The Chosen One

Chapter Seven

By LoreliLee

Rating: NC17

Warnings: This story contains scenes graphic consensual sex between a man and a woman. If you are under 18, find any of this offensive or if this is illegal where you live, please read something else.

Disclaimer: The characters of Ares and Artemis belong to Greek Mythology and also apparently to Universal Studios and Pacific Renaissance and this story is not intended to violate any copyrights held by MCA, Universal Studios, Renaissance Pictures or any other entity involved in the making of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys or Xena: Warrior Princess.

Author's Note: While this story is not a true sequel to Kalea, Dawn of the Dead, or Ransoming the Stone, it is a continuation of the story of the Amazons of Parnasis. You don't have to have read the other stories to enjoy this one. However, you should probably read Chapters One-Six. <g>

Ileana woke up slowly feeling his arms wrapped around her. She opened her eyes and stretched. She realized she was still dressed. 'I can't believe it,' she thought. She turned on her side into his body.

"Hello," he murmured. His mouth twisted in a sardonic grin. "So much for my feeble attempt at romance."

She laughed softly. When she had arrived in his arms, in his bedroom, she was amazed at the transformation. There was a bower of flowers, candles and soft fabrics. There was a table laden with fruits, sweets, cheese, bread and wine. There was the scent of honeysuckle and lavender everywhere. Lying across the large bed was a nightgown of some filmy soft fabric beautifully decorated with lace and ribbons. "Is this for me?" she had asked softly.

He’d laughed and pulled her tightly against him. That was the last thing she remembered, until waking up in his arms. "You know I haven’t really slept for three days. While you may not need sleep, some of us mortals do. Being in charge is exhausting. I certainly didn't plan to fall asleep."

He caressed her cheek. "You’re awake now," he observed.

"So I am," she agreed happily. She touched his hair. The curls framed his face, which made him look angelic and very sexy. "Ares," she whispered suddenly nervous, "I'm inexperienced. You'll have to teach me everything."

He laughed. "Don't worry, little one." He pulled her tight against him. "The first step," he suggested, "is for you to take a bath. I have nothing against blood, but . . ."

She smiled. "I am somewhat ripe. But Ares, won't you join me?"

"I was hoping you'd ask," he observed. He released her and rolled off the bed. He took her hands and led her behind a screen where a tub large enough for two was hidden. He pointed at the water and immediately steam began to rise.

Her blue eyes widened in surprise and then she laughed, "You're a handy God to have around. One would never have to boil water again."

He smiled. "Would you like me to turn while you undress?"

She shook her head. "I don't think I'm modest. At least not with you." She went to reach for the ties on her vest and her fingers began to shake. "Maybe you can help me?" she asked tentatively.

"With pleasure," he replied. Gently, slowly, he untied her vest and pushed it off her shoulders. It fell to the floor, leaving her naked from the waist up. Her firm breasts were lovely, round and full, with pink nipples just starting to harden. He stared at them hungrily. He could hear her quick intake of breath. He continued to gaze at her eagerly, his eyes moving over her exposed body.

She smiled. Her hands began to fumble with her skirt and again she requested his help. He pulled the lace and it dropped. Now she was completely naked and more beautiful than he thought possible.

"Ares," she hinted, "you're still dressed. May I . . . that is . . . can I help?"

He could have made his clothing vanish, but it seemed she wished to undress him. She came closer to him and began with her usually so sure and strong fingers to unlace his vest. But wonder of wonders, her fingers weren't fumbling now. He looked down at her and understood; she had wanted him to undress her, but was afraid to ask.

She undid the last tie and slowly pushed his vest from his shoulders. She couldn't believe how beautiful he was. His arms were massive, his chest broad and thickly covered with dark hair. She couldn’t help herself; she had to touch him. Her fingers tentatively explored the hair on his chest. She found his nipples and touched them lightly.

She lifted her face to his. She could see the hunger in his eyes. She reached down to unlace his pants, accidentally brushing her fingers along his manhood. He moaned her name softly. She found she didn't have the nerve. She took a step back and requested, "Maybe you’d better."

He laughed and his pants disappeared.

She gasped when she saw his nakedness. "You're so beautiful," she observed. "I always thought so."

"You did?" he murmured. Naked, he knew his power. Still, it was good to know she found him pleasing. "Time for our bath," he instructed.

He led her to the steps and helped her get into the water. Once she was inside and up to her neck, he followed. He sat opposite her and watched as she relaxed in the hot water.

"This is wonderful," she reflected. "Usually I bathe in the river. It never gets hot."

"It’s not too hot is it?"

"It’s perfect," she insisted as she came over to sit by him. "This is perfect. You're perfect. Kiss me!"

He laughed. "There’s no need to rush is there?"

"None," she confirmed. "I told Tessa I'd be back in two days for her tribe’s answer. How long did I sleep?"

"About half a day. So see, little one, no need to rush anything."

"Except," she complained, "that we've waited so long. And I want you so much."

Again he laughed. "Well, let’s start with washing, shall we? I’ll do your back and then you can do mine."

"You're going to torture me, aren’t you?" she asked rhetorically.

"Of course," he agreed as he began soaping her back. "I am the God of War."

"Once you teach me about this," she retorted, "I'm going to torture you."

"You've been torturing me for years," he revealed. "Without even trying."

She turned then, a serious, stricken look on her face. "Ares, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

"Oh, I guess you want me to soap your front now?" he asked in a teasing tone. Then seeing her face still looked stricken, he added, "Ileana, it wasn't your fault. You had no way to know and you were so young."


She smiled then and opened her arms to him. "I'm here now and I love you. We don't need to play games or wait."

"Playing games is part of the fun," he hinted softly. "And anticipation makes it sweeter. Unless of course, you’d rather not?" When she didn’t speak, he began soaping her breasts, paying special attention to her nipples, which under his expert fingers began to harden immediately. She moaned his name.

