The Chosen One

Chapter One

By LoreliLee

Rating: NC17

Warnings: This story contains scenes graphic consensual sex between a man and a woman. If you are under 18, find any of this offensive or if this is illegal where you live, please read something else.

Disclaimer: The characters of Ares and Artemis belong to Greek Mythology and also apparently to Universal Studios and Pacific Renaissance and this story is not intended to violate any copyrights held by MCA, Universal Studios, Renaissance Pictures or any other entity involved in the making of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys or Xena: Warrior Princess.

Author's Note: While this story is not a true sequel to Kalea, Dawn of the Dead, or Ransoming the Stone, it is a continuation of the story of the Amazons of Parnasis. You do not have to have read the other stories to enjoy this one. (But it wouldn't hurt! <g>)

Ileana was eight the first time she saw him. She was playing in the village when she saw her mother in what appeared to be a battle for her life. She had no way of knowing it was only a training exercise, of knowing her mother was never in any real danger. All she saw was a tall dark man, with flowing black hair thrusting a big sword menacingly at her mother. Her mother seemed to be holding her own, parrying each thrust, but then she took two steps back and stumbled.

Ileana didn’t think or hesitate, she ran straight at the man. She was tall for her age and like other Amazon children, had begun her training. Her frame bent in half; she rushed straight for the stranger’s knees. Grabbing them, she tried, without success, to knock him down.

The man began to laugh. He gently disentangled Ileana from his legs and holding her at arm's length asked, "And whom do we have here?"

Ileana tried to wriggle free. She kicked out with powerful little legs, accidentally catching his groin. This made the man laugh even harder. "A true Amazon, going immediately for a man’s most sensitive organs. Cyan, is this fierce creature your daughter?"

"Yes, Lord Ares," Cyan admitted softly. "This is my daughter, Ileana."

"She’s not one of my whelps, is she?" he inquired. He was charmed by the little girl’s intense desire to protect her mother and her obvious lack of fear.

"No," Cyan stated firmly. "She’s my blood child. I was pregnant with her when I joined the tribe. Her father was a farmer and my husband then." Cyan sighed. So many things had changed after Diamedes died. It had taken time to become used to the Amazon practice of raising all girl children as their ‘daughters.’ It made a difference to her that Ileana was truly hers; a difference she neither admitted to nor shared with her Amazon sisters.

Ares smiled at the little girl and remarked, "If I put you down, will you promise not to hit me?"

Ileana, with all the confidence of youth, stuck her tongue out at him. Cyan would have been afraid for her daughter’s life, had she not seen the twinkle in the God of War’s eyes.

"Now, little one, didn’t anyone teach you it’s rude to stick out your tongue at someone?" he explained. "Unless of course you intend to use it," he added with a meaningful glance at Cyan.

Cyan blushed and hid her eyes from her daughter’s view. Thank the gods, Ileana was too young to understand his meaning. Cyan was certain the God of War meant to lie with her that evening. From all accounts, it would be an experience unlike any she had ever had before. She had heard other Amazons discuss his prowess in lovemaking. If only half the rumors and stories were true, her mind reeled at the thought.

While these thoughts were rushing through Cyan’s mind, Ares put Ileana back on the ground. She immediately attempted to rush him again.

"I was not trying to hurt your mother," he admonished her reasonably. "I was only trying to teach her how to be a better fighter. Perhaps you would like a lesson?"

His words stopped Ileana in her tracks. A lesson in swordplay? Did she hear her mother call this man Lord Ares? "Are you a god?" she asked.

"Would it make a difference if I was?" he disputed. The child had beautiful blue eyes like a cloudless sky. She would be a beauty when she grew older. Would she also be one of his warriors?

"Well," the child mused slowly, "a god would be a better teacher, because he would already know everything. On the other hand, I couldn’t hurt him, so where would the risk be?"

"Clever child," Ares acknowledged approvingly. "Lack of risk can often make a warrior careless. Like you rushing out in defense of your mother without a weapon. If I'd really been attacking her, I would have killed you in an instant. You must never, ever do something like that again. Not until you're completely trained and old enough to fight for real."

Ileana pouted. "But I couldn’t let anyone hurt my mother."

Ares smiled and patted her head. "Your mother can protect herself. But she cannot protect you, if you insist on getting in the middle of her fight. You don’t want her to worry about you, do you? I want you to sit down on that tree stump over there," Ares pointed to the left, "and watch me train your mother. After I’m done, then maybe I’ll give you a lesson too."

Ileana put her hands on her hips and began to protest, "But . . ."

He shook his head. "No buts, little one. I am not a patient god. Go sit down."

Ileana went, but she wasn’t happy about it. She watched as her mother and the tall god had another practice session. Ileana grew bored. After a time, she rose from the stump and inched closer to the action. Suddenly she exclaimed, "Mother, if you hook your sword under his wrist when he moves left, you can make him drop it."

"Ileana!" Cyan was mortified. This child was going to get herself killed. One did not mock the God of War. To her surprise, Ares didn’t seem angry, he looked pleased.

"Come here, child," he ordered gently. Ileana walked to him too young to be afraid. She raised her face and waited expectantly.

"Was that a lucky guess?" he inquired curiously.

"No," she explained excitedly. "I was watching. Every time you move left, you loosen your grip on the hilt of your sword. It shouldn’t be too difficult to just stick a sword in there and pop yours out. A child could do it," she added boastfully.

Cyan’s eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Ileana! Lord Ares, I’m sorry. The child . . ."

He motioned Cyan to be quiet. "Ileana, do you think you could do it?"

She nodded. "I’ve practiced with short swords. But never a real one. Can I try? Can I?"

Ares glanced at the child and then at her mother. He ordered, "Cyan, give her your sword."

"She’s just a child," Cyan protested.

"Cyan," he commanded, "give it to her. Don’t worry I won’t let anything happen."

"Yes, my lord." Cyan feared for her daughter, but she knew that it would be more dangerous to refuse his request.

Ileana took the sword eagerly. It was nearly as big as she was, but she handled it with confidence. She turned it over in her hand twice and then, taking a parrying stance, as her mother had, said, "Whenever you’re ready."

The God of War was amused. The little imp was right. He'd given her mother that opening at least six times. Cyan might not have been skilled at swordplay, but she was clearly of superior breeding stock. He'd remember that come the night.

"Now, little one," he declared, "since you are so much smaller than I and so inexperienced, I'm going to take this slow. Just try and knock the sword out when I move left, as you said you could."

Ileana’s blue eyes narrowed in concentration as she waited for him to move toward her. He came at her from the right; she parried his first thrust easily. Then came his second thrust, this time from the left. She parried that as well. Now she moved forward a little and he took a step to his left. As she had said she could, she pushed her sword under his, and the blade flew out of his hand. "I did it," she yelled. "I told you I could."

"So you did," he acknowledged. "You'll be a great warrior one day, Ileana." Her eyes shone at his praise. "I want you to remember this day. The day you knocked the sword out of the hand of the God of War. Not many ever have, nor do they usually live to talk about it." He bent down and kissed her forehead. "You must remember this too, you now have the mark of Ares on your forehead. I hope when you grow up you'll remember this and serve me well."

Ileana was about to burst with pride. She would be his warrior one day! "Mother, may I go tell my friends, please?"

Cyan laughed. The child was irresistible. "If Lord Ares approves."

The God of War nodded with a thoughtful glint in his eyes. "Yes, child, go tell all your friends that from now on you will serve me. And one day you will become my greatest warrior."

Ileana ran towards the center of the village. Cyan stared at the God of War, her blue eyes wide with awe, and remarked, "You let her do that."

Ares picked up his sword and swaggered over to Cyan. His dark eyes studied her intently. "Of course I did. She was right. I gave you that opening several times and you never took it. Were you afraid I’d be angry if you tried to take my sword?"

"No, my lord," Cyan admitted as she let her gaze meet his. "I didn’t see it. I guess I’m just not very good at fighting."

Ares moved closer. His eyes now explored her figure: the full breasts, small waist, flaring hips, and long legs. His eyes traveled slowly back up her body, stopping briefly to glance at her lips, her wide blue eyes, like her daughters’ and her flowing brown hair. He took another step closer, smiled wickedly and asked, "Perhaps you are better at other things?"

Cyan’s breath quickened. No one had ever looked at her in quite that way, not even her husband. Ares very glance was enough to waken feelings in her that she thought had died. She could feel the heat and desire flowing from him to her. "I believe so, my lord. I've been told I’m a passable cook," she revealed flirtatiously.

He laughed. "Then we'll have to see if you can satisfy this hunger of mine. Exercise always makes me ravenous. And do stop calling me my lord. My name is Ares when we are alone. There are times," he added as he pulled her to him, "That being alone with me can be quite pleasurable."

She began to answer, but his lips covered hers in a kiss. He pulled her tight against him, his powerful arms locking her in an embrace. She kissed him back with passion meeting passion. Her fingers entangled themselves in his hair as the kiss deepened. His hands roamed her back. She could feel the hardness of his chest and the heat of his desire. He pressed against her, his body igniting a raging fire within her. She felt aflame with fierce and hungry sensations she had never felt before, now she was aroused with an intensity that was overwhelming. She melted against him and let all the years of celibacy, all the pent-up passion release itself.

Ares recognized the power of the lust he had incited and was pleased. He much preferred his partners not only be willing, but enthusiastic too. Cyan had clearly been burying her passion for years. Excellent, he liked it when they were grateful. He held her tightly against him as he continued to kiss her and then, using his powers, transported them to her hut, still locked in an embrace.


His hands continued to caress her body, teasing, playing, and her skin felt alive, awash in flame, tingling everywhere. She rubbed harder against him, her need growing by the moment as she could feel the arousal of his body. Suddenly his hands stopped their exploration and moved to her head. He cupped her face in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. Her heart nearly stopped at his look of desire. Had she really incited this in a god?

Ares picked her up and carried her to the cot. He lay her down almost gently, touched her cheek and then bent his head to kiss her again. His lips were soft, light, like feathers against her mouth. His tongue darted out and traced her lips, parted them and then slipped inside to explore. His hands explored the curves of her body. She began to writhe beneath him and as one of his hands found her breast and began to rub the nipple into hardness, she pulled her mouth from his and moaned his name.

