need to know. Artemis has released me. I'm no longer vowed to her. Please don't get that look on your face. I know how you feel, but you must accept it. This is what I wish. Please try and make your peace with him."

Ileana gave one last warm look at Ares and then went to find Tessa. The God of War stood there, looking for all the world like a little boy who had just had his best toy taken away. For a moment, Kori actually felt a pang of sympathy for him. But it only lasted a moment. "And how did you manage that?" she asked bitterly.

Ares looked at her and shrugged. "Don’t ask me, I didn’t do it, she did. She’s quite amazing. Kori, I know you love her. I know you wish to protect her. But I swear by all the Gods on Olympus that you don't have to protect her from me. I won't hurt her."

"Ares," Kori refuted softly, "I have trouble believing that. I have been your servant too long. Perhaps now would be a good time for you to release me?"

"Done," he agreed. "But Kori, I'm counting on you to protect her. Not from me, she doesn’t need it, but from others who would harm her. Including her sister, Antiope. That child is a demon."

Kori asked, "Do you mean it? I'm free?"

"Yes," he remarked impatiently. "You’re free. You no longer serve me."

She nodded. "Will you pay your respects to Tessa as well?"

Ares shook his head, "Not now. I have something else I need to take care of. Let Ileana know I’ll be back as soon as I can."

Kori nodded and the God of War vanished.

Ileana knocked on the door of Tessa’s hut. She heard giggling inside, which she thought odd, but waited patiently for someone to answer. Finally, Tessa appeared looking as if she had just gotten out of bed.

'This couldn’t be any sweeter if I planned it,' Tessa thought when she saw who was at the door. "You’re alive," she announced.

"Yes," Ileana remarked dryly. "I understand Jihilla is gone. I'm sorry. She was a brave warrior and a wonderful queen. I know you'll do well in her place. Thank you for taking in my sisters until we can go home."

'Oh no you don’t,' Tessa thought. 'I’m not letting you say your piece and walk away.' "Thank you," Tessa said formally. "Please come in."

Ileana followed Tessa into the hut. Tobias was just pulling on his pants. Ileana smothered a smile. 'So, that’s why she’s being so nice. She thinks this will bother me.' "Tobias," Ileana acknowledged softly. "It's good to see you. I understand from Kori that you were instrumental in rescuing Jihilla. Thank you."

"I came after you," he admitted with embarrassment.

"Well," she replied, "as you can see I’m fine. Thank you for trying."

"You’re welcome." He turned to Tessa and mumbled, "Thank you for being so kind to me. I'll be leaving now."

'Oh no you don’t,' Tessa thought. "Tobias, please wait. This won’t take very long and then we can finish what we started."

Ileana had to bite the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing. The poor boy was looking more and more uncomfortable with each word Tessa uttered. "Please, Tobias," Ileana demurred. "Don’t rush off on my account. This will only take a moment."

"I could really use something to drink. Tessa, I’ll come back later." And with that, he ran out of the hut, leaving his boots behind.

'That will show her,' Tessa thought. She condoled, "I'm sorry about Galea. She was a great queen. You'll take over?"

"Yes," Ileana agreed simply. "I understand Artemis brought Galea’s body here?" Tessa nodded. "A double funeral?" she asked.

Tessa nodded. "Yes, when we didn’t know if you were alive or dead I made the arrangements. I hope that’s all right?"

"Fine," Ileana commented. "Oh, and if you’re curious," she added as she turned to go, "the God of War is alive as well."

"Ares? Is he here?"

She shook her head. "He was a little while ago, but I believe he’s gone now. I expect he’ll be back."

Tessa couldn't believe her ears. Even if he didn’t care for her, he should still have come to see her, to pay respect to her as queen. How dare he! "I see," she replied thoughtfully. "I'll look forward to his visit."

"Zeus," Ares was arguing, "you've done it before. Hera was way out of line. She not only tried to kill a great many mortals, she tried to kill me. Now I know you have no love for me, but this mortal has done nothing but try to serve her gods and protect her tribe. She got in the middle of Hera and I. You know as well as I, an angry Hera is dangerous. I want her protected."

He looked at his son with distaste. Ares hadn’t bothered to change. He was still wearing the same bloody and torn clothing he’d been wearing when Hera captured him. Yet, there was something about him, something different. When he spoke of the mortal, there was an expression in his eyes that was soft, warm, an expression Zeus had never seen there before. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought it was love.

He weighed his son’s feelings against Hera’s. If he protected another mortal, particularly this one, Hera would probably throw the world’s longest fit. On the other hand, if he did nothing and Hera killed the mortal, Ares was likely to lose control and in his rage, he was capable of anything. He didn't particularly want to loose that wrath on the mortal world.

"Very well. I'll issue the order. Queen Ileana of Parnasis will be protected. No God may harm her or kill her."

"Thank you, Father," Ares confirmed softly. "Thank you very much."

Antiope prowled the small room restlessly. She didn't like this place, didn't like the people, she wasn't happy. Hera had told her she had to stay here; it was the only way to protect her from her father’s wrath. Ares would be angry she knew. Very angry. She hadn't seen her Grandmother since the day Hera had left her here. Hera had warned her it might be some time before she could return to tell her what had happened. And under no circumstances was she to use the flute to summon her.