"Why do you get to have all the fun?" she asked. "Where’s the soap?"

He laughed and handed it to her. She moved closer to him and began to lather up his chest. His skin felt so hot. The hair on his chest was soft and coarse at the same time. His muscles were so hard it was like caressing stone. When she was finished with that she got a wicked gleam in her eyes and began moving her hands down his body, toward the area between his legs. He grabbed her hands before she could get there.

"Not yet," he insisted. He pulled her to him, placed her so she was close, but not to close and took her face in his hands. He began to kiss her softly, gently, just the lightest of pressures, just as he had the first time.

She kissed him back, her body arching toward his. Oh, how she wanted him. She pressed her lips harder to his, opened her mouth to him. The kiss seemed to go on forever, their mouths, now open, hungry, searching, their tongues entwined. She was moaning and moving forward toward him.

His hands left her face and reached down to caress her breasts. He held one in his hand and gently rubbed a nipple.

The sensations coursing through her were like a red-hot fire. She had never felt anything like it. As his finger gently rubbed her nipple she felt a warmth spread through her lower regions, a pleasure so intense she thought she would scream. She tore her mouth from his. She could barely breathe.

She looked at him and with hungry hands reached down into the water. Again, he stopped her. "No," he directed softly, "not yet."

She sighed, "Not fair! I want to touch you."

"Ileana," he contended sternly, "allow me to set the pace. After this, I promise you, I'll let you be as wild as you like."

"Hrmph," was her grumbled reply.

"Aren't you enjoying this?" he asked.

"It's wonderful and frustrating. I feel such intense sensations, but I want to touch you too. To make you feel them as well."

So that was it. "Ileana, come here." He opened his arms and pulled her tightly against his chest. He settled her bottom over his throbbing manhood. "Can you feel that?" he asked.

"Yes," she concurred snuggling into his arms.

"That's me feeling some very strong sensations." She shifted her position slightly and felt him throb beneath her. She wiggled her bottom and felt him do it again. Now she had a big grin on her face.

"Much better," she murmured. Now she took his face in her hands and began to kiss him. She pressed her chest against him, loving the tickle feel of his hair on her skin.

Ares let her kiss him, his hands running up and down her spine, down the sides of her breasts. She began to moan again and had to stop kissing him to breathe.

He took advantage of this to remove her hands from his face. He kissed her neck, slowly, tickling her with his tongue and beard. She moaned and shifted again in his lap. He began to kiss his way down her throat, towards her breasts. Her breath was coming in short gasps. He reached her breasts and for a moment simply rubbed his lips gently across the top of a nipple. She moaned his name and tried to pull his head closer. Now he flicked his tongue out and lightly licked first one nipple, then the other. She was moving back and forth in his lap. He could feel her excitement. He knew each time he licked a nipple, she felt it deep inside.

He reached down, feeling for her nether lips. Gently, very gently, while still kissing and licking her nipple, he found the opening he was looking for and lightly traced those lips until they opened for him. He slowly slipped a finger in about halfway to see what she would do. She moaned and rubbed herself against him.

He slipped the finger out and used it and his thumb to caress her bud. The second he stroked it, she screamed and squirted hot liquid all over his hand. He inserted two fingers inside her while he continued to play with her sweet spot, his mouth now sucking a hard nipple. She was moaning his name, trying to climb him, her hands clawing at his back.

He lifted his face and smiled at her. He slipped his fingers out of her and lifted her up. Slowly, very slowly, he set her back down, so that with each drop of an inch, his shaft could move inside her. It was sweet agony how slow he went, but he didn't want to hurt her.

Finally, he was all the way inside her. He smothered a laugh as she moaned, "My lord, my god."

She was incredibly responsive which made him even wilder with desire. Even so, he stayed still, letting her get used to the feel of him inside her. She bent her head to kiss his neck, tickling him with her tongue. She kissed his Adam’s apple.

He began to thrust slowly moving in and out only a little at a time, giving her body time to accommodate to his size and the new sensations. She was moaning again and trying to move with him. She moved her hands down his back, her fingers digging trenches in his skin. She held him so tightly both with her arms and inside, he knew he couldn't hold out much longer. He began to move faster, thrusting harder, holding her hips still. She was trying to move, trying to rub against him. He slid one of his hands to her bud. It was already hard, just waiting for his questing fingers. He rubbed it gently, felt it stiffen and then she exploded. She screamed his name; shot hot liquid all over him and squeezed his organ tight. Within seconds, he too was finding release, saying her name. After a few moments, when his spasms had stopped and she was still holding him, spent inside her, he reached down and again stroked her bud. She began squirming again, clinging to him and trying to climb him. Her mouth tried to reach his and when it couldn’t she bit his neck. Then again, she was in orgasm, spurting more liquid, screaming, moaning, and saying his name over and over again. He had never heard a sweeter sound.

She collapsed against him; her breathing ragged, her heart beating very fast, her body still shaking convulsively. "Are you trying to kill me?" she asked breathlessly.

He laughed into her neck. "Only with pleasure. You won't actually die from it, but you may come very close. I take it you enjoyed this?"

"Oh yes," she agreed happily. She squirmed on his lap, he could feel his spent manhood slip out of her. "Can we do it again?"

He laughed. "Yes. Mortal men usually take time to recover, but one of the advantages of being a god . . . although I can still only have one orgasm at a time. Women as I'm sure you noticed can come multiple times."

"How sad for you," she murmured, "and how lucky for me."

"You're a greedy one," he whispered as he stroked her hair. "But I don't mind if it makes you happy."

"You do make me happy," she claimed. "Now how can I make you happy? I’m sure there must be a way."

"Oh yes, little one," he admitted, his voice husky with passion. "There are many ways. And by the time you go back, you will have learned them all. But for now, I think we need to wash again."