Ares pulled back for a moment to look at her eyes. Yes, she clearly enjoying this. Then he began to kiss her again. His hands continued to plunder the treasure of her body. Slowly, so slowly, he undressed her. Then he stared at her nakedness. She was a beauty, with an hourglass curve; big beautiful breasts and a responsive fur covered mound. He kissed his way down her body, intent on giving her more pleasure that she had ever had her before, a tradeoff for the child she didn't even know he was going to give her.

He spent a long time at her breasts. He caressed the firm large mounds, kneading the flesh and rubbing her nipples. Then he replaced his fingers with his mouth.

She closed her eyes and began to moan loudly as he suckled at her breasts. His mouth was hot, his lips so soft against her skin. She felt as if her entire body was turning into one flowing liquid mass of desire. She felt the wetness grow between her legs as he sucked gently and then harder. He slid one hand down and traced her nether lips and then as he continued to minister to her breasts, he slid two fingers inside her. She came almost immediately in a white-hot rush. She heard him chuckle and opened her eyes.

She watched as he kissed his way down her body, over her belly. Suddenly, he was moving her legs apart and his head was moving toward her opening. What was he going to do? Then he wrapped those powerful muscled arms around her thighs and pulled her mound to him. He bent his head and slipped his tongue inside her. "Oh my god," she breathed as she felt his tongue begin moving in and out of her.

She heard him chuckle again and then she couldn't breathe as he began to lick her sweet spot. She came immediately in a huge gush of liquid. When those spasms subsided, he did it again. She thought she would pass out from pleasure as she began to have orgasm after orgasm. She realized that at some point when her eyes were closed, he'd made his clothing vanish. Now she could see just how beautiful his body was and as pleasurable as this was, she wanted more. She grabbed at his head and whispered, "Please?"

He grinned and wiped his dripping beard on her thigh. He moved up the bed and positioned himself at her opening. He hovered there for a moment, grinning at her, then slowly entered her. She groaned as he filled her, arching up to pull him deeper inside.

He paused for a moment after he was completely sheathed inside her. He stared down at the woman, her face was completely slack with passion, her eyes almost drugged. He smiled and began to grind into her, his earlier gentleness replaced by pure animal lust. He slammed her into the cot, his body crushing her. Still, she was moaning beneath him and not with pain. Her body arched into his, her hands clawing at his back. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pounded back at him, meeting each thrust, urging him on. He was happy to comply. He stroked her hard and fast, losing himself in the warm flesh, the freedom of desire. She was moaning his name now and pushing hard against him and with one last powerful thrust, he shot his seed deep inside her.

He dropped his head to her breasts, panting harshly. She was moaning his name and stroking his hair. "That was . . . my lord," she breathed. "I've never felt anything like that before."

He chuckled. He felt himself again growing hard again inside her warmth. He touched her face and asked, "Would you like to feel it again?"

She nodded and just before she lost the ability to think completely, she hoped her Amazon sisters would keep Ileana away from her hut all night.

Nine months after Ileana first met Lord Ares; her sister Antiope was born. Ileana was not present at the birth, being judged too young to attend. Queen Galea and another, beautiful woman, some whispered that it was Artemis, presided over the birth. Cyan’s labor was long and hard and the child that appeared from her womb was born with a full head of dark hair. Antiope was an unhappy baby, screaming and crying for hours on end. Nothing and no one could seem to comfort her. The stress of trying to care for the difficult child and Ileana as well caused Cyan’s breast milk to dry. This caused further trauma for Antiope; she became colicky and even more difficult.

For the first two years of Antiope’s life, she had little contact with any of the tribe. From the moment Artemis had first seen her, she had known of her parentage and was worried. It had been the goddess' decision to limit Antiope’s contact to Cyan, Queen Galea, and herself. Until she could determine whom the child would favor, she insisted Ileana live elsewhere. Ileana had moved in with her best friend, Tyr.

One day, shortly after Antiope was two, Cyan, Galea, and Artemis were in Galea’s hut. Cyan looked exhausted. Galea and Artemis exchanged glances. Finally Galea spoke. "Cyan, the child is clearly his. What does he say?"

"We do not discuss it," she replied tiredly.

Artemis asked, "Cyan, he still comes to you?"

Cyan answered, "Now that the child is older and sleeps more, yes."

"Do you want him to stop?" the goddess inquired.

Cyan lowered her eyes. "No. He is . . . I am . . . no."

Galea and Artemis exchanged another look. "I can make sure there are no more children," Artemis announced.

Cyan's eyes widened with fear. "He wishes another. He wants one like Ileana."

"That will not happen," Galea declared. "She is unique and a product of two mortals."

"Cyan," Artemis suggested, "you must know that Antiope is not . . . she will not have powers. But even at this age, she is different."

Cyan nodded. "I know. What can we do?"

"Ileana must move back home," Galea commanded. "She can be a good influence on the child."

Artemis placed her hand on Cyan’s shoulders. She turned the woman to face her. Artemis looked beautiful and implacable. The Goddess of the Hunt and Moon was very angry, but not with the mortal. Ares was always pushing the boundaries. He knew the Amazons were hers and still he tried to seduce them all away. Artemis took a necklace from the pocket of her tunic and placed it around Cyan’s neck. "You will wear this necklace. It will protect you from having another child."

Cyan toyed with the pendant. "If he should find out . . ."

Artemis shook her head. "Don’t worry. He won't know. And tomorrow, Ileana will come home."

So it was that when Ileana was ten and Antiope two, Ileana moved back in with her mother and her sister. Now was the time for Ileana to begin her training in earnest.

First, there was school, where the children learned about the world: the land, place names, other cities. Women like Cyan, woman who had been born outside the tribe and who had lived in the world, taught these classes. The children were also taught about nature and health, about honoring each other and their proud heritage. Ileana learned they lived in Greece and though cities and towns were ruled by men, the Amazons were ruled by women and bowed to no man.

There were many tribes of Amazons scattered all over Greece and the surrounding countries, each with their own ways. She learned their land had come to them through Hippolyte, Lord Ares’ daughter and their Queen was descended from her. Galea could trace her lineage back through three Queens; her mother, Bresia, her grandmother, Sienna, and her great-grandmother, Kalea, who was much revered among the tribe for being a great warrior. Since Galea was vowed to Artemis, they all knew she would be forced one day to choose a successor from within the tribe. There was always much speculation, particularly among the older Amazons, as to whom it would be. No clear leader had yet come forth.

Ileana learned about the Pantheon of Olympian Gods; there were twelve, as well as the many other varied deities. Zeus ruled supreme with Hera at his side and it was best to avoid angering them. The two most important Gods to the Amazons were Ares and Artemis. Ares, as father both literally and figuratively and Artemis as mother, symbolically. She learned their tribe always, since Kalea’s time, served a god, either Ares or Artemis and that at eighteen, she would have to choose.

Ileana was smart and learned quickly, but her true love was athletics and warrior skills. By the time she was eleven, she was better with a sword and bow than her mother. By thirteen, she could beat most of the women in the tribe at swordplay. She loved archery and hunting and couldn’t wait for her first hunt.

As she grew, she became, as the God of War had prophesied, a beauty. At thirteen, she achieved her full height and her body blossomed. It was then she and others of her age had a private meeting with Queen Galea.

It was the first time any of the girls had been inside the Queen’s hut. It was the largest in the village. When they walked in, one by one, the first thing they saw was her throne. It was made of pale rose stone with designs honoring the Amazon heritage carved in the arms and back.

The Queen lived in luxury compared to the rest of the Amazons. Their huts were small, containing cots or beds and a table and chairs. The Queen’s hut was large and had a real feather bed, a legacy from her great-grandmother Kalea. It was rumored the God of War himself had gifted that Queen with the bed because he didn't like lying on bulrushes. There were many pillows spread on the floor, there were tables, chairs, and even a dresser carved out of wood.

Ileana was the first to enter the hut. She studied her queen as Galea sat on the throne waiting for the girls. Galea sat tall and straight, her back rigid. Her long brown hair had one gray streak and was topped with a thick wreath of feathers. She wore the tribe’s traditional garb of breastplate, leather vest and suede skirt. Ileana thought she had never seen a more beautiful woman. Galea’s very presence seemed to exude tranquillity and serenity.

When all had entered, the five girls were arranged in a circle at the queen’s feet. Each had a goblet of summer wine and each wondered why they were there. "Good evening," the Queen announced quietly. "I have asked you here to talk about your future. All of you have experienced the life’s blood of womanhood at least once and you need to understand your responsibilities to yourself, your sisters, the tribe and the gods."

Ileana blushed; she had never been as embarrassed as on the day her womanhood had arrived. In the midst of training, she felt a sharp, unpleasant cramp and then noticed blood. She had run quickly to Cyan who had explained what it was and how to take care of it so as not to interfere with her life.

"There is great joy in being a woman," Galea explained, "and great responsibility as well. You are now all of an age where you can bear children. Where your bodies have started to change and where you will experience many new kinds of feelings. All of this is good, but all of this has a price. We Amazons of Parnasis, serve two gods, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Ares, God of War. While skilled warriors are useful to both, to serve Artemis, one must remain pure and chaste. To serve the God of War, one must only be willing to die. There is honor in both tasks. On your eighteenth birthday, you will be asked to choose. Those who wish to follow Artemis will stay with the tribe, serving her in the hunt and protecting our lives. Those who wish to follow Lord Ares may leave to join his temple, some will stay, and others will fight in his armies. I ask only that prior to your eighteenth birthday, you remain chaste, so you have a clear choice come the time."

Galea looked at the five confused and expectant faces. Really, they were so young! Ileana looked as if she had a question. "Yes, Ileana," she prompted gently. "What is it?"

Ileana’s blue eyes were wide with pure innocence. "What does that mean? Stay chaste?"

Galea smiled. Her brown eyes shone with an inner light as she answered. "It means you will not lay with a man. Artemis requires total devotion, both spiritually and physically."

"And the God of War does not?" Ileana queried.

"Correct my child. The God of War does not require chastity to serve him." ‘No’, Galea thought, ‘he prefers women who are not chaste.’ She knew he used sex to keep the Amazons who served him in line. ‘Although to be fair,’ she reminded herself, ‘he is not known for forcing them and I have never heard one who serves him that way complain. Most, if not all, seem to enjoy it.’ Still, she disliked and distrusted anyone, man or god, who used sex as a weapon.