Antiope walked over to the small window set high in the wall. She was tall enough to see out it without stretching. She looked at the forest and the trees, the moat that surrounded the castle. 'I hate this,' she thought. 'I need to do something!'

Again, she started to pace.

Tobias thought, 'I'm such an idiot! I can’t believe I let Ileana find me with yet another woman. She'll never forgive me.' Inside, he already knew it was a moot point. He could see in her eyes, whatever she felt for him was gone. She was different now, and while her demeanor showed she was fond of him, it was clear, she wasn't hurt or angry. 'She's vowed to Artemis,' he thought. He was surprised therefore, when later that night she came looking for him.

"Hello," she greeted softly. She took his hands in hers and smiled. "It was very brave of you to try to help rescue me."

He looked at her wide blue eyes and felt his heart again melt. "I could do no less. I still love you."

She released his hands then. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "If that's true, you will only be hurt. Tobias, I don't love you. And even if I once did, that is long over and no longer possible."

"I know," he muttered softly. His eyes though were still hopeful when he queried, "You are vowed to Artemis."

Her eyes took on a guarded look. "I'm no longer vowed to Artemis either. That's not it. Tobias, listen to me. I was very young when we met, not just in age, but in certain kinds of knowledge. There are many things an Amazon learns as she grows, but how to deal with men isn't one of them. I'm not saying I'm not fond of you. I am. What I'm saying is, what I felt then was a combination of sexual attraction and infatuation. Not love. I was just too young to know that."

"But you know it now?" he asked angrily. "How can you?"

She smiled ruefully. "Trust me when I say I know the difference between love and infatuation. But it's still very good to see you. I want to know what you've been doing, where you're living, what your life is like."

He reached out to gently touch her face. He knew he would never know what it was like to kiss her, to hold her, to love her. There was a glow about her, even in her torn and bloody clothes. Even with the bruises on her wrists and her arms. She looked as if she had been given a gift so wonderful, she would live forever. He wanted so much to take her in his arms, but he knew she would never come. "I still live outside Thrace," he explained softly. "With my mother. On a farm. I’m a farmer."

"A farmer?" she repeated with a soft laugh. "My little thief/carpenter is a farmer?"

He grinned ruefully. "Yes. And I’ve made a very good job of it too. I grow corn, hops and barley. Mother has vegetables and flowers. We do well."

"And are you happy?" she asked softly.

"I'd have been happier if you were living on the farm with us," he answered. "But yes, overall, we are happy enough."

"Tobias, I'm truly sorry." She paused and studied his loving eyes. "I never wanted to hurt you. But I'm very glad you were there to help Jihilla."

"I wish I could have rescued you," he confessed. "Then maybe . . .

She shook her head. "Tobias, please. I don't wish to talk of maybes. Has no one told you?" He shook his head. "With Galea’s death I'm Queen."

"You’re Queen?" So that was it, she couldn’t be with him because she was queen. She did love him. Her next words smashed his wishful thinking.

"Yes, I'm Queen." She looked at his brown eyes and knew every thought. "Tobias," she explained gently. "I had wanted to spare you this, but I see I must tell you after all. I love someone else."

"Who? Who could you possibly . . ." then he knew. "Ares?" he spat the name as a curse.

"Yes. I know, I know, he is rotten, evil, vengeful, and nasty. I know all this. But with me, he is also something else. I know this must hurt you, as I said, I had hoped to spare you knowing. But clearly you won't accept anything else as an answer."

"I don't believe it!" he protested.

"Why not?" she smiled ruefully. "I told you once he was always kind to me. He still is. And Tobias, even a God without mercy can have a heart."

"He will destroy you," he spat.

"No he won’t. He's already risked his life for me. Didn't you know he was with me when I slew the Braca?" Tobias shook his head. "Tobias, Ares came into the circle of power, knowing he would have no powers, knowing Hera wanted to kill him, knowing he would be mortal if he entered. And yet, he came. He tried to save Galea, but Hera caught him. The Braca nearly killed him because I refused at first to kill it. Tobias, whatever else he may do, the God of War, will not hurt me."

"No," he whispered. "Anyone but him."

"I'm sorry," she apologized. She went close to him, touched his face gently, and added. "If I could have avoided telling you I would have. I don't want to hurt you. You must forget me, find someone else. Please, for your own sake."

"Never," he whispered. "I'll love you till I die."

"I’m sorry," she apologized again. Then she walked away.

"You can appear now," she teased with a soft laugh as she paused in front of a tree. "I know you’re here. I know you were listening. I wish to see you."

Ares, with a sheepish grin on his handsome features, materialized in front of her. "How do you do that?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I don’t know. When I was younger, a few times, I used to feel something, like a presence, but there was never anything or anyone there. Then I realized I was getting the same feeling right before you materialized. So now, I know it’s you."

He laughed softly and brought her hand to his lips. "You told him you loved me."

"Why are you surprised? I’ve told you, why shouldn’t I tell him?"

"You are not like most women," he mused.

"What do you mean?" she asked with confusion.

"If you don’t know," he retorted with a wicked grin, "I'm not going to educate you. The last thing I want is for you to change."

"Even though my misguided honor nearly got you killed?" she teased.

"You’re never going to let me forget that are you?" he retorted.

"You were right. I was wrong," she conceded her tone light.