By the time Ileana returned to Tessa’s village, she was well versed in the ways of the flesh. Her entire body tingled with a satisfied but happy ache. She had explored every inch of the God of War’s body and he of hers. It had been incredible. 'How can anyone live without this?' she wondered. She couldn’t wait to be with him again. But they both knew she had to go back, knew that no matter how much they wanted to be together, duty came first for them both.

When he brought her back she suggested, "Ares, I don’t know when, but soon? Please."

He held her tightly. She was incredible, so enthusiastic, so loving. She wasn't very skilled, but it hardly mattered. Everything she did was filled with love; a genuine need to share and to give, so it changed all of it. Each act of sex became an act of love and for him, an act of redemption. With other women, he had always tried to be considerate, to make sure they had as much pleasure as he, but never before had he wanted to give more. To be unselfish, to put her pleasure ahead of his. With her, his pleasure became secondary, her pleasure paramount. For her it was the same. The end result was a level of pleasure, of release, he had never known before. Each experience was so intense, so filled with sensation it was always like a first time. 'I could get used to this,' he thought.

He kissed her forehead gently. "Summon me, you know how. If I'm able, I'll come to get you."

"If you get me," she teased seductively, "I'll make sure you come."

He laughed, released her and then vanished. She smiled at the empty space where he had been standing for a long moment. Then she turned to go find Tessa.

When Ares finally returned to Thrace he discovered Antiope was gone. No one knew when she left or with whom or where she had gone. He was actually relieved, but Ileana was furious with him, sure that Antiope had been kidnapped, sure she had been killed. Ileana was sure that if Ares had brought her to Thrace when she first asked him, Antiope would still have been there. It took all his powers of persuasion to convince Ileana not to worry.

Finally, after searching he discovered that Antiope was fine and living in Hesphestaus’ castle. Ares suspected Hera had taken her there, but he couldn’t prove it. He stayed away from his mother and his daughter. He had no wish to feel Hera's wrath over Ileana and considering everything, he wasn't sure if he could control his own rage if he did see either of them. He was convinced Antiope had a hand in Hera's plans, but out of respect for Ileana's feelings, he did nothing about it.

Antiope had an idea. She had explored Hesphestaus’ workshop and library. She had never been taught to read, but she instinctively understood weapons. She had seen several drawings in a portfolio in the library. One day, when Aphrodite was visiting and she knew Hesphestaus would be busy; she crept into the library.

She pulled out the portfolio and flipped through the drawings. They were mostly of weapons or armor. Some spears, swords, a shield, a girdle, and a bow. Each had writing, some kind of name, and what she thought must be a description. 'I need to get Hera to see these,' she thought. 'Maybe there's something here.'

Ileana began to combine the tribes into one nation teaching the Amazons from elsewhere the traditions and values she lived by. She and Ares were able to steal moments to be together and the occasional night, but never more than one day or night at a time. Things were going well within the new Amazon nation. Even the addition of another hundred Amazons from the East didn't stop the progress. The tribe now numbered over five hundred, a great nation indeed.

Ileana had taken Kori’s advice about Artemis to heart. When she returned to Parnasis, she had summoned the goddess, using the phrases Galea had taught her. At first, Artemis was skeptical. She knew the instant she saw Ileana that she and Ares had finally been intimate. There was a glow about her that would have lit a moonless night.

Still, after a time, Artemis realized Ileana was serious. Ileana wasn't too proud to ask for help and since at least half the tribe worshipped Artemis, it seemed the best solution. Artemis now knew Ileana would keep her word.

The thing that worried Ileana most was a clear line of succession. One day, about seven moon-cycles after they had all moved to Parnasis, Ileana held a meeting with Tyr, Myla, Tessa and Artemis. She had asked Ares not to come and she knew he would honor her request.

Tessa wondered why she had been included. Ileana guessed her thoughts and addressed that first. "Tessa, are you wondering why you’re here?" At the redhead's nod Ileana continued, "I need to name a successor in case something happens. We're too big with too many diverse personalities. The old way, of trial by combat, where there is no heir, is not acceptable to me. Since I don't have family to carry my line, I must pick someone. Tessa, I would like that someone to be you."

Tessa was shocked. Though she and Ileana had made their peace, she wasn't completely over her jealousy and anger. Worse, as each day passed and Ares’ child continued to grow inside her, the pain of losing him increased. It didn't matter she had never had him, that the child was conceived by trickery. What mattered was he wasn't hers and never would be. "Me?" Tessa asked.

"Yes. Had the tribes not combined, you would be a Queen as well. Artemis and I have discussed this and we feel all would accept you. Plus, if your child is a girl, there will be a clear line of succession beyond."

"And if you have a child?" Tessa asked.

Ileana’s eyes grew sad. "It seems that is not going to be possible. Artemis has the skills to see certain things and apparently I'll never be able to bear children."

Tyr ran to her friend and threw her arms around her. Ileana shook her off. She admitted affectionately, "Perhaps that is the price I pay for other things. There must be a line if the Nation is to remain one Nation. Tessa, will you accept?"

"What if something should happen to me?"

"The child," Ileana insisted. "If the child is a girl, she will be queen. Artemis?"

"Tessa, if you'll allow me, you're far enough along, I can touch you and tell."

Tessa looked at Ileana. No one knew their secret. But wouldn’t Artemis guess? Ileana gestured for her to go ahead. Tessa nodded and the goddess came to her. Artemis gently placed her hand on Tessa’s belly and shut her eyes. A moment later she opened them with a beatific look on her face.

"It's a girl," Artemis confirmed. "Well, Tessa," the goddess asked. "Will you accept on behalf of yourself and the child?"

Tessa nodded. "Excellent," Ileana announced. "Tessa, starting now and until it’s your time, Artemis and I will train you in the same way she and Galea trained me. Ares will have some involvement as well, but not as much. His worship will still be an option at eighteen, but since we're united now, there is less conflict. He will also still have some say in our training, but for the day to day existence and such, we mostly do without him. I think you'll find it very interesting and not at all what you expect. I know I did."

