A Divine Birthday


By Lady Godiva


E-mail comments to LoreliLee for forwarding to the author


Note: This story was a birthday gift from a friend. It was just so good though; I couldn't keep it to myself. I hope you enjoy it. If you do like it, since Lady Godiva is a brand new writer, let her know. Perhaps we can encourage her to do more writing! <G>

Rating: NC17

Warnings: This story contains scenes of graphic consensual sex between a man and a woman. If you are under 18 or if this is illegal where you live, please read something else.

Disclaimer: The character of Ares, God of Love and/or War apparently belongs to Universal Studios and Pacific Renaissance and this story is not intended to violate any copyrights held by MCA, Universal Studios, Renaissance Pictures or any other entity involved in the making of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys or Xena: Warrior Princess

LoreliLee lay back on the soft grassy slope. Her dark curls cushioned her head as the Amazon relaxed in the warm sunshine. It was a perfect ‘not quite summer’ day. The sky overhead was a clear blue, dotted only occasionally by a wispy cloud. Brown eyes closed, her lips slightly parted in a half smile, LoreliLee let out a long contented sigh.

"Yes," she thought, "it is a perfect day. Even if it is my birthday."

She knew that her Amazon sisters would have made quite a fuss over her, but LoreliLee preferred the quiet and solitude. The past few months had been rather difficult and she was happy to simply luxuriate in the late spring sun.

The warrior stretched out her long legs, letting her toes dangle in the stream. She listened to the water as it played over the rocks, lulling her into a light sleep.

LoreliLee awakened to a not totally unpleasant tingling on her skin. "I must have fallen asleep and baked a bit too long," she thought. Then her keen Amazon senses kicked in - something didn’t seem quite right. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking against the brightness. As her sight adjusted, the warrior noticed a purple tinge to the sky.

"Perhaps a storm is coming," she mused. Sitting up, the Amazon smelled the sweet scent of roses. "Funny, I don’t remember any rose bushes."

Then LoreliLee’s skin tingled with more than just a little sunburn. She sensed another presence. Turning around, the warrior noticed a male figure dressed all in white. Tall, dark and unbelievably handsome, the man approached her confidently. LoreliLee squinted against the glare for a better look.

The Amazon gasped at the stranger’s sheer beauty. He towered well over six feet tall. Long black curls glistened around a ruggedly handsome face. As he came even closer, LoreliLee could see how his dark eyes twinkled mischievously. He grinned at her, his sensual full lips parted into a beaming smile, dimples popping out to accentuate his strong cheekbones.

LoreliLee sat mesmerized. Her heart pounded with excitement as the stranger continued to advance. His sleeveless tunic was belted at the waist, its deep v-neck teasing the Amazon with just a glimpse of dark curls. She unconsciously wetted her lips; she sucked in her breath sharply as she watched the light play off his powerful sculpted biceps. The warrior silently cursed the white pants and boots that hid his long legs from further scrutiny.

"You," he pointed to her with a devilish grin, "must be LoreliLee."

She nodded mutely.

He seemed pleasantly amused by her reaction. "I am Ares. God of Love. At your service." He bowed seriously, but his expression was full of playfulness.


LoreliLee had already guessed his identity; the uncanny resemblance to the God of War had not gone unnoticed.

"But you’re from . . ." she started to question then looked more carefully at her surroundings. Something about the sunny slope and babbling brook were just slightly different than she remembered. "How did I . . ." she let her words drift off enchanted by the god’s charm.

"Such a talented writer at a loss for words," he chuckled. "Your sisters wanted your birthday to be special," he explained. With a wave of his hand, a blanket appeared on the grassy slope laid out with a complete picnic.

The gorgeous god towered over LoreliLee and extended a strong hand to her. Effortlessly, he pulled her up next to him. His sexy musk overwhelmed her senses. LoreliLee felt desire burning within but she forced herself to be patient.

Ares led her over to the blanket. Made from the finest shearling, LoreliLee’s hands trailed over the soft surface as she sat down. The love god knelt behind her; the Amazon craned her head around, trying to see what he was doing.

"Relax," the god whispered in her ear. His strong hands began to massage her neck and shoulders. "Let the God of Love take all your worries away," he murmured in a deep sexy voice.

LoreliLee sighed and submitted willingly to his expert ministrations. Ares paused for a moment to offer her a delicately fluted glass. The Amazon sipped the amber liquid tentatively. Her mouth tingled with delight, as she tasted the outstanding champagne. She smiled broadly and indulged in more of the wondrous elixir.

"Do you like my private stock?" the god breathed in her ear. Then his soft lips trailed down the side of her neck. LoreliLee shivered with excitement as his warm breath tickled her shoulder. Ares smiled, pleased with her response and repeated his actions on the other side.

LoreliLee could feel the potent champagne bubbling in her veins. She felt totally relaxed, slightly giddy and highly aroused. The god’s sensitive fingers massaged her back, coaxing the Amazon to lay down on the plush throw. She stretched languidly and let the immortal continue to work his magic. He eased the tension down her spine, his hands moving tantalizingly over her tight buttocks and down the backs of her legs.