His eyes opened wide in shock. A wicked grin spread over his face as he remarked, "This is a red letter day! You, admitting you were wrong and I was right. I shall never let you forget that."

She pulled her hand away and threw her arms around his neck, pressing her body against him.

"Where have you been," she whispered into his neck. "I missed you."

He pulled her close. She was kissing his neck, tickling him with her tongue. He lifted her face and smiled at her. She moved her mouth towards his, wanting his kiss. "No," he demurred softly. "Ileana, we don't have time and I swear, the next time, we are not going to be interrupted!"

"We might have to wait a very long time then," she replied softly. "Ares, a messenger came. Did you know Cartegena’s men are moving? They seem to have found a new leader and they are regrouping. Tessa and I think we have until tomorrow morning, but we’re sure they're going to attack. How much of your army is out there to help us?"

"Not enough," he admitted gently removing her arms from his neck. "Where's Tessa?"

"Right here," came the bitter answer.

Ileana turned to look at her former rival. Tessa looked angry, but also secretive. As if she knew something no one else knew, but was wonderful. She stood, just to the right of them, watching with glittering green eyes. 'She hates me,' Ileana thought. 'Well, I'm not sure I blame her.'

Ares went to Tessa and bowed. "I'm sorry for your loss. Jihilla was a great queen and a good friend. I'd have come to you sooner, but there were matters on Olympus that needed handling." He reached for her hand and kissed it in a royal salute.

She pulled her hand back as if she couldn't bear his touch. "Thank you," she acknowledged gravely. "Has Ileana told you of the new threat?"

"It's Hera," he spat. "She's given Nostrum control and you're right. He's gathering all the men. I believe she's going to try to wipe out all of you."

"Ares," Ileana asked, "can you help us?"

He turned to look at her. "No." At her shocked and angry look, he added. "Not in the way you want. I can give you what army I have left here. But I can't interfere. I can't kill Nostrum’s men, though it’s true, I have the power to. I'm bound to let you fight."

"But how can Hera?" Ileana asked.

"Hera only ordered them to do it. She too can't act directly, using her powers, else don’t you know? She would have killed you all already." He turned back to Tessa. "How many are left?"

"About two hundred fifty," Tessa answered.

He nodded. "Well, with them and my seventy-five soldiers, I think we can beat them. Listen . . ."

"No," this was Ileana. "If we have to fight, then let us make the plans. Tessa, where can we talk?"

"You would ignore advice from the God of War?" Tessa asked with shock.

"It wouldn’t be the first time," Ares answered for her with a rueful grin. "And probably not the last."

"Ares," Ileana conceded, "you know I value your tactical skills. You could best help us, if you would round up your army and see if you can find out where the attack will come from."

He laughed. "Ileana, one of these days you'll give me an order that won't make any sense. But until that time, I'm yours to command." He turned back to Tessa. "When will you light the pyres?"

Tessa looked up at the sky, "When the great bear is directly overhead."

Ares nodded. "I'll be back then." He turned to Ileana, "I'll try to get you the information you requested. But if I had to guess . . ."

"Don't guess," she interrupted. "Just find out."

His laughter stayed with her, long after he was gone.

Tessa stared at Ileana with undisguised awe. She couldn't believe the way she talked to Ares and the way he took it. Maybe that was her secret. "What are you thinking?" Tessa asked.

"Is there still a map of the region in your hut?" Ileana asked. Tessa nodded. "Let’s go there. If I remember the terrain right, they're going to have to come through a pass near the base of the mountains. If we can get there first . . ."

Ares returned to what had once been Jihilla’s village and was now Tessa’s with barely a moment to spare. Both Ileana and Tessa had lit torches in their hands and were about to light the pyres. He bowed to both. They each nodded to him, to the assembled Amazons, and with grave solemnity, lit the fires.

It was a great flame in the night sky. Ares surreptitiously shot more flame into the sky, so it looked like each queen was shooting straight to the heavens. From the glance Ileana gave him, after the ceremony was over, he suspected she knew it. The God of War and the two queens were now in Tessa’s hut. Ileana was saying, "What did you learn?"

"They plan on attacking as soon as they get out of the mountains. Even now they are moving, though because of the terrain, it will most likely be morning before they hit the pass. If you were to get there first," he stopped talking. "And just what is so funny?" he asked.

Ileana and Tessa exchanged glances. "Nothing," Ileana refuted. "We already figured that out. How many men?"

"You didn’t ask me to find out," he retorted with a slow smile, "but I knew you’d want to know. About three hundred and fifty. And Ileana," he added seriously, "they're rested and healthy. These warriors are very well trained, very skilled. They won't be easy to beat."

"We are very motivated," she commented in return. "And we will have your army to help us, yes?"

He nodded. "They'll be near the pass, waiting. I've already told them to move into position."

"You assumed too much," Ileana snapped angrily. "What if we had decided to do this differently?"

"Then I would have talked you out of it," he remarked blandly. "You may be good, but I'm still the God of War and they are MY army."

"Point taken," she conceded. "Tessa, what do you think?"

Tessa knew she was out of her depth. She could fight, but planning a battle was beyond her. "Whatever you think best," she agreed.

Ileana was surprised and grateful. She didn't want to fight with Tessa if she could avoid it. "Okay, then here’s what we’re going to do."