"Tyr, Myla, thank you for coming. Tomorrow, at the feast, I'll announce this. So please, don't say anything until then. Tessa, if you wouldn’t mind staying?"

Tessa nodded. Artemis went to her, studied her green eyes and acknowledged, "I know you were my brother’s priestess and I know what that meant. I don't expect you could vow yourself to me. But I hope you'll come to accept me and my advice as Ileana does."

Tessa curtseyed and explained, "Goddess, my relationship with the God of War didn't follow the normal path. Though I did serve in his temple for four years, I mostly took care of his daughter. As for anything else, that is long over. I'll trust you as Ileana does. As far as I can tell, you have always advised her fairly and well."

"Thank you," the goddess lauded. "I'll see you both tomorrow." Ileana nodded and Artemis vanished.

Tessa opened her mouth to speak, but Ileana pressed her fingers to her lips in a gesture of silence. She stood there for a moment, listening with her head cocked, then her whole body relaxed. She remarked, "Sometimes Artemis likes to snoop. I can tell when she stays, even if invisible. It took me a while, but now I can always tell."

Tessa shook her head in amazement. "Are you sure you aren’t half god? You seem to treat our gods as equals and having seen you in battle, I do admit to wondering."

"I'm sure I'm mortal. If I'm not, then Cyan didn't know it either. But surely, when it came to Ares, you could feel him too?"

"Sometimes, but often his appearance would totally surprise me. Which makes me wonder, how do we handle this?"

"Tessa, it's the perfect solution. I'll tell you something even Artemis doesn't know. With the exception of Kalea, the last three queens of this tribe have been his line including Galea."

"How do you know this?"

"He told me. It seems Kalea wanted to firm up her position as Queen so she made a bargain with him. A child in exchange for Amazons to serve him. Her daughter, his daughter, was the next Queen and so on. But because Galea chose Artemis, that line has ended. With you and your child, the line can begin again."

"You sound as though you expect something to happen to you," Tessa mused thoughtfully. "You said you can't have children. Are you ill?"

"No, it's not that." Ileana’s eyes clouded over. She couldn't tell Tessa about the disturbing dream or of Hera’s threat. "A good Queen will always make sure the tribe can continue. My job, and one day yours, is first and foremost, to ensure everyone’s safety. The best way to do that is to make sure there is a clear line of succession. If all know who will follow and accept it, then there is one less conflict down the road."

Tessa nodded in understanding. "Did you choose me because of the child?"

"Partly," Ileana answered honestly. "But mostly because it could have so easily been you instead of me who fought the Braca and Hera’s army. If you hadn't gone to serve in Thrace, our positions, our training, our status would have been the same. Tessa, you're a skilled warrior and impending motherhood has softened some of the other edges. You'll make a good queen."

Tessa was astonished. Every time she thought she understood Ileana, Ileana did something unexpected. "Thank you," Tessa asserted. "I'll try and justify your faith in me."

"You'll succeed," Ileana advised. "Now, how is the baby?"

Tessa laughed, "She kicks like a goat all day long. Otherwise, Cyrene says she is happy and healthy. She paused, "Does he . . . that is . . ."

"He doesn’t know. He believes as we wanted him to that the child is Tobias’. He seems very sure it couldn't be his anyway. I don’t quite know why he would think that and it is not something he feels he can explain, but he does. Still I know you told me the truth. However it happened, it happened. His daughter will once again rule and that pleases me."

"Despite what he says you believe me?" Tessa asked.

"Yes," Ileana confirmed. "I could tell from your eyes and your terror at his possible discovery it was true."

'Amazing,' Tessa thought. She curtseyed to Ileana and inquired, "If that is all?" Ileana nodded and Tessa left.

When she was alone, Ileana broke down. When she had asked Artemis, that day, why she couldn't conceive, Artemis had told her she would never be able to bear a child. How Artemis knew this she wouldn’t say, except to say it was true. Ileana believed her. She didn't know how she was going to tell him. She began to cry, in long, heart wrenching sobs. She was so upset, for once, she didn't realize he was there before he materialized.

"Ileana," he asked with concern, "what's wrong?"

She just continued to helplessly sob. He took her in his arms and held her. "Tell me, little one," he whispered. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and clung to him. After what seemed an eternity she finally stopped sobbing. He still cradled her tenderly. "Oh, Ares, I don't know how to tell you this."

"You can tell me, little one," he insisted softly. "Whatever it is, we can make it all right."

"You can't make it all right. No one can make it right."

"Are you ill? I can heal you."

"You can heal?" she asked. Maybe he could, but no, Artemis said it wasn't possible.

"Injuries, certain kinds of illness, yes. I can heal."

She shook her head. "Ares, I can't have children." There, she’d said it.

Instead of exploding, as she had thought he would, he held her tighter and whispered, "Is that all? Ileana, it doesn’t matter."

"Truly?" she asked. He nodded. "I wanted to have your child. Wanted to so much."

"I know," he acknowledged as he stroked her hair. "But if it’s not possible, then it’s not. Artemis is never wrong about these things."

"Could this be Hera’s doing? Her way to drive a wedge between us? She is the Goddess of Fertility, isn’t she?"

"Yes, she is, but no she couldn't have done this. A protected mortal is protected from everything a god could do."

"What do you mean, a protected mortal?"

He hadn't told her what he'd done, had never intended to. He was afraid it would make her less careful. Now he would have to explain. "After the Braca, when I left you at Tessa’s Village, I went to Zeus. I insisted he issue an order of protection in your name, so that Hera or anyone else couldn't harm you. He didn’t want to do it, but I convinced him. I think he was more afraid, for once, of what I might do if Hera killed you, then of what she would do when she found out."