"So one could lie with a man and still serve Lord Ares?" Ileana surmised thoughtfully.

"Yes, child, but to lie with a man, when you are young, is not always a good thing. While we live without men, we don't hate them. We only wish to rule ourselves. Though you have not met or even seen many men, as you get older, you will. You will find that some men are good, some men are evil, and some are a bit of both. Some of you," she gestured at the girls, "may even fall in love with a man someday and leave the tribe."

They all shook their heads as if the idea was impossible. Galea added, "Yes, some of you will. It happens and it can be a good thing. Love between a man and a woman is not wrong or evil. It can be beautiful."

As the girls filtered out to go to their own huts and ponder their future choices, Galea pondered her own.

Galea had known from the time that she was five she was to serve Artemis. Her mother, Queen Bresia had made it quite clear that while the other Amazons in the tribe might have a choice, she did not. It wasn't until she was sixteen and came face to face with Ares, God of War, that she ever doubted the wisdom of her vow. A vow that had been made on her behalf when she was born without her consent and for reasons she had never been told.

On her sixteenth birthday, the God of War came calling. Over the years, despite the fact that her mother was vowed to him, she had never actually seen or met him. Her mother's voice when she did speak of the god carried a heavy load of bitterness. Galea knew there was some secret there, a secret that caused her mother pain, but what it was she didn't know. Bresia had never spoken of Galea's father, but Galea knew somehow that it had been more than a casual Amazon encounter. Knew that whomever her father was, he had meant something to her mother. She wondered if in her father's fate lay the seeds of her mother's bitterness toward Ares. Still, when she finally did meet him, the encounter was nothing like she expected.

She was in the glade near the stream. A favorite place of hers to get away from the rest of the tribe. She loved her sisters devotedly and her placid nature made her a favorite among them as well. Still, sometimes, the burden of the future queenship lay heavy on her soul. She couldn't be like the other Amazons, wild, reckless, taking chances in warplay or life. Where her sisters still had the opportunity to choose, still had the chance to experiment, her life was planned for her. She had no choice. She always had to be above reproach, consistent in her schooling, obeying all the rules, following each one of the tribal laws. How she envied her friends their freedom.

Though she had met Artemis at the age of twelve, she had yet to know her well. The goddess seemed to like her, seemed to want her to like her as well, despite the fact that the conclusion was foregone. She appreciated that Artemis went out of her way to speak to her, to show her courtesy. In some ways though, it seemed almost ungodlike for the goddess to try to curry favor with her. It was almost as if Artemis was trying to make up for something. Galea knew, without being told that the goddess was locked in a power struggle with her brother over the Amazons. That it was very important to Artemis to regain control of this tribe, a tribe that had not belonged to her in over a hundred years. Galea would be the first queen in a very long time to bow to the goddess. It was, she knew, a heavy burden.

It was in this strange and pensive mood that she walked in the glade. Now she was looking at her reflection in the stream, trying to decide what she looked like. There were no mirrors in the village, though she'd seen them in town. Vanity was not an Amazon trait.

She studied her reflection. Waist length brown hair, deep brown eyes, an average nose and a full mouth. She was tall, much taller than her mother was. She must have gotten that, as well as her coloring and mouth, from her father. Her body was healthy, athletic and strong. She worked hard at her exercises and she was proficient in all weapons. From the physical perspective, she knew she would make a good queen. But from the mental?

She shrugged and sighed. The water suddenly rippled and then when it stilled there was another person reflected in it. She jumped back from the shock and right into something big, hard, and warm.

She could see, in the water's reflection, that she had run into the person whose appearance had startled her. What she was seeing in the water was so unbelievably beautiful that she had to turn and find out if it was real.

Slowly she took a step forward, away from the object, man; she had hit and turned. Face to face, he was even more handsome than the vision.

He was impossibly tall and muscled. She sucked in her breath. Standing before her was a sight that made her go weak in the knees.

Long curly black hair framed a face that was at once angelic and demonic. He had deep dark eyes shadowed by quirky brows and thick black eyelashes. There was an aristocratic nose and a mouth with full sensual lips surrounded by a goatee and mustache. The jaw was strong and the cheekbones chiseled as if from stone. He was dressed all in black leather; the vest was open showing a great quantity of dark hair on his throat and chest. His arms and chest were thickly corded with muscles. He wore a sword on his hip and large silver and black gauntlets on his wrists. He had an odd pendant around his neck and a silver sword dangled from his left ear. She had never seen a more beautiful or masculine man in her life. As she studied his mouth, her own went dry and despite the vow of chastity she knew she must keep, she wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

She swallowed hard, wondering if somehow, she had imagined him. Almost tentatively, she reached out with her hand to touch him. Her fingers reached his face and she touched a curl of hair that lay softly against his cheek. He was real! She pulled back her hand as if she'd been burned.

The man observed her discomfort and when she removed her hand, an amused smile crossed his lips. "Good afternoon," he greeted her.

He had a deep voice, strong in timber, light in tone. The very sound of it sent shivers down her spine. She swallowed again and then managed to croak, "Hello," in response.

He grinned even wider as if she'd said something amusing. His eyes raked her form from the top of her head to the moccasins on her feet. She was dressed simply in a suede skirt and jerkin. His eyes ran up and down her body once and then returned to her face. When he looked at her, she felt as if he knew what she looked like undressed and that he liked the idea very much. The thought of being naked in front of him was very appealing, but scarcely possible.

"Do you come here often?" he asked curiously.

She wondered who he was and what he was doing in the glade, but was afraid to ask. She didn't want to scare him away and usually when men discovered where they had wandered, they fled like frightened children. "It's very peaceful here," she explained. "I like the quiet."

He cocked his head to one side and listened for a moment. "Doves, morning birds, ravens, even a woodpecker, the sound of the stream, the wind rustling the leaves. Yes, I can see where this would be a good place to think."

How had he known? "Yes, that's it exactly," she agreed eagerly. "I can hear my thoughts here."

"It's important to be sure about things before you do them," he prompted enigmatically.

She nodded. "Yes, I know. Even more so for me."

"You're Galea," he declared suddenly, "aren't you?"

"How did you know? Who are you?" she asked softly.

The man studied her. His eyes grew thoughtful, calculated, then went soft with some emotion. His mouth pursed and then his tongue slipped out to lie against his ripe lip.

Galea felt a wave of desire wash over her like a tsunami. A physical ache, so strong it threatened to overwhelm her, took control of her body. She felt her skin grow hot, redden, then there was a fire flowing through her veins. She stood there, unable to move, unable to speak, while her body responded instinctively to the man who stood there.

He reached out with his large hands, his thick fingers gently brushed across her cheekbones. "You're very beautiful," he whispered.

She shivered from his caress. Her body inched forward, closer, wanting more of his touch. His thumb moved down and rubbed along her jaw, tracing the shape of her face. "You look like your father, you know," he suggested conversationally.

"My . . . my . . . father . . . " she stuttered. "You knew my father?"

He nodded. "You bear a remarkable resemblance to him. Though I can see your mother in you as well."

Should she ask? It was a rule that unless you were conceived outside the tribe, fathers were unimportant. Still, she wondered! "What was he like?"

The man laughed. "He's not dead. In fact, at the moment, he's King of Corinth."

"A king?" she repeated. "My father is a king?"

"He wasn't one then," the man refuted. "He was just a boy as your mother was just a girl. Still, I doubt whether she's ever forgotten him."

"Tell me," she entreated urgently.

He studied her brown eyes. "You tell me something. Is it true you're vowed to Artemis already? That you have been since birth."

She nodded. "Yes, I am."

Again, he traced the planes of her face with his fingers. His touch continued to arouse all sorts of feelings in her, now displacing her curiosity with a host of other more beguiling sensations.

"Do you have no choice?"

"None," she replied breathlessly. She closed her eyes and let the tingle of his touch ignite her soul.

"Seems a shame," he added as he stopped touching her and dropped his hand. "A woman like you will be wasted in chastity."

She opened her eyes at that. "A woman like me? I'm only sixteen. How can you? Who are you?"

"You really don't know, do you?" he asked rhetorically. "Well, let's see, I'm your great-grandfather, I guess. I am also Ares, God of War."

"Ares?" she repeated. "You're . . . But I thought . . ."

"You thought what?" he repeated with a laugh. "That I'd be ugly and cruel like the warlords who serve me? That because I'm the god of war, I would have no gentleness? That because I enjoy bloodlust I am incapable of kindness? Really, Galea, what kind of stories has my sister been filling your head with?" The last sentence was invested with so much bitterness and loathing it made Galea cringe.

She took a step back; a step away from him, the spell was now broken. She had been warned, warned repeatedly as to his charms, but nothing had prepared her for the reality of them. "It's not that," she clarified finally. "Mother doesn't . . . that is . . . she says you don't care about the tribe anymore. That you're not responsive."

Ares laughed softly and moved closer to her. He reached out and tilted her chin towards his face, his eyes boring into hers. He murmured, "Actually I'm VERY responsive. It's simply that your mother and I are not simpatico. Bresia has never really liked me, despite our long relationship. She blames me for something which happened a very long time ago."

"Something to do with my father?" she guessed.

He nodded. "It doesn't matter though. Your grandmother, Sienna and I understood each other very well. When she was alive . . . Still, Bresia has been a good queen and I think, even though you be vowed to Artemis, you will be as well."

"Do you really think so?" she implored eagerly. "I worry sometimes."

"You'll be fine. It's in your blood. From both sides now. Your father, well, the less said about him, the better. But he is a king. You'll be a fine queen. Although be careful with Artemis. Unlike me, she has a tendency to meddle too much."

Galea knew what he meant. "Sienna used to say and Mother also says you hardly ever come when called."

"It's not my job to fix this tribe's problems. My involvement since Kalea's time has always been in training and acting as an advisor. I don't believe it necessary to meddle in your daily lives. Artemis, on the other hand . . . "

Galea thought about that for a moment. 'It's true,' she realized. Though technically, the tribe was bound to the god of war, his involvement was minimal. Bresia worshipped at his temple in a manner of speaking, but unless they were at war, he never made an appearance. Every so often, a few of the tribe would go off to train with him and they always came back better skilled and happy. He really didn't interfere at all. "Why are you telling me this?" she inquired suddenly very curious.

