Guidelines for Romance Down Under

Policy Statement

This is a web site dedicated to romantic erotic fan fiction. Stories should have a content of R or higher. Content can include graphic sex and/or violence, but I will not accept slash, child abuse, pedophilia, or bestialityIf your story includes that content, there are many other excellent erotic fan fiction websites where you can post it. Stories that feature non-consensual sex will be considered, but pending the content may be rejected by the owner. This is a personal choice by the owner and not meant as a political statement.

Specific Guidelines on Content

  1. Stories must feature a character that has been played in the movies or on TV by Kevin Smith. These stories can be prior to or a continuation of characters created by him in films such as Desperate Remedies, Lawless, McLeod's Daughters, or in TV Series such as Marlin Bay, City Life or Fx. I would prefer not to have too many stories set in the Xena or Hercverse as there are already many excellent web sites devoted to that erotic fan fiction.
  2. I will not accept any stories that feature the actor in a "real life" portrayal. The only exception are stories set in the Hercverse of "Yes Virginia There Is & For Those of You Just Joining Us."
  3. All stories must include a disclaimer as to content specifying level of graphic sex and violence. Additionally, there should also be a disclaimer regarding ownership of characters. (If in doubt, I can help with that.)

Submission Format

  1. All stories should be submitted in one font such as Times Roman. Italics, bold and underlining are acceptable, providing the entire story isn't written that way.
  2. All stories should be run through a spell checker, a grammar checker and if possible a beta reader. While I will read everything before acceptance, I cannot guarantee how quickly. A story that requires major editing will take longer to post and may be rejected. If your story requires help, please e-mail me before sending.
  3. Stories can be sent in any of the following formats: Word up to version 7.0, (.doc) or (.txt) or (.rtf). If you cannot format in any of those versions, please e-mail me and I'll see what I can do.
  4. Stories should be formatted without indents. Please use one line between paragraphs and two lines and a group of asterisks (*****) to indicate a scene or time change.
  5. At the top of your submission you should include the following information:

Title as you wish it to appear

Author's name and e-mail address for comments if wanted

(If no e-mail address, but you would still like comments, I'll be happy to accommodate you)

Story rating

Any warnings

Legal Disclaimer

Lastly, if you still have questions, please feel free to e-mail me for help.