Ares listened proudly as Ileana laid out a plan that was clever, devious and bloodthirsty enough to work. Kori had trained her well. Now, she WAS truly his, leading an army just as he’d always planned.

Tessa offered Ileana her bed, but she declined. "I’d rather sleep outside," Ileana demurred, "but thank you."

If Tessa thought Ileana was lying so she could go off with Ares, she was wrong. Ileana had a favor she wanted. She and Ares left the hut together and walked slowly and quietly out of range of the warriors sleeping in huts and on the ground.

She took Ares' hand and led him toward a grove of trees. She pointed up to the crook of a large tree and found a vine. She wasn't surprised to find him there ahead of her. She sat next to him on the branch swinging her feet.

"What’s wrong?" he asked.

She looked at him. "You know me too well," she remarked.

"Tell me," he asked urgently. "You know your plan will work. It’s brilliant."

She shook her head. "It’s not that."

"Then what?" he asked.

"Antiope. Where is she? Was she hurt?" She wouldn't look at him.

"What do you mean?" He turned her chin so he could see into her eyes.

She stared at him lovingly. His eyes were looking directly into hers. She knew she could never hide anything when he looked at her like that. "The last thing I remember, before Cartegena hit me, was her in the garden in Thrace, about to run into my arms. Ares, she really wanted to see me. She seemed, I don’t know, somehow to have decided to love me again. Is she all right?"

"I don’t know," he replied. "I saw her several days ago, when you were first missing and I didn’t know what had happened. Ileana, she was fine. She wasn't hurt."

"I want to see her," she insisted firmly.

"Why?" he asked.

"Ares, she’s my sister," she explained in a tone intended to stop the argument.

"She’s a demon," he complained bitterly.

"Don’t say that," she retorted. "She’s your daughter."

"In more ways than I'm comfortable," he conceded bitterly. "Trust me Ileana, whatever you think you saw before you were knocked out, your eyes were deceiving you. She was and is an evil child, full of hate. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she helped Cartegena kidnap you."

"I don’t believe it," she repeated stubbornly. "Anyway, I want to see her. Will you take me to Thrace?"

"Now?" He shook his head. "No. You need to get some rest, we move in a little while. You have an army to lead, remember?"

"I couldn’t sleep, even if I wanted to," she answered. "Too much on my mind."

"I can help you to sleep," he murmured softly. "Come here."

She went to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap. He cradled her head on his shoulder and gently stroked her hair. She nestled herself in his warmth, inhaling the scent of him, a mixture of sweat, leather, and male hormones. Somewhere in his travels, he had changed his clothes. "You smell so good," she murmured.

He pressed his face to her hair; it was soft like blond spun silk. He kissed the top of her head and then gently massaged her shoulders. She sighed softly and within seconds was asleep in his arms.

A long time later he touched her hair. He hated to wake her, but he knew he had to. It was almost time to go. Gently he tilted her head to his and kissed her softly. Her eyes popped open and she kissed him back. After a moment she stopped and asked, "Aren't we going to get interrupted?"

"That seemed the gentlest way to awaken you."

She murmured sleepily, "It’s certainly the nicest way. Antiope used to throw water on me."

He laughed. "I can well believe it. Still, even with all her faults, even with all she’s done and tried to do to you, you still seem to love her."

"Ares," she insisted seriously, "when she was little, there was a time when she loved me too. I wish I knew what changed her."

He shook his head. "Well whatever it was, it's still with her. Ileana, after this is over, if you really wish to see her, I'll take you to Thrace."

"Thank you. Can you take me down from this tree?" she asked with a laugh. "My legs seem to be asleep."

He laughed and with a wave of his hand, they were on the ground.

"How long did I sleep?" she asked as she stretched her legs.

"Long enough," was his answer. He went behind her and again massaged her neck and shoulders.

"That feels wonderful," she murmured. "You have such gentle hands."

He laughed. "You're probably the only mortal that would say that."

"Ares," she inquired seriously, "why do you always insist on acting as if I'm the only one who can see you? You are not a monster, though you often do monstrous things. You are not your job! Or at least," she temporized, "you don't have to be."

He stopped massaging her then and turned her to face him. He searched her eyes. "You believe I can change?" he asked.

"You don't need to change," she explained slowly. "I wouldn't ask that of you. You are you. But you do not, at least with me, need to pretend to be other than what you are. I love you, as you are. I've seen you angry, wrathful, vengeful and violent. I have seen the pleasure shine from your eyes when watching bloodlust on a battlefield. I know that side of you, the side most see. But there is your other side as well; your kindness to me as Diamedes, the gentleness when you touch me, the love you showed when you risked everything to try to save me from Hera. Those qualities are within you to. Else how could I love you?"

'She truly loves me,' he thought with amazement. 'Not in spite of whom I am, but because.' "Ileana," he whispered his voice rough with emotion, "I'm those things with you, because somehow you bring them out in me. I don't know why, but . . . I'm grateful."

She touched his face. "It's I who should be grateful. Whatever your motives in the beginning, however base, self-serving and even dishonorable, you've prepared me for this day. And Ares, this war I'm about to fight will change everything."

'So she saw that, did she?' He nodded. "Explain."

She gave him a knowing look. "Very well. For the past few years, the Amazons from the North and South have been driven out. Some moved to towns and villages and melded into normal life. Some left Greece and some came to my tribe and some here. What I'm about to lead into battle is the bulk of the Amazon nation. When we're finished, if we survive, we'll no longer be several tribes, but one. No longer separated around the region, the country, but one group together. We'll have no other way to survive."