He shrugged. "Just because you are to serve Artemis doesn't mean that I have to cease my involvement, minimal as it might be. Many of your tribe still serve me. As your grandmother and great grandmother knew, I can be a powerful friend."

"And you make a very bad enemy, don't you?" the words slipped out before she could stop them. But the threat had been implicit in his silky tone of voice.

He laughed. "Yes, Galea, I am a very bad enemy. Still, I have no wish to be yours. I hope, though, the tribe will be Artemis' when you take charge, that you will still feel you can call on me if needed."

She studied him, all desire gone now, to be replaced by concern. He was formidable indeed. She inclined her head regally. "Thank you, Lord Ares. That is a very generous offer indeed."

His eyes grew calculated again and then a slow seductive smile spread across his lips. "You're welcome, Galea. I imagine we will meet again. Perhaps, next time, you'll give in."

This time she laughed. She'd been right! "I'll serve Artemis as I have been promised to. Nothing can change that, not even god tricks."

His laughter hung in the air after he vanished.

Galea had learned that day just how dangerous Ares could be. She knew he had tried to cast a spell over her, as he would later over many Amazons in the tribe. Still, she had a strength of character that stood her in good stead. Still, she would always be attracted to him and always wary of him. His potent charms, his handsome face, his beautiful body were just as dangerous as his god powers were.

Now, years later, she thought about that day and knew exactly why love could be beautiful and why it was not for her.

The next morning Ileana pondered the Queen’s words. She had never thought of leaving the tribe, believing she could serve Lord Ares and stay. Now she knew if she chose that path she might have to leave. She loved everything about her village, from the hard-packed ground that it was built on, to the green glades and forest that surrounded it. She loved the warmth and camaraderie of her Amazon sisters, the sense of community and safety she felt when they were all together. She adored her mother and though she never got back the love she gave to her sister, she loved Antiope as well.

Later that afternoon, she, and Tyr were lying in a grove some distance from the village, resting after training. Tyr had been with her in the meeting and she wondered what her friend thought about all this.

This was when the God of War, cloaked in his powers of invisibility, saw Ileana again. He was on his way to the village when he spotted two young Amazons lying in the sun and on a whim decided to eavesdrop.

"Tyr," Ileana asked as she stretched her muscles in the sun, "do you ever wonder what you’re going to do with your life?"

Tyr sat up and looked at her friend. Ileana was so beautiful and so good at so many physical things, one often forgot she had an intelligent mind too. "Of course not. I’ll grow up and serve Queen Galea and if called Artemis."

"Artemis," Ileana repeated. "Why Artemis?"

"Artemis is the mother," Tyr recited. "It is she who makes our bows shoot true to supply food and clothing. She who protects in childbirth and she who guards over us in life."

"You’re just repeating what Galea and the others who serve her say," Ileana refuted. "But what do you think?" she asked insistently.

"Think?" Tyr ran her fingers through her thick black hair. "Well, Ileana, to tell you the truth, I don’t think about things like that much. I believe Queen Galea knows what she’s talking about. I take it on faith."

"Faith!" Ileana sat up and shook her head, her long blond hair framing her face like a silken drape.

Ares' breath caught in his throat. He had not seen her, not even thought about her for years. Despite his frequent trysts with Cyan, the woman had always been careful to keep both daughters away. Now, after all these years, the little girl who had so confidently knocked his sword away had turned into a true beauty. Long blond hair framed a sweet round face, her large wide-set eyes were bluer than the sky, her mouth was like a rosebud, her legs were long and muscled, and the rest of her body had ripened as well. Desire washed over him and for a moment he considered showing himself. Still, centuries of living had taught him some self-control; at least where sex was concerned.

Tyr looked up at her friend, her sea green eyes questioning. "What do you want to do?"

"Well," Ileana avowed carefully, "I’ve been sure from the time I was eight I would be a warrior and serve Lord Ares. But . . ."

"But what?" Tyr repeated.

‘Yes, but what?’ thought the God of War. ‘You vowed yourself to me, little one, and I won't let you go without a fight.’

Ileana stood up and shivered. She looked around as if she had heard or seen something, but there was no one. She shrugged the sensation off and insisted, "I still want to be a warrior. That hasn’t changed. But some of the stories they tell about Lord Ares."

Tyr’s face took on a sly expression. It seemed everyone in the village knew about Cyan and the God of War, except Ileana. Really, sometimes her friend could be so naïve.

Ileana stared at Tyr with dawning comprehension. She was not oblivious to the stories about her mother, she just chose to ignore them. "Not those stories," she protested sourly. "I mean the ones about the wars he’s started. The innocent people who’ve died. Not warriors, but women and children. There are even stories about the warlords who frequent his temple. They say those warlords steal, rape and pillage all over Greece in Ares’ name."

At Tyr’s stricken look, Ileana added, "They'd never come here. We're protected."

The fear seemed to ease out of Tyr’s eyes when she declared, "You can still be a warrior and serve Artemis."

"I could," Ileana mused slowly. "But the God of War was so kind to me. I find it hard to believe he would allow men to be cruel and murder in his name,"

Tyr shrugged. "Well, you know how people talk. There are stories about us too. I’ve heard people think we kill the men children when they're born."

Ileana looked shocked. "Where would anyone get an idea like that?"

Again, Tyr shrugged. "I don’t know, but the stories about Lord Ares are probably just more of the same. Stories to frighten children."

"Still, I wonder." Ileana stretched her calf muscles and said, "Race you back?"

As the girls left the grove, the God of War remained for a moment deep in thought. An Amazon with a thoughtful and skilled mind would be far more useful than just another warrior and much better than one who served without thought. ‘I think I'll discuss her training with Galea immediately,’ he decided.

Ares was deferential a few moments later when he appeared at Queen Galea’s hut. He bowed in a gesture of respect and requested, "May I speak with you?"

Galea was puzzled. She had known he was coming. Artemis had warned her he was up to something near Parnasis and wanted some help. Still, she hadn't expected him to come and ask nicely for it. His usual style these days was to demand with threats. ‘What is he up to?’ she wondered. She said, "Lord Ares, it's always an honor to speak with you."

He entered the hut slowly, letting the Queen take her throne before he himself sat. "I wish to discuss the training of one of your Amazons."

Now Galea was astonished. As he had promised her when she was sixteen, he was a good friend to the tribe as long as she allowed his worship. Though many of the tribe did serve him, he rarely took an active part in their daily lives or their schooling. "This is unexpected," she conceded slowly. "Do you feel we are not teaching all we should?"

"I have no quarrel with your methods or your teachings," he declared. "I only wish to help." He smiled disarmingly at her. "Cyan’s daughter, Ileana. She is very special. I sense greatness in her and I would like to provide help to bring it out."

‘So that’s it,’ Galea thought. ‘Ileana, the best and the brightest of the tribe.’ She knew the story of their meeting, the child had told the entire village. "Has Cyan asked this of you?"

"No," he refuted brusquely. "Cyan has never asked anything of me. This has nothing to do with her. This is about the child. She is already quite skilled at fighting and I believe she could be a warrior queen," he added firmly, "if she is taught how to fight battles."

"And how do you propose to do that?" Galea queried.

He rose from his seat and began to pace. "There is an Amazon who serves me. Her name is Kori. She has fought many battles and led several armies. She is skilled in tactics and strategy. I would like to send her here to teach Ileana."

Galea realized this was not a request, but a command, however it was phrased. Still, it could be useful to have someone with those skills living in the village. "I see no harm in it," she acknowledged. "When shall I expect her?"

‘That was too easy,’ Ares thought. ‘Galea doesn't usually give in so quickly.’ He appraised her, "She'll be here within the week."

Galea inclined her head as if in dismissal and asserted royally, "We shall make her most welcome. Thank you, Lord Ares. We shall take it as an honor that you think so well of protecting our tribe as to send us a special warrior."

He hid his amusement. ‘So she thinks she’s fooled me, does she?’ "You're welcome," he confirmed. "Now there is another matter I wish to discuss."

"Indeed?" Galea realized she had fallen into his trap. Having accepted his gift, she could not now refuse any reasonable request he made.

A slow wicked grin spread across his features as he answered. "I would like to borrow Myla and Chrissa for a few days. There are some stirrings of trouble outside Parnasis. Trouble," he was quick to add, "which I have not sanctioned. It would be to both our benefits if we could get some information on what Gregor is up to."

Galea was well aware of the extent of the god’s powers. She knew he didn't need to borrow any Amazons for reconnaissance. He could simply become invisible and discover what he wanted to know for himself. Still if there was trouble near, it wouldn’t hurt for her to know about it as well. "Very well," she said deliberately. "I'll advise them of your request. Will you wait?"

"No," he murmured. "I'll be at my temple in Parnasis. I won't forget this." And with that, he vanished.

‘Nor shall I,’ Galea thought.


Ileana never knew why her schooling and training changed. She also didn't know the God of War monitored her progress regularly. A week later, instead of spending her mornings in class learning about nature, she spent them with Kori. Kori was a great warrior, who had recently come to live with the tribe. She came from a different region of Greece and was a tall and imposing figure. Her face was set in severe lines and she kept her long black hair tied back in no attempt to soften it. She wore suede leggings and a long leather jerkin no matter the weather and disdained any of the face paints or ornaments so many of Ileana’s tribe favored. Ileana had noticed her gray eyes seemed to carry a great sadness in them.

Ileana knew Kori had fought many battles and had much knowledge of war. The two spent many hours talking. Kori taught her not about the actual physical way of fighting; there were other teachers for that. Kori’s job was to teach Ileana the art of war.

Kori made battles come alive. She would take twigs and stones and set up a battlefield. Then she would pose questions, "Ileana, if the twigs are here and the stones are there, what will happen?"

Ileana would think, then quickly move the pieces around to show her. Ileana had a natural talent for it. ‘Ares will be proud,’ Kori thought. ‘This one could be a truly great warrior. Nevertheless, I must teach her the part he doesn’t want her to know. It will not be fair otherwise.’

One day near Ileana’s sixteenth birthday, Kori asked, "You're very clever in planning, but have you thought about what those twigs and stones represent?"

"They represent warriors in battle," Ileana explained, not really understanding the question.

"Warriors," Kori almost spit the word. "Warriors are people. People like you, people like me. People like your father who died in battle."