"You did that for me? You asked your father for a favor?"

He nodded. "And if I thought I cared for you then . . . You're the only woman I have ever known . . . the only one, mortal, or God, who has ever embraced all of me, the good and the bad. You don't try to change me, you just accept me."

His words left her breathless. She knew he cared for her, but had never until that moment understood what HER loving HIM meant to him. Her heart overflowed with love, with happiness, she thought she would burst. "Ares," she whispered, "I thought, before you came here tonight, that it wouldn't be possible to love you more than I did. But I was wrong. What you did, what you just said, I think my heart will explode with loving you."

He began to kiss her then, the two were locked in an embrace so tight, so bound in that moment, they became one, not only in thought, but also in spirit. The two lovers joined in a sensual and loving dance that knows no words. Their lovemaking was about feelings, about emotions, about touching souls with such a deep knowledge that words couldn't describe it. They rose to a pinnacle of pleasure and completion that neither had ever felt before and when they were done, they lay tightly coiled about each other, body and soul entwined. They fell asleep completely sated and completely one.

"You have to push," Ileana insisted. She and Artemis were with Tessa, trying to help her through the childbirth. Despite Artemis’ skill and experience, it wasn't going well.

Tessa had been in labor for hours and still the child wouldn't come. Finally, Artemis thought she saw the head. "Push, Tessa," Ileana repeated. "Push hard."

Tessa huffed, puffed, pushed, and wished she could kill Ares and Elica both, because the pain she was in was excruciating. "I’m trying," she grunted through gritted teeth.

"One more big one," Artemis suggested. "I can see the head. I need you to push the baby out."

"Tessa, scream, cry, swear, anything. We need you to push."

Tessa took a deep breath, let out a war cry and with all the strength she had left, pushed.

Blessedly, the baby popped out, right into Ileana’s outstretched arms. Ileana spanked the child and it let out a lusty cry. The baby had soft brown down on its head and was most definitely a girl. Ileana wiped the baby with a damp cloth, wrapped it in a blanket, and with regret, handed it to Tessa.

"What will you name her?" Artemis asked.

"Myrina," Tessa declared quickly. The name had come to her in a dream.

"It’s a beautiful name," Ileana admitted. "For a beautiful child."

"She is beautiful, isn’t she?" Tessa echoed as the newborn tried to grip her finger.

"Very beautiful," Ileana replied. She was suddenly overwhelmed with a wave of jealousy so strong she needed to leave. "Tessa, you rest now. Artemis will stay for a while and then some of the others will come to help you care for the child." Tessa ignored her and cooed to the baby.

Ileana left the hut and when she was outside, felt the bile of jealousy rise in her throat. She began to retch, in great gasps, that left her throat raw and her stomach empty.

She felt a light touch on her shoulder and found Artemis at her side. "If I didn’t know better I'd think you were pregnant. Ileana, what's wrong?"

She shook her head. As well as she and Artemis got along now; she still didn't trust her. And this wasn't her secret. "It’s nothing. Something I ate."

"I don't believe you," the goddess refuted. "Still, if you don't wish to discuss it, I can't force you. And since my brother taught you that trick, I can no longer read your mind."

This made Ileana laugh. "He does have a nasty habit of spoiling other people’s fun, doesn’t he?"

Artemis smiled. "I never thought I'd say this, but I think you're a better queen than you would have been had I kept you vowed. Somehow you seem to have more compassion, more warmth; more understanding of frailties than you did before. How you could learn any of that from him, I don't understand. And yet . . ."

Ileana laughed. Artemis had never understood her brother and she doubted the goddess ever would. "Goddess," Ileana replied, "you can learn from everyone you meet. Even the God of War. You must admit, your fears were unfounded. If anything, he has less to do with the tribe than before."

"Yes," Artemis admitted, "that's true. I don't understand that either."

"It’s simple really," Ileana explained. "Before, when my sisters were scattered everywhere there was more conflict. More reason to fight to protect our encampments and villages. Now, with all of us together, we're a large force. No one wants to fight an army as skilled as ours. Moreover, after the battle with Hera’s army, the carnage we created, people are afraid. Not here in Parnasis, but where they don't know us. We're safe now. For a long time I hope."

No wonder Ares found her so attractive. It wasn’t just her beauty, she could really see, analyze, not just battle plans, but long term goals as well. Like ensuring the succession. Still, she must know about Zeus’s order. "You're not still worried about Hera, are you?"

Ileana smiled ruefully. "I'll always worry about Hera. I know of Zeus’ order, but what is to stop Hera from using a mortal or mortals to get at me? What is to stop her from trying to harm the Nation? Why do you think I was so adamant about securing the succession? About making us as large a force as I can. I'm afraid she'll attempt to get at me through them. Or get at him."

Artemis patted her shoulder again. "You don't need to fear for him. She wouldn't dare to try to harm him again, much as she might like to. We all need him too much."

"Even though you all treat him like so much garbage?" she retorted sarcastically. "Even you Artemis. The only one who ever speaks of him with any affection is Eris and even that is tinged with regret. She is not too fond of me, as you can imagine."

"No, I don’t expect she would be. She liked being in the center of his universe. You have apparently usurped her place."

"I do seem to run around making the Gods angry," she snapped, "don’t I?"

Artemis laughed. "At least you don't do it on purpose. You can't imagine the wrath and havoc we cause to those that do."

Ileana gave her a knowing look, "I can well imagine it. You forget I have seen Hera in action. Ares too."

"And yet, you love him so," the goddess revealed in wonder. "I don't understand it. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Eros arrows had struck you both. But," she added at Ileana’s shocked expression, "I do know better. It's not that. It's one of those little mysteries that life offers us, never to be solved by either mortal or God."

Antiope sat on Hesphestaus’ lap trying to get him to explain the different drawings to her. It had taken her a long time to worm her way into his confidence. Now she had it and still she had found nothing.