Her desire growing, a tiny sigh escaped the warrior’s lips.

"May I?" Ares asked, tugging on the leather ties that held her top in place. The Amazon had barely murmured her assent when she felt the straps fall away, baring her back.

"Lovely," the god bent to trail hot kisses on her exposed flesh. His hands drifted along her body, lightly brushing the sides of her breasts.

LoreliLee moaned audibly, making the god grin even wider. His powerful hands rolled her over onto her back. The Amazon's halter-top was left behind.

"Magnificent," the God of Love sighed, admiring her firm, rounded breasts. His fingers glided over LoreliLee’s chest, teasing her nipples with a feather-like caress. She felt the dampness spreading between her thighs. Lustily, she reached up and, tangling her fingers in Ares’ glossy curls, she pulled his mouth to her own. The love god’s full sensual lips brushed hers gently, moving from upper to lower, showering her mouth with tender kisses. LoreliLee shuddered with pleasure and Ares pulled back, gazing down at her with lust filled eyes. He lowered his mouth to hers once more. This time his lips claimed the Amazon's in a passionate embrace. The god’s tongue slipped between her already parted lips to explore her inviting mouth.

His massive hands cupped her breasts; gently kneading her mounds as his thumbs rubbed her nipples to an exquisite hardness.

LoreliLee could feel the god’s excitement. His huge erection pressed against her and his breathing was ragged. Ares eased his muscular legs between hers – rubbing his thigh against her wet mound and grinding his pelvis hard into her body.

"Too many clothes," she whispered hoarsely when their lips finally parted.

The love god sat up and grinning mischievously waved his hand. Their clothing vanished instantly.

"Spectacular," he sighed appreciatively at the sight of the Amazon's voluptuous body.

"You should be careful with those compliments," she teased, "or you may run out of superlatives."

"Perhaps, I should find something else to do with my mouth," he retorted flirtatiously.

The love god began a slow sensual trip over her body. His warm full lips trailing kisses along her collar bone then down between her breasts. His mouth moved to one nipple, licking then kissing and finally sucking. LoreliLee’s fingers ran through the god’s thick curls and over his powerful shoulders as she relished in his oral attentions. When that nipple was a hard peak, Ares switched to the other. His tongue lapped the rosy areola taking the tip between his teeth and nibbling gently.

"What a birthday present," LoreliLee managed to gasp.

The God of Love felt his own passion building - he hungered to taste this sexy Amazon. Slowly, he slid down and lowered his face to her curl-covered mound. He kissed her thighs and spread them apart, gaining access to her womanhood. His tongue licked at her nether lips and LoreliLee moaned at the touch. Ares dove deeper into her mound, stiffening his tongue and probing into her hot wet opening. He quickened the pace and the Amazon arched up to meet him. LoreliLee felt her climax building; she dug her hands into the god’s dark hair and pushed him down just as her orgasm exploded. The love god eagerly lapped up her sweetness as her shudders subsided.

Finally, the immortal tongue moved to her tiny bud. He licked first then blew on it lightly. LoreliLee wriggled on the luxurious spread. The softness of the blanket accentuated the sharply intense sensations coming from her own body. Ares took her clit in his mouth and began to suck the pleasure bud. Tenderly at first and then more forcefully, he teased her throbbing clit until LoreliLee could take no more. The warrior gasped and writhed, seeking release as another climax wracked her body. She screamed the god’s name and thrust up one last time as the intensity of the orgasm engulfed her.

Ares’ mouth released her still pulsing bud as the last spasms wracked her body.

"Oh my God of Love," she murmured contentedly, pulling his grinning face up to hers. He kissed her lightly, tenderly, all over her face. His hands returned to her breasts, tweaking the nipples until they were as hard as his own bulging erection.

He looked up at her with a glazed over eyes. "Now?" he asked almost desperately.

"Yes," she answered eagerly. Wrapping her long legs around the god’s waist she pulled him toward her until his hard shaft throbbed against her mound. Ares positioned himself and with godlike grace, gently slid his massive organ inside her. LoreliLee grunted, "Ares, you may be the God of Love but I want my loving hard and hot."

"I can do that," the god growled, suddenly reminding the Amazon of his fierce counterpart. He pulled back and with immortal strength, thrust himself into her depths. LoreliLee cried out in pleasure arching up to meet his assault. Ares plunged again, even deeper if possible, his shaft buried up to the hilt. Over and over, the god pounded into her. The lovers’ ragged breathing and hoarse moans kept rhythm with the slapping together of their bodies. The god felt his groin about to explode. He reached down and, with expert precision, rubbed LoreliLee’s nub just as his balls tightened up. The Amazon screamed and drove her hips against Ares one last time as the orgasm washed over her and her juices flooded out. He climaxed in unison with her, his hips tight to hers; his body shuddered as he shot his seed deep inside her.

Still quivering with aftershocks, god and Amazon lay entwined on the soft blanket. Ares rolled partially off to the side but his impressive shaft stayed semi erect inside LoreliLee.

He looked at her with barely sated lust.

"Let’s not go anywhere quite yet," she answered his unspoken question.

Happy Birthday LoreliLee!

The End? 

I hope not! <G>

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