"People?" Ileana had thought only abstractly about what she had been doing. Enjoying the game of war without thinking about the consequences.

"Yes, people, flesh and blood," Kori informed her. "People who hurt, people who die in battle. People with families, with children. People!"

Ileana looked confused, "But if they're warriors, isn’t that the risk they take? I mean, if you're going to fight, you should be prepared to die."

"And what if you’re not?" Kori paused for a moment and then mused, "What if you're forced into battle, because someone wants something you have. What if someone tried to take the village? What would you do?"

Ileana answered quickly, without even thinking, "Fight to protect it, of course. It’s my job. And my risk. Death goes with the territory."

Kori’s gray eyes were stern and her mouth twisted as if in pain as she asked, "What about your mother, your friends, the children?"

Again, Ileana responded automatically, "It’s my job to protect them. I'd die for them."

"But should they have to die for you?" Kori whispered. "The problem with war is that it doesn’t just stay in the battlefield. If another army were to try to take this village, all would suffer. Not just warriors who are prepared to die."

Ileana had never considered that. "You mean if we were to go to war this wouldn't be a safe place, since the other side would try to capture it?"

Kori nodded. "Exactly. Innocent people die in war all the time. When there's a war, all people on both sides are affected, not just warriors on a battlefield."

"So maybe the best way to fight a war is not to have one?" Ileana pondered thoughtfully.

Again, Kori nodded, "That's always best. It's good to be prepared to fight and even to expect and plan to win. But a true warrior never wants to fight. If they must, they'll try to fight with only other warriors in a way in which the innocent won't be slaughtered. This is very difficult Ileana, often impossible."

Ileana’s blue eyes clouded over as she asked, "And does Lord Ares condone indiscriminate slaughter or does he punish those who do it?"

‘I’d better be careful,’ Kori thought. ‘There’s no telling when he’s around eavesdropping.’ She said slowly and cautiously, "Lord Ares wants his warriors and armies to win. He condones whatever they need to do to achieve his ends."

If Ileana understood the unspoken words behind Kori’s answer, she kept that knowledge to herself. However, from that day forward, she never had the same innocent joy in playing war with twigs and stones she had before.

Ileana next saw the God of War on her sixteenth birthday. The day happily enough coincided with the annual Spring Renewal Festival. The day of the festival dawned bright and sunny. As Ileana started to leave the hut her mother’s voice called her back. "Ileana, where are you going?"

Ileana turned and said, "Breakfast. I’ll need all the energy I can get today."

"Wait, daughter," Cyan declared slowly. "I want to give you something."

Ileana studied her mother’s face. Cyan appeared tired and somehow much older that morning. Her eight-year-old sister, Antiope was crankier than usual. ‘Honestly how two sisters can be so different,’ Ileana thought. ‘And look so different.’ As Ileana was fair, so Antiope was dark; dark hair, dark eyes, but worst of all, she seemed to have a dark temperament. Cyan had been so happy when Antiope was born, but over time, her concern about the child had become apparent.

"Good morning, Antiope," Ileana greeted her cheerfully. No matter what her sister’s mood, she wouldn’t let her spoil today.

Antiope stared at her, her mouth twisted in a grimace and her dark eyes burned with jealousy. "Think you’re something special, don’t you?"

Ileana ignored the snide comment and remarked, "Mother, what is it you have for me?"

Cyan went to her older daughter. She announced, "I have a birthday gift for you." She handed Ileana a leather pouch.

"Mother you know we aren’t supposed to . . . that is . . ." impulsively Ileana hugged her mother. "Thank you." Ileana opened the pouch and removed the object tucked inside. It was an armband, unlike any she had ever seen before. It was very thick and made of silver. There were runes engraved on it and a star of shiny enamel inset under the runes. It seemed to glow with starlight as well and as she placed it on her right arm, just above the elbow, she could swear she felt a surge of power rush through her body. "It’s beautiful," she exclaimed hugging her mother again. "Where did you get it?"

Cyan dropped her eyes and explained, "It’s a gift from an admirer of yours. The God of War. He told me to make sure I gave it to you on your sixteenth birthday."

"Lord Ares gave you this for me?" she repeated with surprise. She hadn't seen him since that fateful day eight years before. She didn't see the dark and bitter look Antiope gave her.

"Yes. He’s been watching your progress and though you might not think it, he remembers you well. I’m sure he expects you to serve him one day, as you said you would." Should she tell her daughter what serving the God of War meant? Perhaps not. She would let Ileana continue to enjoy her innocence a while longer.

"The God of War remembers me?" Ileana found she was excited by the prospect. To be singled out by the God of War, she knew, was an honor. "Do you think, that is, Mother," Ileana could barely get the words out. "If I do well today, do you think he might come and wish me a happy birthday himself?"

"Anything is possible with Lord Ares," her mother retorted tiredly, "anything."

The God of War, sitting in his temple in Thrace, using his powers to watch this scene play itself out, was very pleased.

Wearing her new armband proudly, Ileana strolled through the crowded village in a daze. So wrapped up in her thoughts was she, her eyes barely registered the controlled chaos around her. The village was filled with Amazons of all ages and dress: some in leather skirts and vests, some in leggings, some in dresses. There were Amazons from the South wearing tribal masks and from the East with painted faces. There were many stands selling all kinds of wares, jewelry, clothing, and weapons. The festival was the one time each year when all the tribes in the region gathered. It was held in a different location every time. It was an honor for it to be held there.

The festival included all kinds of athletic competitions: foot races, archery, swordplay, ax throwing, lifting, staff fighting. Ileana knew winning in competition was important. Not only did it showcase the tribe’s strength, but it also helped determine future leadership in the village and in battle. After the athletic events were over there was a great feast to honor the renewal of spring. Then a ceremony for those who worshipped Artemis to honor the moon. All this Ileana knew, but her mind was still filled with other thoughts. The God of War had given her a gift! This truly was a special day.

She tried to focus on the competition. First for her was the foot race. She knew she was fast, but would she have the stamina to win? There were six heats and as you advanced, the recovery time between the races got shorter and shorter. By the time you finished the fifth heat, there was barely time to catch your breath before you started the sixth.

Soon the first heat was called. Ileana walked to the starting line and stretched her muscles. There were five girls in the heat, three from her tribe and one she didn’t recognize. ‘That one,’ she thought as she eyed a tall, well-muscled redhead, ‘is competition.’ When the race began, Ileana and the stranger were neck and neck, ahead of the other girls. Ileana won the race, but only barely. As she was catching her breath by a tree, the stranger walked over to her.

"Good race," the stranger said. "My name is Tessa."

"I'm Ileana," she took a deep breath and added, "you ran hard too."

"Thanks," Tessa acknowledged as she critically examined the young blond in front of her.

Ileana met Tessa’s scrutiny with her own. Tessa was tall and Ileana thought, very attractive with a well-proportioned body. Her shiny red hair was pulled back off her face and she had beautiful dark green eyes. She could tell by the belly button ring and face paint Tessa was from the West; probably one of Jihilla’s Amazons. The most interesting thing Ileana noticed though was Tessa wore an armband exactly like the one Ileana now wore.

Tessa must have noticed it too for she said, "I see you’re a chosen one."

"Chosen one?" Ileana repeated, wrinkling her brow in puzzlement.

Tessa pointed at the armband. "Lord Ares gives them to his favorites. I’m the only one in my tribe that has one," she added proudly. "I received mine when I turned sixteen."

"Oh," Ileana exclaimed, suddenly feeling disappointed. She wasn’t so special after all. "I’m sixteen today," she added.

"Your birth-day?" Tessa’s green eyes glittered as she studied her competition. ‘She seems very young for sixteen,’ the redhead thought. She informed her brightly, "Well, you’re in for a treat!"

Ileana stared dumbly at the redhead as she inquired, "What do you mean, a treat?"

"But surely?" Tessa saw the blank look on Ileana’s face. "Never mind. You’ll find out soon enough. Ares wouldn’t like it if I spoiled his surprise."

"No, he certainly would not," a deep voice almost thundered from behind the tree. "Tessa, you have all the makings of a first class warrior, but you talk far too much."

"Lord Ares," Tessa blurted out. "I’m sorry. I meant no disrespect."

"Of course you didn’t," Ares asserted as he stepped out from behind the tree. Ileana’s breath caught in her throat. She hadn't seen many men in her life, and this one took her breath away.

He walked toward the girls, "Tessa, since you are no longer in the running so to speak in the foot races, why don’t you practice with your sword? Ileana is quite an expert."

"Yes, Lord Ares, right away." Tessa with a last, almost pitying look at Ileana, ran away.

Ileana bent down as if she had a stitch in her side, trying to get her emotions under control. She had remembered the God of War as tall and dark, but she hadn't remembered him as being quite so handsome. Perhaps it was because he was so kind to a little girl who had no desire in her, or words to describe a man, that made her remember him so differently.

This man, no this god, who stood in front of her was astonishingly beautiful. Long dark curls of black hair surrounded an almost angelic face with smoldering dark, almost black eyes, and a goatee and mustache surrounded a full sensual mouth. He was very tall, his body muscular, lean, with powerful looking arms and a massive chest. His black leather apparel showed all of it to good advantage. He was beyond anything in her experience.

Ares enjoyed the effect he was having on the little Amazon and was quite angry with Tessa for attempting to spoil his fun. "Ileana," he questioned her, stepping closer, "are you all right?" His handsome features formed a mask of concern.

"Yes, Lord Ares," she murmured. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it would burst. She could feel the heat his body generated; could smell him, leather and something her limited life experience could only call male. She stood up and looked him straight in the eye. Willing her voice not to tremble she added, "Thank you for my gift, but I can't accept it." She went to remove it, but he closed his hand over hers. Her arm seemed to burn with sensation when he touched her.

"What do you mean you can't accept it?" he prompted gently. "No one refuses a gift from the gods."

She shook her head, her blond hair falling in soft waves around her flushed face. "But I'm not a chosen one. How could I be? I have done nothing to prove myself or my loyalty to you."

"Ileana," he murmured, his voice almost a whisper. "You vowed yourself to me eight years ago. Don’t you remember?"

"I remember," she confirmed softly. "But since then, I have done nothing to make that vow a reality."

"That’s not true." Ares pulled her hand away from her arm and took it in his own. "There is a little time before your next heat. Come sit on this stump and talk with me."