"Are you sure you don’t want to rule the world?" he asked with a laugh.

"That's not funny," she replied. "I have no wish to rule anything. Even being queen is less a job of ruling and more a job of leading by example."

"You're very wise for one so young. So able to see beyond the immediate to the long-term implications. You'd make a magnificent Empress."

She ignored that. "I'm not so young," she retorted. "Twenty springs."

This made him roar with laughter. "Compared to me, you aren't even born yet."

She had never thought about age in conjunction with him. "How old are you?" she asked curiously.

"Does it matter?" he asked curiously.

"I guess not," she noted with a shrug.

"About a thousand springs, give or take a century."

"Well you look very good for your age," she replied flirtatiously.

He shook his head and instructed, "You’d better get your armor on."

She nodded. "Will you be there?"

"Ileana, I can't interfere directly. You know that."

"I know. But if you were to watch? To show yourself to the Amazons, so they knew you were on our side. It might scare Nostrum's men to see the God of War allied against them. It would also make it easier for me to control your army. I can’t imagine they are too thrilled to be fighting on our behalf."

"I can do that," he agreed thoughtfully. "But you needn’t worry about my army. Timor will do as he’s told. His mother was an Amazon."

She nodded. "Wish me luck?"

He pulled her against him and whispered, "You don't need luck. You have a brilliant plan and an excellent leader. I forget her name, but she knows what she’s doing."

She laughed and put her arms around him. "A kiss then?"

He held her against him for a long moment, savoring holding her in his arms. She leaned against him, her heart beating softly, her breath warm on his neck. She tilted her face towards his expectantly.

He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, her right cheek, and then her left. Her lips parted, waiting for his. He laughed. "Little one, you are too much of a temptation for me."

She could feel his need, her own nearly as strong. She touched his lips with her fingers. He kissed them gently. She smiled and confirmed, "After this is over. No matter what happens. We will make the time."

He nodded and released her. She took a few steps, then came running back and kissed him lightly on the lips. Her eyes held a promise of so much more. Then she turned and ran toward Tessa’s hut to prepare for war.

'The waiting is the worst part,' Ileana thought. The Amazons and Ares’ army were waiting for Hera’s army to come down from the mountains. The pass was narrow; the soldiers would only be able to come out two abreast. It should be no trouble for her army to cut them down.

She had arrayed a group of warriors with crossbows on higher ground behind her, listening for once to the God of War’s advice. This time, she knew, her enemies were prepared to kill, and this time, she was more than prepared to kill them. 'We are fighting for our lives, our very existence,' she thought. 'I will not take chances.'

Ares’ men on horseback were in front, they would take the first assault, then the Amazons now on foot would handle any whom escaped. She nodded with satisfaction at Timor, the young soldier who had ridden with her to Thrace. 'To think Ares trusts him enough to let him lead an army,' she thought. Timor began to move his men into position.

She sighed and looked at Tessa who seemed for once, not to be actively hating her. 'We actually work well together,' Ileana thought. 'I wonder if she realizes the significance of this battle?'

Tessa thought, 'I must get through this battle alive. I must have this child. It's the only thing I have left.' She nodded to Ileana and moved further back in the Amazon lines. Ileana would be in front, leading the charge. Tessa’s job was to make sure the Amazons finished it.

Ileana moved quietly to Timor and mounted the horse he was holding for her. She looked around the area. 'Where is he?' she wondered. Then she saw him. Up on a hill, standing tall, powerful, dressed as always in black his sword gleaming at his side. 'He looks,' she thought, 'as if he could scowl his way through the army himself.' He saw her staring and smiled. His whole demeanor changed. For a moment he looked, not so like an angry God of War, but a man in love. As quick as the expression appeared, it vanished. Now again he looked as dark and menacing as a thundercloud. Within seconds, she knew why. She could hear the horses’ hooves. She looked at Timor and the two of them rode forward. It was time for the battle to begin.

Hera, watching from Olympus, was not pleased. She was not a tactician, not skilled in battle, yet even she could see what the outcome would be. 'That girl again. I will kill her.'

She must have spoken aloud, for suddenly Zeus was there. "You can't touch her."

"I beg your pardon," Hera snapped frostily. "What do you mean, I can't touch her?"

Zeus shook his head, "I have, at Ares request, issued an order of protection for her. No God may harm or kill her."

"How dare you!" Hera screamed. She was about to throw a fire bolt at him, when he gripped her arm.

"How dare I? How dare you!" he turned his queen to face him. "Hera, you have done many horrible things over the years. But attempting to kill your son to wake the Braca Stone tops the list. Then planning to use the Braca to destroy all mortals. Really, that’s a bit much, even for you."

"How dare you speak to me like this," she raged. "You and your mortals. What care I if a few mortals die? They are not important!"

"They are very important," Zeus explained patiently. "If there are no mortals to worship us, we will cease to exist. Or had you not thought of that?"

She hadn’t. She couldn’t see past her pain or anger. "I don't care! That girl hurt me and you protected her!"

Zeus shook his head. "She hurt you to try to save her life and that of your son’s. He apparently loves her and for reasons I will never understand, she seems to love him. Leave them alone. Let Ares have some peace."