There was only one drawing left. "What's that sword?" she asked. "It's very beautiful."

"It’s the Sword of Purity," he declared softly.

"What does it do?"

"Ask your father," he snapped sharply. "It belongs to him."

"I’m asking you," she murmured softly. She wiggled a little on his lap. She knew he wanted her and she would use sex if she had to. Aphrodite hadn't been to see him for a while.

He shifted in his chair; the girl was a sexy squirming handful. "It reveals the truth in a mortal's soul," he explained. "When they touch it, they become who they really are."

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

"Well, if an evil man were to touch the sword, he might turn into a giant snake."

"And what if a good person were to touch it? What would happen to them?" she whispered in his ear.

She was driving him crazy. But if he answered, maybe she would squirm in his lap some more. "I'm not sure. If their heart and soul are truly pure, then perhaps nothing. Or . . ." he let the sentence dangle to see what she would do.

She wriggled some more. "Or what?" she asked breathlessly.

"Well, they'd would probably become part of the sword. Their soul, their essence, that is. Their body would become an empty vessel, but their spirit would live on as part of the sword."

"Wow," she breathed. "And Ares has this sword?" Hesphestaus nodded. "Does he know about this?"

Hesphestaus shook his head. He grinned wickedly and confessed, "That was just a little extra I added. For fun."

'Perfect,' she thought. 'Ileana won't die; she'll become part of the sword. We can circumvent Zeus, but not violate the order.' She leaned forward and kissed Hesphestaus on the forehead. "Thanks, Uncle." She jumped off his lap and ran to her room.

She pulled out the flute. She hadn't tried it for a while, but maybe now it would work. Sure enough within moments, Hera appeared.

"What is it?" she asked her granddaughter.

"I have the answer, although I don't know how to make it happen."

"Tell me."

Antiope explained about the sword. "Ares has it somewhere. If we can get our hands on it and get Ileana to touch it."

Hera got a very calculated look in her eyes. The child was every bit as devious as she had hoped. And she was right. It would work, provided they could get their hands on the sword.

Ileana awoke shivering. She dreamed once again of the sword. The beautiful sword that called her name. She knew from the dream that to touch it was wrong, but still she tried. Always there was a voice urging her to take it, always there was the other voice, shouting no. Always, right before she touched it she would awaken; shaking, soaked, and exhausted as if she hadn’t slept at all. The dream came nearly every night she was alone, never when Ares was with her. Which she thought odd, since she knew from the dream, it was his sword.

For a reason she could never name, she didn't tell him about the dream. She wanted their time together, as limited as it was, to be joyful. She hadn't seen him since right before Tessa had the baby. She hadn't tried to summon him. She knew he was busy, knew there were wars going on all over Greece. Still, nothing touched Parnasis or the Amazons. They were safe, for now.

She rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Maybe if she thought only of him, the dream would stay away.

The next morning the messenger arrived. He came straight to the village, missing all the watchers as if he knew the way. She didn't recognize the uniform. He asked for her, being wary, she insisted Tyr and Myla be present at the meeting.

"I bring a message from your sister," he explained

"Antiope? Is she still at Hesphestaus’ castle?"

He nodded. "Yes. She wishes to see you. But not there. She said she needs your help. She asks you to help her make peace with her father. She wants you to meet her at the temple in Thrace."

'Thrace again?' Ileana thought. "When?"

"She says three days time. She wanted me to ask you not to tell her father. She's afraid he'll refuse to let you come if he knows she's there."

'She’s probably right,' Ileana thought. She asked, "Will you wait outside for my answer?"

The man nodded and left the hut.

"What do you think, Tyr?" Ileana asked.

"The last time you went to Thrace to see her, you were kidnapped and nearly killed. I don't think you should go."

Myla nodded in agreement and added, "I don't like the bit about not telling Lord Ares. You know he wouldn't want you to go."

"Yes, I know. But she's still my sister. And I swear she was different. If I hadn't been kidnapped . . ."

"You shouldn't go," Tyr insisted. "But if you must, then tell him. He can protect you."

Ileana smiled ruefully. "Is there anyone who doesn't know of my relationship with the God of War?"

Myla and Tyr exchanged glances. It was Tyr who spoke. She explained gently, "Ileana, the two of you don't exactly make a secret of it. Last time he was here for a feast, he sat at your side, feeding you tidbits of food. If you will misbehave in public . . ."

Ileana laughed. "Fine. Send the messenger back on your way out."

Myla inquired, "You’re going, aren’t you?"

"I must."

"Will you tell him?" Tyr asked.

"I'll think about it."

Myla gave her a look and asked, "Will you take an honor guard?"

"Yes, that I will do. Six of you and I hope both of you will be in it." The two Amazons nodded and left the hut. The messenger entered and she told him to tell Antiope she would be there. Then she sat on her throne to plan.

When Antiope got Ileana’s answer, she summoned Hera. The Queen of the Gods came immediately. "She's going," Antiope claimed.

"Good," Hera replied. "Do you think she'll tell your father?"

"I don’t know. I asked her not to, but where he is concerned . . ."

Hera nodded. "I'll try to keep him busy. Maybe he won't be able to answer her call. He'll be suspicious and wary if he knows. Still, now that I have the sword, it really doesn’t matter."

Ileana tried to summon Ares, the night before she left for Thrace. She called him three times and finally, after the third, he appeared, looking tired, bloody and completely out of sorts.

"What is it?" he demanded.

She took one look, ran to him, threw her arms around him and claimed, "What I need doesn't matter. Tell me what’s wrong."

He held her for a moment, calmed simply by her touch. "I'm in the middle of one of the bloodiest disputes I've ever seen and I don't have the faintest idea why. Those two armies are killing each other, viciously and neither side seems to know why. While as you know, I'm all for carnage, I hate not having a reason. If I didn’t know better . . ."