"Yes, my lord." Her heart was still racing and the pressure of his hand holding hers was doing something to her breath. She couldn’t seem to catch it.

Ares led her to the stump and pulled her down to sit next to him. He could sense all the reactions her body was having to his and was pleased. For the moment though, he was actually more interested in this Amazon’s mind than her body. "Have you been training hard for the festival?" he asked.


"Yes, my lord," she admitted. Her thigh was next to his, barely touching, and yet the heat he generated seemed to move through her entire body. Her whole being was tingling with wildly new and pleasantly beguiling sensations. She wondered what it would be like to kiss him and felt her face flush even brighter at the thought.

Ares, usually amused at the reaction he evoked, was now concerned. He didn't want her distracted. He released her hand and inched away from her. "Ileana," he advised her sternly, "you are a chosen one. Although we have not met since you were eight, I have watched your progress. You are strong, athletic, and skilled at archery and swordplay. I am confident you will win all the events you are entered in today."

"You think I'm that good?" she inquired in surprise. "Good enough to beat Amazons older and more experienced than I?"

"Yes, Ileana, I do." He paused for a moment, then making eye contact with her declared seriously, "But only if you concentrate. A warrior’s greatest weapon is not a sword, nor their body, but their mind and their ability to focus. In order to be the great warrior I know you can be, you must learn to put aside all distractions and concentrate on the task at hand."

‘He thinks of me only as a potential warrior,' she thought disappointedly. "Yes, Lord Ares, I understand. Galea says the same. I should use my mind, before I use my sword."

He nodded. "Exactly right. Now you’ve caught your breath, do you think you can focus on proving me right about you?"

Ileana jumped up from the stump with renewed purpose. She would show him! She would win everything and prove she was the best. "Yes, Lord Ares. I'll work very hard."

He smiled encouragingly. "Good girl. Well run along then, I think your second heat will be coming shortly."

"Will you be watching?" she asked.

"Would that please you?" he challenged in a teasing tone.

She smiled at him and one dimple appeared on her left cheek. "Very much, my lord," she affirmed.

"Then I’ll watch," he confirmed with another smile. This smile was a touch more wicked and he knew, from his vast experience with mortal women, devastatingly attractive.

Ileana swallowed hard, curtseyed to him, and left without the backward glance she wanted so badly to take.

The God of War watched her firm buttocks and strong thighs move away from him. ‘A shame,’ he thought. He had planned to make her his that evening, possessing her body, knowing that her soul would follow it. He had learned from Kori her mind and skills were everything he had hoped they would be. He sighed; she was very beautiful, but emotionally still too young for what he planned for her, even if she was sixteen. He would have to wait. If he took her now, she would lose her focus and then she would be worthless to him. He sighed again; well there were always plenty of willing women. He would much rather possess a warrior queen. He looked around the festival. His eyes found Tessa watching him. Well, she was attractive and very willing. Still, he would make the redhead pay for mocking him to another Amazon.

Ileana won the foot races handily. When she won the sixth and final heat, she stood at the finish line, her eyes searching for the God of War. She found him and a huge smile lit her face. She nodded her head almost regally in his direction and accepted the floral tribute of daisies that signified her win.

Her next event was archery. Her skills were good, but she knew the gods or perhaps only one was with her that day. Her aim had never been better and her arrows never flown truer.

Tessa was stiff competition. Her arrows too seemed to be kissed by a god. Try as she might, Tessa could not pull ahead of Ileana. Finally, they were still tied and it came down to one final shot for each of them. They drew lots and Tessa received first bow. Tessa measured the distance carefully with her eyes, pulled her bowstring back with a practiced hand, and hit the bulls-eye.

A murmur rose from the crowd. Every one, including Ileana, knew she could only win if she split Tessa’s arrow. A difficult shot, even for the best archer and Ileana knew she was not that. ‘Still, anything can happen today’, she thought.

Ileana took a deep breath. In some way she could not define, she knew this was the most important shot of her life. If she missed, failed, her life would mean nothing. If she succeeded, she was sure the possibilities were limitless.

She assumed her stance, legs apart, steady. Her left arm held the bow, while with her right she drew her lucky arrow, the one with the raven feather. She laid it carefully across the bowstring and pulled it taut. With a whispered prayer, she let her shot go. Swoosh, straight and true, right through Tessa’s arrow and into the center of the target.

A cheer rose from the crowd. Ileana heard the excited voices as she turned to search the crowd for him. There he was, watching her with a pleased smile. He nodded to her. The small gesture filled her heart. She turned to Tessa and saw a look that seemed to be filled with hatred. Ileana swallowed hard and complimented, "Good shooting."

"Not good enough," Tessa complained bitterly. Then she turned abruptly on her heel and walked away.

Ileana was stunned. Amazons were never rude. All of them were trained from an early age in the concept of sportsmanship.

Ileana turned toward the other competitors and saw their awe filled eyes. Again, she looked for the God of War when the flowers were placed on her head. This time he was not watching her and he was not alone. Tessa was with him, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. Her stance, at his side, was no longer angry or bitter, but possessive and secretive.

Ileana turned away, tears stinging her eyes. ‘Why should I care so much?’ she thought.

Ileana left the archery field to go watch the ax-throwing contest. Her best friend, Tyr was a prime contender to win. Tyr was surprised when she saw Ileana. Her friend had won two of her three events and yet instead of looking ecstatic, she looked sad. "Congratulations, Ileana," she exclaimed.

Ileana smiled wanly. "Thanks. What do you think of your chances?"

‘Okay,’ Tyr thought, ‘she doesn’t want to talk about it.’ Tyr shrugged and muttered, "Fair. Some of the competitors from Jihilla’s tribe are very big."

‘Tessa is from Jihilla’s tribe,’ Ileana thought. ‘What does she . . . no I need to focus. I need to remember what he said. If I win the sword competition . . .’ Ileana gave her friend another weak smile and encouraged, "You’ll do well. I have faith."

Tyr nodded. "Thanks, I have faith in you too."

Ileana then sat down on the grass near the field where the ax competition was going on. Tyr was next to compete. Ileana gazed affectionately at her friend. Tyr was tall and stocky with very strong arms. She insisted, in defiance of the tribe, to keep her black hair short, complaining that long hair only got in her way. Tyr took her stance; her legs slightly apart, her ax raised high and then in one fluid motion, she drew her arm back and threw. Her ax circled in the air twice and then landed dead center in the middle target. Tyr nodded her head in satisfaction and turned around to smile at Ileana.

Ileana nodded back. Tyr would make it to the next round of the competition. Ileana rose from the grass and waved to her friend. She needed to get ready for her competition.

After the ax contest came the swords. This was the most important event of the festival. Nearly all the Amazons relied on their warrior skills to survive. Over thirty Amazons were entered into the round robin tournament. The youngest was Ileana at sixteen and the oldest was Kori at twenty-five. The competition was fierce and once Tessa beat Kori, the final match came down to Tessa and Ileana.

The two Amazons studied each other carefully before they began to thrust and parry. Tessa moved first, her thrust from the right. Ileana easily parried it. So it began, for what seemed an eternity, the two girls, and their swords clashing in the waning daylight. Thrust, parry, step left, step right, turn, thrust and parry again. Just when Ileana thought she would collapse from exhaustion, she got the opening she was looking for. Tessa had the same weakness as the God of War. When Ileana saw Tessa move left, she hooked her sword under Tessa’s and just as she had done eight years before, sent the opponent's sword flying.

Cheers and applause came from the large crowd gathered to watch. Queen Galea came forward and lauded, "Most impressive, Amazons. Tessa you put up a hard fight. You should be proud."

Tessa bowed her head to the Queen. She couldn't believe the little blond brat had beaten her. She raised her face and replied through clenched teeth, "Thank you, Queen Galea. But your warrior here won the day. She is truly talented for a child."

‘Jealous are we,’ Queen Galea thought. ‘This one bears watching. She’s the strongest in Jihilla’s tribe and next in line for the throne.’ She proclaimed graciously, "Thank you, but Ileana is hardly a child." Galea took Ileana’s hands in hers and added, "Brilliant performance. I am most proud and pleased."

Ileana executed a curtsey to her Queen and then in a gesture of friendship went to shake Tessa’s hand. Tessa looked at the out-stretched hand with distaste for a moment and then, as she had before, she turned on her heel and walked away.

A murmur swept through the crowd. This was rudeness not only in competition, but to a Queen as well. Galea turned to Ileana who looked mortified. "Don’t let it bother you, child," she said softly. "There can only be one winner and today that’s you. Tessa clearly has never learned how to be a good loser and while that may help her in battle, it will not help her in life." To herself she thought, ‘Ileana has made an enemy without even knowing how or why.’

Now Queen Jihilla was making her way to Galea. Jihilla was tall, even for an Amazon, with an aura of fierceness about her that was emphasized by her armor and face paint. "I apologize for Tessa’s behavior," she announced loudly so all could hear. "My warriors, as a rule, are better behaved than that. Your warriors set a good example of what an Amazon should be."

Galea embraced the other Queen and the crowd quieted. All insults were forgotten: it was time for the final celebrations of the festival. The two Queens presented Ileana with a third wreath of daisies and as winner of the most events, a beautiful new bow. Ileana graciously thanked them, but they could sense her distraction.

Ileana searched for the God of War. Finally, her eyes found him, leaning nonchalantly, arms crossed, in front of a tree. She smiled a smile that was for him alone, although all saw it. He nodded to her as if to say, "Well done," then in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

‘Where is he?’ she wondered. He rematerialized next to the two Queens. If they were surprised, they didn’t show it.

"Lord Ares," Galea acknowledged, "thank you for honoring our festival with your presence."

"Artemis sends her regards and regrets," he intoned regally. "She's sorry she couldn't be here today and asked me to represent her. I am very impressed with all of your warriors. They are a true credit to my sister and to you." He bowed to them respectfully.

Ileana was watching him carefully. ‘So he didn’t stay to watch because I asked him,’ she thought. ‘He didn’t come to see me; he came because of duty.’ Disappointment warred with anger and it showed on her face.

Ares caught her feelings since they were both life’s blood to him, before he ever saw her face. He rose from his bow and confessed, "Of course, I would have come to the festival anyway, if only to wish Ileana a happy birthday."