"He is the God of War," Hera shouted. "He's not supposed to have peace!"

"He'll do his job. He always has."

"He's interfering! Look, he watches them. He helps them. He's not supposed to do that."

Zeus released Hera and went to look at the images of the battle between the Amazons and the army coming out of the mountain. He saw mortals fighting mortals and no sign of any godly interventions. When he turned back to tell Hera so, she was gone.

'Damn,' he thought. 'Where did she get to? Well, at least she won't kill the girl. She knows I'd have to punish her.' Zeus shook his head and turned back to watch the battle. The girl was magnificent. A first class warrior and beautiful to boot. His son did, at least, have good taste in mortals.

Hera went immediately to Antiope. She found her sitting in her room, staring at the walls, looking lost. "Child," Hera explained, "I'm sorry it’s taken me so long to come to see you."

Antiope raised her head. It took a moment for her eyes to focus. When they did, the rage and hate was very clear. "Is she dead? Did you kill her?"

Hera shook her head. "No, she lives as does your father. And worse, now Zeus, at your father’s request, has put a protection order on her. No God may touch her, kill her. Child, we are going to have to find another way."

"I can kill her!" Antiope exclaimed.

Hera shook her head. "You can't. You're half-god. The order extends to you as well."

"But I have no powers. What could they do to me?" the child asked curiously.

Hera retorted, "Besides kill you? Send you to the worst part of Tartarus, take all your demons and set them upon you. An eternity of terror."

"I don’t care! I hate her! I hate him! I wish they were dead! I wish I was dead," Antiope began to sob in loud angry bursts. The sobs contorted her face and her body.

Hera went to the girl to comfort her. "Antiope," she observed softly, "we'll find another way. I swear to you, we will. For the moment, if your sister survives the battle she’s presently fighting, she may have a few pitiful moments of happiness. As your father will. But then, we will take it all away. And Ares will know pain and heartache for all of eternity. This I promise you. We will make them pay!"

'The battle is going well,' Ares thought. He watched as it played out before him, thinking how like a chess game it looked. Ileana moves her pieces here; Nostrum moves his pieces there. Timor moves over there and Tessa moves over here. It was all going exactly the way Ileana planned. The long distance archers were cutting down one of every four soldiers coming out of the pass, Ileana leading Timor and his men were getting another two and the wave of Amazons behind them were finishing the job. Soon the ground was littered with wounded and dying men, but the Amazons and his army were having few injuries or casualties. 'She's truly brilliant,' he thought.

After several hours of fighting, Ileana gave a signal to the archers. They stopped shooting. She motioned Timor and the men back. What was she doing? Now he could see it, Nostrum was riding down the pass, a white flag held high. 'Be careful of him,' Ares thought. 'You can't trust him.' He forced himself to stay where he was. If she was going to lead the new Amazon nation, then she must handle this herself. Not that she would ever come running to him, but . . .

He watched Ileana sit proudly on the horse, apparently listening to what Nostrum said. She motioned Nostrum to dismount, which he did. She dismounted. Nostrum went to Ileana and bowed to her. She nodded and turned her back. Nostrum had his sword out and seemed about to use it on her when she turned back and kicked it out of his hand. Now she had her sword at his throat. She said something to him, which made the blood drain right out of his face. Ares smothered a laugh. To think he could ever have doubted whether she would be bloodthirsty enough to serve him. Nostrum was nodding his head as Ileana continued to speak to him. Finally, she removed her sword from his throat and he knelt on the ground in front of her.

She raised her eyes to look at the God of War. Ares saw the knife, he didn’t think he could get to her in time, Nostrum was about to stab her, when she noticed the knife and sliced off his hand. She looked at him sadly and then cut off his head. "Anyone else care to try me?" she shouted.

'That’s it. She’s won,' he thought. 'She will rule and no one will dare challenge her.' It was time to make arrangements. He caught her eye, nodded and then vanished.

Ileana directed Timor to round up the rest of the army from the hills. She would lead the Amazons back to the village. Timor was free to do what he wanted with the captives. She didn’t care, she knew they were finished, no matter Hera’s orders, they wouldn't try again. Besides, they had killed more than half Hera’s army and the ones left alive were terrified.

She rode to find Tessa. She found her, surprisingly, caring for some of the wounded. She looked exhausted and sick. Ileana dismounted. "Tessa, are you all right?" she asked.

Tessa nodded. "My sister, blood sister, is dead."

Ileana attempted to embrace the other girl. "I'm sorry. So sorry. How did it happen?"

"That one," Tessa pushed Ileana away and pointed at a very dead soldier. It looked as if he had been sliced into pieces.

Ileana nodded. "How many did we lose?"

"Not many," Tessa observed respectfully. "You were right. Ileana, I don't think. I'm not sure I could have done this. I don't want to rule. There are not so many of us now. Do you think, that is . . ." Suddenly Tessa began to sway and Ileana grabbed her to keep her from falling.

She shouted for Cyrene and laid Tessa gently on the ground. Cyrene examined her and explained, "No wounds. It’s exhaustion and the pregnancy."

"Pregnancy?" Ileana repeated. "She’s with child?"

Cyrene nodded her head. "She doesn’t look it," Ileana commented. "How can you be sure?"

Cyrene just looked at her. "It’s my job to know. Besides, I already examined her back in our village."