He never finished the thought, because she began to kiss him. He returned her kiss for a moment, then muttered, "Ileana, I need to go back. What did you need?"

She touched his face. "It can wait. I love you, Ares, with all my heart. Go clean up the mess. If anyone can sort it out, you can."

He smiled then vanished.

Ileana shrugged. It hadn't been the time to tell him. Time enough when she got to Thrace. When she found out what Antiope wanted.

Ileana said goodbye to Tessa and the baby, Ares’ daughter, Myrina. She made Tessa promise if anything happened she would tell the God of War the truth. He had a right to know. She gave Tessa a note to give him if she didn't come back. When Tessa wanted to know the contents, she shook her head and said they were for Ares alone.

The ride to Thrace went quickly. She knew when she walked into the temple that she had made a mistake. She tried to get the words out to summon Ares for help, but someone stuffed a cloth over her mouth and the scent on it knocked her out.

When she came to, she was tied to a chair in the armory. Seated across from her was her sister Antiope and standing regally at the window was Hera.

"Antiope," she appealed. "I don't understand. What's going on?"

"You're such a fool," the girl snorted. "Did you really think I needed you?"

"Then why did you ask me come?"

"To have our revenge of course," Hera explained. She walked toward her granddaughter. "Revenge for the harm you’ve done my darling girl here."

"I've never harmed Antiope," Ileana insisted indignantly.

"You took Father’s love," Antiope shouted. "The love that should have been mine."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ileana replied.

"He could never love me, because he always loved you!" Antiope shrieked.

"That's not true," Ileana demurred.

"It is true. When I was three, I snuck in the hut one night when he was there with Cyan. I heard them talking. Cyan was saying how although you were only eleven, you were better with a sword and bow than she was. He said he wished you were his daughter. Your skills were so good and you were so pretty. That I was ugly and had no talent. He wanted you, loved you, even then. And because of that, he never loved me. It’s all your fault. And once you're gone, he'll know what it is to lose everything."

How had she never seen it? Never realized. There was the explanation of the change in Antiope’s behavior. Careless words, spoken by a careless god, in the arms of his lover. Not meaning what the small child understood them to mean, but changing her entire life. "Antiope," Ileana chided gently, "that's not what he meant."

"Oh, but it was," Hera spat. "Ares has never cared for his children. But he could have cared for this one. She's so like him, but you took her place in his heart."

Ileana knew it was useless to argue. "What are you planning?" she asked. "You can't kill me."

"We don't intend to kill you," Antiope refuted. "And you'll have to wait."

"Wait? Wait for what?"

"I think she means whom," Ares challenged. He materialized in the corner, nearest his mother, his sword drawn.

"You won't need that," Hera insisted.

He thrust the sword at her. "What are you up to? It took me until just a moment ago to realize this was the same pattern as the last time. As soon as I knew, I came." He moved closer to Hera, "What are you up to?"

As soon as Ares was close enough, Hera snapped her fingers making some bracelets appear. She then snapped them on Ares' wrists and grabbed his sword.


"What in Tartarus?" he shouted. He tried to think the bracelets gone, but they stayed. "What are these?"

"Hesphestaus made them," she explained as she led Ares to a chair. "They'll stay on until I tell them to go. Now sit down and enjoy my revenge."

"You can't kill her."

"We don't intend to," Hera snorted. She went to the back of the armory and returned with a wooden box. She placed the box on the table in front of Ileana. Then she unbound Ileana’s hands.

Antiope lifted the lid off the box and moved it closer to her half sister. "Look, Ileana. It’s a sword, a beautiful sword."

"No," the shout tore from Ares. "Ileana, don't look at it. Don't touch it. Don't listen to its song."

It was the sword from her dream. Made of liquid silver with a jeweled star on the hilt. She could hear it singing to her, calling her name. She reached for it.

"No," Ares shouted again. "If you love me, don't touch it. Don't listen. Ileana," he knew it was useless. The pull of the sword was too strong. And yet, he knew she was pure of heart. Surely, the sword couldn't harm her. Her soul was pure. She shouldn't change.

Ileana picked up the sword, there was a flash of bright light, and Ares, Hera and Antiope watched as with a scream, the essence of the Amazon Queen was pulled out of her body and into the sword. The jewels on the hilt sparkled, changed, glowed and then they hummed.

Ileana’s now empty body dropped the sword and collapsed like the shell it was.

"No," the shout tore out of Ares with so much agony, so much grief, so much anger, it shook the temple.

Antiope sat at the table, a very satisfied smirk on her face. She turned to her father, "Now you know what it feels like to lose what you love."

Hera released him from the chains then, knowing exactly what he would do next. He went straight for his daughter, took her head in his hands and broke her neck. Hera’s laughter filled the room, but she vanished before he could get to her.

He went to Ileana’s body and took it in his arms. He picked up the sword and transported her body and her soul with him to Hesphestaus’ castle.

He found his brother in the forge. "What did you do to her?" he shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Hesphestaus looked at the Sword of Purity and the woman’s body and then he understood. "She must have been pure of heart," he divulged with wonder.

"I want her back," Ares raged. "Get her out!"

"I can’t," he demurred quickly.

"What do you mean, you can’t?"

"The curse put her in the sword. I don't have the power to remove her. I wouldn’t even know how."

"Who would?"

"Maybe Zeus."

Ares transported them to Olympus. He found Zeus in the throne room. "She was protected!" he shouted. "Hera killed her. I want her back!"

Zeus looked at his son. He had seen Ares in many different kinds of rages, but none like this. This was agony and grief mixed with rage. A very dangerous combination. "What happened?" he asked.

"She's in the sword. Hesphestaus cursed it without telling me. He can’t get her out. I want her back!"

"How did she get in the sword?"

"She touched it."

"Of her own free will?"

"Yes. But she didn't know what it was. Hera did and she somehow knew of the curse. I want her back!"