Ileana felt her face flush with pride, embarrassment and another emotion she couldn’t quite identify. "Thank you, Lord Ares," she declared with a curtsey. "Your best wishes truly bring me honor."

‘Charming,’ he thought, ‘most charming.’ He murmured softly, so only she could hear, "You’re most welcome, little one. Happy birthday." He moved closer to her and as he had done when she was eight, he kissed her forehead.

‘The mark of Ares,’ she thought. The touch of his lips on her forehead made her face burn and spread a fire through her entire body. It was all she could do to keep from trembling and falling.

As if he knew what she was feeling, Ares put an arm around her waist to steady her. "Would you allow me to lead the winner of the festival to the feast?" Ares asked of the two queens.

The two Amazon queens nodded and exchanged a look. Galea noticing Ileana’s armband hoped he recognized her youth and inexperience and food was all he led her to.

Ares escorted Ileana to the long banquet table. The table was filled with food, drink, and flowers. Rather than place himself at the head of the table and usurp the Queens’ positions, a situation that would surely anger Artemis, he sat with Ileana in the middle. He spotted Cyan, waiting to serve and inquired, "Where is Antiope?"

"I’m right here," the child screamed. She was standing behind her mother. "Right here."

"I see you now," Ares replied. "Why don’t you sit on the other side of me?"

"As long as I don’t have to sit next to her." Antiope whined as she pointed at Ileana.

Ares studied the girl he knew to be his daughter. She would have no special powers, but there was something about her. Something which, he couldn’t quite put his finger on, but which made him uncomfortable. "Why don’t you want to sit next to her? She’s your sister, isn’t she?"

"My half-sister," she corrected with distaste as she seated herself next to the God of War.

For a moment, Ares was taken aback by the obvious dislike Antiope had for Ileana. Then he recognized himself in her and his feelings about one of his own half-brothers. He ruffled Antiope’s dark hair, so much like his and instructed, "You should be proud to be her sister. Ileana is going to be a great warrior one day."

"I’ll be a better one," she retorted sourly. "I know who you are and that you’re my father."

‘This child has a knack,’ he thought, ‘for saying exactly the wrong thing.’ His dark eyes studied the ones so like his own as he explained, "Antiope, it’s fine to want to be a good warrior, but you shouldn’t go around telling stories."

She gave him a knowing look. "I know you’re my father, I heard you and Cyan talking about me!"

"Quiet child," Cyan had come running over when Antiope began raising her voice. "You cannot speak to a god that way!"

The child grinned and squealed, "I can speak to him any way I want! He’s my father and he won’t hurt me." She inched over to try to sit in Ares’ lap. "You won’t hurt me, will you, Daddy?"

‘This child is so annoying,’ he thought. ‘Even I can’t possibly be that . . .’ He sighed and grumbled, "It’s all right, Cyan. I’ll take care of it." He rose from his seat and taking Antiope by the hand added, "You and I are going to take a walk and have a little talk." Antiope nodded, happy to receive any attention from her father.

Ileana, though sorry he left, was glad too. She wasn't sure what was happening to her, but she knew she couldn’t handle much more of it. His arm around her waist on the walk to the table had felt so good. And the pressure of his body! She couldn’t understand all the sensations she was feeling, but knew somehow, she wasn’t ready to deal with them. Once he was gone, she could relax and accept congratulations from her Amazon sisters.

Just as she was about to eat, Tessa appeared. The redhead looked chastened. Tessa strolled over to Ileana and apologized. "I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry I acted as I did. I guess I’m not very good at losing. To be honest, I hate it."

Ileana laughed. "I hate losing too. I try not to do it too often."

Tessa laughed with her and sat down in the place Ares had vacated. "What happened to Lord Ares?"

Ileana reached for some bread as she explained, "He took my sister for a walk."

"Your sister?" Tessa repeated. She thought, ‘Is that why he seems so interested in this girl?’

Ileana nodded. "Yes, my sister, Antiope. No one’s ever said for sure, but I think she’s his daughter."

Tessa’s green eyes grew calculating. "She’s his daughter? Then you too?"

"No." Ileana shook her head. "Antiope is my half-sister. My father died before I was born, before my mother joined the tribe. I think Antiope was conceived on the day I met him for the first time," she confided.

"Tell me about it," Tessa requested.

Ileana told her the story of her first meeting with the God of War. Ileana pointed out Cyan who was pacing back and forth behind the table, ignoring her serving duties in favor of worrying.

As if in answer to a prayer Ares and Antiope, still hand in hand, strolled back. Tessa was surprised to see Ares with a child. Every time she asked him to allow her to bear his child, he said children were more trouble than they were worth. Antiope looked so like him.

"You’re in my seat," Antiope complained to Tessa when the father and daughter returned.

‘And she sounds like him when he’s having a bad day too,’ Tessa thought. "I’m sorry," she remarked as she rose from the table. "But wouldn’t you like to sit next to your sister?"

"Not really," the child retorted nonchalantly. She sat as far from Ileana as possible.

‘So the child doesn’t like the blond either,’ Tessa thought. "Lord Ares," she confessed, making sure to put modesty and humbleness in her voice, "may I apologize to you for my terrible behavior?"

"You may," he remarked with amusement. Tessa couldn’t fool him. He knew exactly what she was. Still the fact she thought she could was interesting.

Tessa lowered her eyes and murmured, "My lord, I have already apologized to Ileana. Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me?"

Ares ordered sternly, "I will expect you to perform penance in my temple this evening."

"Yes, my lord," she murmured her green eyes still demurely downcast. She knew what that meant.

"You may go now to prepare for my arrival," he commanded. "I'll expect the temple to be in readiness when I get there."

"Yes, my lord, I’ll leave now." Tessa, with a very self-satisfied smirk, left.

Before Ares could retake his seat, Galea came to him. "Lord Ares, if you have a moment, I would like to speak to you about a matter of utmost importance."

He could scarcely refuse. Artemis had only let him come in her place because he claimed to want an innocent way to see his daughter. If Artemis had any clue what he was up to, she would be furious. She hated it when he played with her Amazons, especially the young virginal ones. And since this tribe was now technically once again hers . . . He offered the Queen his arm and allowed himself to be led away from Ileana and into Galea’s hut.

Galea sat on her throne, the better to remind him where he was. This amused him. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to see what she wanted.

Galea was well aware of Ares' charms. Still, he had gone too far this time and he needed to be reminded of the rules. "Lord Ares, I want to talk to you about Antiope. You know she is your daughter."

The God of War’s face took on an almost feral look as he admitted, "Of course I know. All you have to do is look at her. Who else could have made her?"

Galea stated sternly, "That is exactly my point. We never, as a rule, allow our children to know who their fathers are unless they were conceived before admission to the tribe. Unfortunately, your behavior has made it clear who Antiope’s father is. She was already a difficult child and now I’m afraid she's going to become impossible."

"Too much like her father apparently," he replied with a laugh. "I’ve just spent the better part of an eternity with her, learning what a terror I am. It was a very humbling experience!"

‘He’s being charming,’ Galea thought. ‘He must want something very badly. Well, I do too; maybe we can make a trade.’ She studied his handsome features; his eyes were totally unreadable. "Since you have now acknowledged her as yours, what are you going to do about it?"

"Me?" he repeated with a shrug. "What do you mean, do about it? What is there to do?"

Galea smiled ruefully. "She cannot stay here under the circumstances. Given her previous behavior, she will become even more insufferable, expecting special treatment and demanding more attention than anyone can give her."

Ares shook his head. "Well what do you propose I do? I’m not exactly cut out to be a father. And if you think about it, my other children haven’t fared so well when they have had my attention."

Galea knew his words were true, but she persisted. "I want you to take her to your temple in Thrace and raise her there. She is your daughter and as such, may one day have a role to play in events. Surely, you could see her there. Teach her things. Maybe try to learn something yourself?"

Ares thought about it for a moment. "None of my other daughters has ever directly served me. Perhaps Antiope can. Yes, I think you may be right, but I can't take her there tonight. Besides, she'll want to say good-bye to her mother and sister."

Galea shifted on her throne. A tone of weariness seeped into her voice when she remarked, "She can’t stand her sister and you know it. She’s jealous of Ileana’s beauty and skills. Although frankly, if Antiope would apply herself she could be every bit as good as her sister. The child has talent, Lord Ares, which given her pedigree should not surprise you."

It didn’t. During the time he’d spent with Antiope, he’d learned many things, not the least of which was the child was far too intelligent for her age. And she had the same dark soul he did. While in himself, the lack of conscience rarely bothered him, he found that in a child it was quite bothersome. "Very well, make plans for her to be moved to Thrace tomorrow. "

"Thank you, Lord Ares. There is one other thing," Galea added.

"Yes, what?" his patience was wearing thin. Tessa was waiting for him and he was growing tired of all this talking.

"About Ileana." Galea took a deep breath, "She is very young."

"Do you think I’m an idiot?" he exclaimed angrily. "I know she's young. Oh, you think she’s the one who will be joining me in Parnasis this evening? She isn’t." He paused and his eyes were dark when he continued, "But I do I have plans for her, Galea. As you know I have interested myself in her schooling and training. Ileana will be a great warrior on my behalf and I do not expect the plans I’ve made for her to be interfered with."

"Artemis has plans for her too." There, she'd said it. The real reason she wanted to see him. "Artemis expects her to be the next Queen of this tribe and so do I. The goddess has already visited me with instructions."

"Is Ileana not free to make her own choice?" he inquired. His voice was dangerously low when he added, "She vowed herself to me when she was eight. That is not something I take lightly."

Galea stood her ground, every inch the Queen. "She was a child then. She is now nearly adult. When the time comes, she will make her own choice. She can choose whomever she wishes to serve. But until that time, please stay away from her. I know how charming you can be, how seductive. And she is innocent!"

Ares laughed wickedly. "You're afraid I'll seduce her and then Artemis won't want her. You want her to choose Artemis and the way of chastity, don’t you?"

A look of peace settled over Galea’s face as she replied, "It's always brought me serenity and happiness. And I wish the same for Ileana."

"Be that as it may, it is still her choice. Not yours, not Artemis’ and not mine. Very well, I promise to stay away from her until she is eighteen. Come that day she can make her own choice. But by the same token, I expect Artemis to stay away as well." He paused for a moment and then added in a silky tone, "Come out, dear sister, I know you’re here."