'So she was already pregnant before last night,' Ileana thought. 'The child is not Tobias’ it must be Ares. She would never dare with anyone else as long as she served in his temple. I wonder if he knows.' She nodded at Cyrene, picked Tessa gently up off the ground and laid her on the horse. She led the horse back to Tessa’s village thinking all the way.

Ileana carried Tessa into her hut and laid her gently on the bed. She got a small cloth, dipped it in some water and placed it on the other girl’s forehead. Then she began to gently rub her wrists together. Tessa opened her eyes. "What happened?"

"You fainted," Ileana replied.

Tessa’s eyes and hands instinctively went to her belly. When she realized what she had done, she looked to see if Ileana had caught it. Clearly, she had.

"Don’t worry about it," Ileana insisted. "He doesn’t know, does he?"

No need to pretend not to know who "he" was. "No and if he did he’d probably be furious enough to kill me and the child."

"Then we won't tell him," Ileana acknowledged. "Tessa, do you truly want this?"

"I love him," she answered softly. "I . . . yes. I want this."

"Then you shall have the child. Only you, I and Cyrene know, correct?"

"I didn't realize Cyrene knew. She wouldn't have told anyone would she?"

"No, she wouldn't. Very well, Cyrene doesn’t know whose it is; only you and I know that. How far along are you?"

"Not very." She looked at Ileana through veiled eyes. 'I can’t believe she’s behaving this way. What is she up to?'

"Good, then he won’t necessarily know it’s his. I'll make sure he knows about you and Tobias. He'll think it happened then. But Tessa, after the child is born, at some point, he will have to know. He has the right."

"You would keep this from him?" Tessa asked in surprise.

"To protect you and the child?" Tessa nodded. "Yes. He can be very . . . difficult as you must know, when he is not pleased about something."

Tessa smiled. She knew only too well how he could be. "You're no longer vowed to Artemis are you?"

"No," she admitted. "It's finally my turn to be a chosen one," she added with a laugh. "Do you know, the day we met, when you told me, I had no idea what you were talking about. I was so innocent! Well, that’s all long past. Tessa, we worked well together, don’t you think? I'd like very much for that to continue. I'd like us to be friends."

"You don’t mind about this?" Tessa asked, pointing at her belly.

Ileana shook her head, "He is what he is. I can either accept him or not. I have always known he would have other lovers. He is a god and not subject to the same rules you or I are. Besides, he is immortal I'm not. At some point, I'll be dust and then what would I want him to do? Sex has been his only pleasure and his only release. Would I take that from him? So no, I don't mind, but truthfully, I can't say I'm thrilled either."

Tessa laughed. "I'd hate me, if the roles were reversed."

"Hate you? For loving him? For wanting his child?" Ileana shook her head again. "That would be like hating myself for the same thing." Ileana began to pace. "The question is, what are we going to do? Clearly, you can't go back to Thrace. If Antiope even guessed, she would be, well, you know her." Tessa nodded. "Have you thought at all what you would like to do?"

Tessa sat up on the bed. "Not really. I had always intended to stay here and have the child. Then after, well, I had no plan. And now, things have changed."

"Yes, they have." Ileana paused and focused her blue eyes on Tessa’s green ones. "Before you fainted, you were going to ask me something. Do you remember?"

Tessa nodded. "I think it would be in all our best interests if the tribes were combined."


"I agree. If we are to do this though, the question becomes where will we live? I can't be in two places at once; we will all have to choose where to live. Do you think your tribe would be willing to relocate to Parnasis? We have more room there and the town is friendly to us."

"I don’t know. We'll have to meet to discuss it. I can't promise all would come, but I think a large portion would." She paused and added, "I'd be proud to and believe me, that's not something I ever thought I'd say. Ileana, I was wrong about you. I'm sorry."

Ileana went to her and admitted, "Tessa, thank you. I'm glad we are able to get passed, well what we needed to get passed. And I promise you, we will keep this from him until he needs to know."

"Thank you, Queen Ileana," Tessa observed softly. "Thank you."

Antiope was much calmer by the time Hera left. Now, she had a plan. A focus. She decided it was time to see what the god who lived here could do for her. She left her room and wandered down to the forge. As usual, Hesphestaus was busy, making something. 'He’s ugly,' she thought. 'How can Aphrodite stand him? Of course, she doesn’t spend much time here either.'

"Hello, Uncle," she muttered softly.

Hesphestaus looked up. The child, who looked so like his brother, was standing there looking inquiringly at him. When Hera had arrived with her, he hadn’t wanted to take her in. Hera had insisted and he gave in, if only because arguing with his mother took too much energy. Besides, he could understand needing to protect the child from the God of War, he wasn't known for his kindness after all. "Good afternoon, Antiope."

"What are you making?" she asked.

"I’m working on a new kind of metal," he explained. "One that will stay sharp longer and cut better."

"How interesting," she muttered. 'How boring,' she thought. Still, maybe he could make something for her, something she and Hera could use. Hera had told her he was clever. Maybe there was some way she could use him.

Ileana left Tessa’s hut, exhausted. It had taken some time, but the two of them had worked out a plan. Now she needed to find Tobias and get rid of him. She knew he had stayed in the village, to help protect it in case the battle had spilled over. In order for their plan to work, he needed to be gone. Tobias would never allow them to use him as they planned to.