Zeus sighed. "Hera didn't touch her? Didn't force her to take the sword?" Ares shook his head. "She touched it freely?" Again, Ares nodded. "Even if I could reverse the curse, I could do nothing to Hera. The mortal put herself in the sword of her own free will."

"Fine," Ares spat. "Leave Hera out of this. I want Ileana back. Undo the curse."

"I can’t," Zeus insisted quietly.

"What do you mean, you can’t?" Ares challenged slowly, dangerously. "Or is it that you won’t?"

"I can't undo the curse. If she were actually dead, I might be able to help. But she isn’t. Her soul is inside the sword, still alive. Her body is simply empty. Ares, I'm truly sorry. I can't help."

The God of War’s scream of pain reverberated through the halls of Olympus long after he was gone. He took her to his castle, holding her limp and drained body tightly, trying to somehow breathe life into it. He tried every thing he could think of to get her out of the sword. He had every servant touch it; soon the castle was filled with creatures of all kinds. He didn’t care.

He went to Artemis and although it went against his nature he asked her for a pure virgin, sure that would reverse the curse. He even offered to give up his Amazons tribes, but still she refused, knowing he couldn't get what he sought.

He went to Hestia for one of her virgins. She took pity on him and agreed. Nothing happened, nothing changed not even the virgin. He went to Circe, the witch, she couldn’t help him. He went to the Oracle at Delphi, risking even Apollo’s laughter, but she couldn’t help him either. He went to Hades, but since Ileana wasn't dead, the god of the underworld couldn't help him. He asked the Fates about her, but her lifeline was still intact. She wasn't alive and she wasn't dead either.

Finally, he returned to the castle. For two more days, he stayed alone with her body in his bedroom. For two days, his anger and rage grew. On the third day, he began to plot his revenge. On the fourth, he returned her to her tribe, knowing she would want that.

He went to Parnasis to the Amazon village. Artemis had been there already, had warned them what to expect. But what appeared, holding Ileana’s limp body, wasn't the broken and crazed god Tessa expected. This was an angry, bitter, vengeful god.

When Tessa saw him, she ran to him, led him to her hut. "Ares, listen to me. Ileana was afraid something would happen. Afraid she was going to die. She gave me a letter for you. Please read it."

He looked at her with unreadable eyes. "A letter?" he repeated.

"Yes." She handed it to him. Just then, Myrina began to cry.

"Who’s that?"

"My daughter," she declared. She would wait until after he read the letter to honor Ileana’s last request. She picked up the baby and began to walk it around the room.

Ares opened the letter slowly. "Ares," Ileana wrote, "if you're reading this, something terrible must have happened. Don't grieve for me. I was, after all, only mortal. Sooner or later, I was bound to die, bound to leave you. But my love for you will never die. It will live on, inside you, in your memories of me. And in order to ensure that, I will make one last request of you. Tessa has a child, Myrina. She is your daughter. Forgive me for keeping this secret from you, but you seemed so sure it wasn't possible. And Tessa was so sure it was. Either way, I want you to take all the love you felt for me and transfer it to the child. Love it; allow it to love you, as you did a child of eight who learned over the years to love you very much. Ares, I will never truly leave you, as long as you remember. I will be in your heart forever as you will always be in mine. Ileana."

"Let me see my daughter," he commanded.

Tessa handed him the baby. He seemed to know what he was doing. He examined the child and then handed her back to Tessa. "Ileana said to love it."

"Ares," Tessa didn't even know where to start. She put the baby back in the crib. "I know I should have told you but I was afraid."

"She said to take all . . . I felt for her and give it to the child."

She could see the grief warring with anger on his face. She picked up her daughter one more time and wordlessly handed the baby back to him.

He looked at the tiny face, the little fingers and the tiny toes. He gently touched the child’s hand and it grabbed for his fingers. "She said to love you," he murmured. The baby cooed at him. Then it smiled. He let the child take his finger. "I'll try," he said softly. "I'll try."


The Myth of the Sword of Purity

Once upon a time, long ago, Ares, the God of War, asked Hephaestus, God of the Forge, to make a very special sword for him. Hephaestus had forged many extraordinary items over the years and the sword Ares requested was not unusual. The God of War wasn't looking for a better cutting edge or something to deal a deathblow; it was not intended for battle. The sword was to be a lure; bait for discovering the truth in a mortal's soul. For when a mortal touched the Sword of Purity, their true character was revealed. And so it came to pass Hephaestus forged his brother a great and beautiful sword.

The perverse and demanding God of War began to play with his new toy. When the great Warlord Gaveris touched the sword, he turned into a giant. Agrain touched it and became a snarling lion. Jophes turned into a giant toad. And so on.

Hephaestus did not trust his brother, so he secretly added a curse to the power of the sword. Any mortal who was pure of heart and touched it would lose their soul to it and become one with the great sword. He did not share this curse with Ares. On the day Ares lost the one he loved to the sword's curse, he came to Hephaestus in a blinding rage, demanding Hephaestus reverse the magic.

Hephaestus could not and Ares, full of vengeance decided to take from him what Hephaestus loved most. Ares deliberately seduced his sister, Aphrodite, Hephaestus' wife. She bore him three children: Harmonia, Deimos, and Phobus - Fear and Panic - who followed their father everywhere. But this was not enough for the God of War. He continued to charm Aphrodite, so much so, that whenever an opportunity arose, she would invite him to Hephaestus' home to cuckold her husband. However, in the end, as so often happens, the one seeking vengeance had retribution turned on them. Hephaestus constructed a cage of adamant and the next time the lovers were together and naked, sprung the trap. Ares and Aphrodite were caught in the act in a cage. Hephaestus invited all the Gods of Olympus to laugh at the sight. Ares never forgave him, never forgot, and the wrath he spewed on the world ever after is another tale.

The End

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