Artemis, in all her glory, materialized behind Galea’s throne. "You’re a fool, Ares," she spat. "She’ll never come to you when she knows who you really are."

"I’ll take my chances," he confirmed. "Just as you will have to take yours. Do I have your agreement, Artemis? Neither of us contacts her directly until she is of an age to decide. We let her learn about her choices from her Queen, who I know will be fair, and others that worship us. Agreed?"

"Agreed, dear brother. Now hadn’t you better hurry to your temple? I think your priestess is waiting for her penance," she added bitterly.

Ares evil laughter filled the hut long after he was gone. Galea and Artemis exchanged glances. "Are you sure this is the right thing?" Galea asked her goddess.

Artemis nodded. "It's the only way. Antiope is a poison. Better she gives that poison to her father than to the whole tribe. As for Ileana, we'll just have to trust to her upbringing and good sense to make her choice."

"May she choose wisely," Queen Galea prayed.

If Ileana was unhappy the God of War didn't return to her side that evening, she didn’t show it. She knew he had responsibilities, just as she did. The next day would be her first hunt and she wanted a good night’s sleep to prepare for it.

She wished goodnight to her friends and then slowly walked back to the hut in the moonlight. She said a silent prayer to Artemis for good luck the next day and then fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

She was not at the feast when Galea invited Cyan and Antiope to her hut to talk. It was just as well. Cyan and Galea had expected Antiope to be pleased, but the child had a mind of her own. Instead of being happy, she threw a tantrum. "I don’t want to go!" Antiope shrieked.

"Why ever not?" Galea asked. "It is a great honor."

"There won’t be anyone my age to play with," Antiope yelled.

‘What you mean,’ thought the Queen, ‘is that there won’t be anyone your age you can boast to or bully.’ She insisted, "Antiope, you are his daughter. He wants to supervise your training."

"He’s going to train me?" she asked thoughtfully. He hadn’t seemed any to pleased with her during the short time they’d spent alone together earlier. What had changed his mind?

"He'll supervise," Galea informed her carefully. "As God of War he has many responsibilities. But he will make sure you are well-taken care of and that you learn all you need to know to take your place by his side." ‘And Artemis help the world if that really happened,’ she thought.

Antiope studied her through veiled eyes as she queried, "But I’ll see him?"

"I should think so," Galea mused. "You’ll be living in his temple in Thrace. I’m told he spends almost as much time there as he does in his castle."

Mentioning the castle was a mistake. That set Antiope off again. Why was she going to the temple and not the castle? Why couldn’t she stay here and train? Why were they doing this to her?

Galea sighed wearily. Artemis was right. The child had too much Ares in her and too little of Cyan’s placid and accepting nature. "Look, child," Galea explained when the spew of rage and venom ran down, "you're leaving tomorrow for the temple. You might as well accept it since it is what your father wishes."

"Ares said he wanted me?" she repeated. Suddenly a new expression appeared on her face, one of thoughtful calculation that belied her young years. "He asked for me to come?"

"Yes, child, he did." No need to tell her it was because she forced him. Let the child think he cared, it couldn’t hurt.

However, Galea miscalculated. Antiope was even more like her father than the Queen or Artemis guessed. ‘He chose me over Ileana. I'll make sure he never regrets it. I'll prove myself,’ she thought. ‘I'll do whatever it takes to make sure I'm the most chosen of the chosen ones.’


Tessa waited impatiently for the God of War to arrive. ‘Has he changed his mind? Did he pick that little blond instead?’ She paced the long room of the temple outside Parnasis. ‘I hate this place,’ she thought. ‘Thrace is so much nicer. He has a real bed there with feather pillows. And many to serve him. I wonder if he’d let me be the priestess there?’ She walked over to the altar and lit the candles.

She heard a sound like wind and knew he was there. "Welcome, Lord Ares. I hope the preparations are to your liking?" She turned from the altar to face him. She was naked.

At first, he looked angry, as if she had displeased him. Then he grinned at her. "Very nice, Tessa," he murmured softly. "Very nice indeed."

She went to him, not sure of his mood, though he always seemed to be in the mood for sex. She knew she pleased him there, just as she knew she had displeased him that afternoon with her rudeness. She stood naked in front of him, legs spread slightly apart, chest lifted and licked her lips. "And what is my penance and your pleasure my lord?"

"Kneel," he commanded roughly. "Kneel to my sword."

"Yes, my lord." She knelt down knowing that in a second his clothes would be gone and his manhood free. She was right. As soon as he was naked she moved between his legs, wrapped her arms around his thighs and brought her mouth to his hard organ.

She flicked her tongue out, teasing the tip of the head. She licked that most sensitive place lightly, watching, as he seemed to grow even harder from her ministrations. She could hear his breathing get ragged, feel his hands moving toward her head. Then as if he couldn't wait any longer, he grabbed her hair and pulled her face forward. She slid him inside. She held him in her mouth, not moving, not licking, not sucking, just letting him feel the heat. One of her hands began to gently caress his belly, moved down through his pubic hair, down to his testicles. He was pushing his pelvis toward her.

She began lightly tonguing the shaft she held in her mouth. She could feel how hard he was, how excited, how much he wanted it. She slid her mouth up and down the length of him, slowly, almost delicately. Still teasing him. One of her hands began to gently knead his testicles, feeling them tighten up. His grip on her head tightened as well.

She glided back and forth a few times then slithered back so only the head was in her mouth. She nipped it gently with her teeth. He moaned her name and thrust further into her mouth. Now she took him all the way in and began to increase the pressure, sucking harder, teasing less, but still using her tongue.

She moved her hands from his testicles, up behind, playing with the crack of his buttocks. This seemed to increase his ardor and he began thrusting into her mouth, pulling her head as far forward as he could. Her nose was almost buried in his pubic hair.

She sucked hard now, wanting to taste him completely. Her fingers found his anus and she slipped one finger inside. That did it, he gripped her head and began to thrust so quickly she almost couldn’t breath. With her other hand she began to knead his testicles again and with one more thrust he was shooting his seed right down her throat.

She swallowed it happily. She sucked as hard as she could, wanting to drain every ounce of him. She felt his body shudder and sag with the strength of the orgasm. She slipped her finger out of his behind, and gripped his leg. Regretfully she let him slip out of her mouth.

After that, he seemed in a better mood. They sat on his throne, she in his lap, his hands almost absentmindedly caressing her breasts.

She snuggled closer to him, feeling his shaft harden beneath her. "You're in a strange mood tonight," she remarked. "Is anything wrong?"

"Wrong?" he murmured. The girl was very skilled, but she was not . . . "No, nothing is wrong."

She shifted her weight slightly in his lap so her hands could caress him. "Have I displeased you in some way?" she queried.

"No," he said with a wicked smile. "You always please me in this manner."

She stroked him a little faster. "But my lord, do I not please you in other ways?"

"Tessa," he declared sternly, "do not mistake my seeming gentleness in passion for a personal characteristic. I cannot be manipulated with sex."

"All I wish to do is serve you," she refuted demurely. "Do you wish me to stop?"

"What I wish," he observed as he removed her hand from his shaft and shifted her to a position where he could enter her, "is much less conversation."

Later still Tessa woke from the little cot where she had been sleeping. She stretched luxuriously. Whatever else you could say about the God of War, he was a great lover. She saw him pacing back and forth and was surprised. Usually he left after having satisfied himself and making sure she was asleep.

"My lord," she reflected, rising from the cot, "something is troubling you."

He studied her carefully through hooded eyes. Though only eighteen, she was highly skilled with weapons. Except for Ileana, he doubted any other Amazon in the region could beat her. She was also ambitious, manipulative, and cold-blooded. A combination that should have made her the perfect tool for him. Only she hadn’t yet learned she couldn’t fool him and that he was her master. On the other hand, some of those very qualities made her loyal and devoted. She would do what he told her. She wasn’t foolish enough to disobey him. He knew he needed someone he could almost trust to stay with Antiope.

"Are you happy with your tribe?" he asked softly.

‘Careful now,’ she thought, ‘this could be a trap.’ She pretended to think about this before she spoke. "I suppose," she mused. "It's an honor to stay there and serve you."

He had to work to keep the grin away. "If you had to leave them would you mind?"

"I serve you, Ares. I go where you wish," she affirmed. She hid her eyes from him; afraid he would see the eagerness in them.

The God of War was amused. She couldn’t wait to leave. Very well, she would get her wish. "Tessa, would you be willing to serve in my temple in Thrace?"

"As I said, I serve at your pleasure. Whenever and wherever you wish." ‘Thrace,’ she thought. ‘I go to be his priestess, his consort!’ This was better than she had hoped. Better even than to one day be queen of her tribe. ‘To sit at the right hand of the God of War!’ She was so busy with her thoughts she almost missed the rest of what he was saying. At the sound of Antiope’s name however, her attention was drawn back to him.

"I said," he repeated, knowing each thought as it passed through her mind, "Antiope will need a firm hand."

"Your daughter?" He nodded. "You wish me to go to Thrace to care for your daughter?" She found it difficult to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

"Antiope leaves tomorrow, well today for the temple. I would like you," he advised her as he came over to her, "to watch over her. Supervise her. Teach her your weapon skills. She is a willful child with much of me in her."

He rubbed his thumb along the line of her jaw. "You seem to handle me so well," he complimented in a silky voice, "you should surely be able to handle an eight year old girl."

‘He wants me to be a baby-sitter,’ she thought angrily. She tried to still the emotion, knowing he would sense it. His hand left her face and moved down to caress her shoulder.

"You have said many times you wish to bear me a child," he whispered. "If this were to go well, perhaps you would be blessed."

‘A child of a god!’ This too was more than she had hoped. All her anger vanished. "Can we start practicing now?" she asked.

He laughed and pulled her tight against him. Really, Tessa was just too easy to manipulate. Her very thoughts betrayed her time and time again. Yes, she would watch over the child and train her well. He could use her ambition to his advantage while at the same time taking care of a potential problem. ‘An elegant solution,’ he thought as he began kissing her neck.

‘That bratty child,’ Tessa thought. ‘I bet all she really wants is a little attention. If I can make her love me, then maybe, just maybe . . .’

End Chapter One

Go to  Chapter Two - The Chosen One


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