She found him with Kori. The two of them looked up guiltily when she said hello. 'They've been talking about me. And possibly plotting. Silly fools,' she thought affectionately.

Tobias jumped to his feet. "Ileana, you look exhausted. Have you slept at all in the last few days?"

She thought briefly of the rest she’d had in Ares’ arms in the tree. She smiled at the memory. "A little, yes. There'll be plenty of time for sleeping later. I wanted to thank you again for helping us and see if you needed an escort back to Thrace."

The Kori and Tobias exchanged a look. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" Tobias asked.

Ileana shrugged. "You know you're always welcome. But things have changed. I didn't think you wished to see it. Besides, we won't be staying here that much longer."

"What does that mean?" Kori asked.

"I'd like to discuss it with you," Ileana explained. "Privately."

"I know when I'm not wanted," he accused.

"Tobias, this is Amazon business and doesn't concern you. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but surely you must know as Queen, I have a great many responsibilities."

"Especially to the God of War," he complained bitterly.

"That's why I thought you would wish to leave," she snapped angrily. "I don't need yet another voice warning me of some dire circumstance that's not going to happen. I'm an adult, fully capable of making decisions and taking my own risks. I'm very tired of everyone treating me as a child. Do you know I killed twenty men today? The last one, the leader, first I cut off his hand when he tried to stab me, then I cut off his head. I don't believe that someone capable of doing that needs to worry about the God of War!"

He couldn’t believe it. His Ileana, that sweet girl, had killed like that? Maybe she was right. Maybe he should forget her. He didn’t think he could love this woman, though she still had the same eyes. He bowed his head, "I'm sorry. It's easy to forget when one looks at you, that you're a warrior. Easy to forget you've been trained to kill since you were a child. I don't need an escort to Thrace. I can get back on my own. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Wait," she conceded. "I don't want our last meeting to be angry." She went to him and took his hands.

"Tobias," she pled softly. "It was a great pleasure to have you in my life when I was younger. You gave me joy and taught me much. I treasure those memories. Don't take them from me."

He gave her a crooked smile. For a moment, she looked like the sixteen-year-old girl who had bound and gagged him. He pulled her into a hug. She allowed it and even hugged him back. He released her and agreed, "This time, we will part as friends."

"I'd like that," she confirmed. "I'd like that very much."

"And remember," he insisted softly, "I promised you a service. I've paid my debt to Galea, but not to you. I'll always honor it."

"Thank you." She curtseyed to him and then walked away. Kori gave one last look at Tobias and followed Ileana.

"Just like that?" Kori asked several minutes later after Ileana had outlined the plans.

"Yes," Ileana repeated, "just like that. We will all discuss it of course, but the decision has been made. Tessa and I have agreed we should combine the tribes and move to Parnasis. I'll need your help to make sure this goes smoothly."

"And if I don't wish to help?" Kori asked.

"Why wouldn't you?" Ileana repeated in confusion.

"Ileana," Kori explained gently, "I'm leaving."

"Leaving? Why? Where will you go? You can’t leave! I need you!" Ileana exclaimed.

Kori laughed softly. "You don't need me. You are a Queen in every way. You proved that today. I have never seen a sight more beautiful or more terrifying than you in battle. You planned it and then led the attack. And the way you killed Nostrum! I'm probably the only one, besides you, who knew you let him think he could get away with attacking you, so that you could brutally kill him. Ileana, you don't need me. You don't even need him."

"I don't want to discuss him now," Ileana declared. "I want to discuss you. Why are you leaving me?"

Kori shook her head. "You can't discuss one without the other. I came to you because of him. I'm leaving you for the same reason."

"I don't want you to go," Ileana repeated. "Who will I have to guide me? To help me. I don’t know enough about running a tribe. Battle, fighting, these things I can handle. But the other . . . If you leave, there's no one to guide me."

"There's Artemis," Kori insisted softly. "She's good with the things you aren't."

Ileana shook her head. "I don't think Artemis likes me much especially right now."

"It doesn't matter," Kori answered firmly. "She wishes to keep the power the tribe offers her. She'll help."

"I'd rather you stay and help," Ileana stubbornly reiterated. "You've been my teacher and my friend. I need you."

Kori shook her head, "I can't stay and watch you with him. For reasons complicated and uncomfortable, it is painful to me. I don't begrudge you your happiness or now, that he has released me from service, even his. I just don't wish to see it."

Ileana studied Kori’s face carefully. She looked drawn, almost gaunt, as if something had happened to her. Something so painful it was eating her up inside. Ileana nodded. She couldn't make Kori stay if it would hurt her so. "Where will you go?" she asked.

"Tobias has offered me a place on his farm. I have never lived in a house or grown anything. I thought I might take him up on it."

"When do you leave?" Ileana gave in.

"When he does, which probably means either tonight or tomorrow," Kori answered.

Ileana embraced her friend. "I will miss you so much," she whispered. "I love you."

"And I you, child," Kori affirmed. She released herself from the embrace. "I will miss you too." Kori touched Ileana’s face once and then turned and walked away.

Ileana felt her whole body begin to sag. Suddenly she felt truly exhausted. Still, there was one last thing. She whispered into the wind, "Lord Ares, I have need of you. Now."

She felt him first, his arm slipped around her waist and then she vanished.

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