The dreaded "said" - here are some words I've found and used and I'm sure there's thousands more. That's the nice thing about synonyms, there's ALWAYS more! <G> Hopefully these will help!
Accept, Accuse, Acknowledge, Acquaint, Admit, Admonish, Advise, Answer, Appeal, Applaud, Apprise, Arbitrate, Argue, Ascertain, Ask, Assert, Aver, Avow
Beg, Bellow, Bemoan, Beseech, Betray, Bewail, Bid, Blame
Caution, Censure, Certify, Challenge, Chide, Claim, Command, Communicate, Complain, Compliment, Compute, Condemn, Confer, Confess, Confirm, Confront, Consult, Contest
Correct, Counsel, Criticize
Dare, Debate, Declare, Deduce, Defy, Demand, Demur, Denounce, Describe, Direct, Disarm, Disclose, Discover, Discuss, Dispute, Distinguish, Divulge
Engage, Entice, Entreat, Establish, Examine, Explain, Explode
Foreshadow, Fume
Groan, Grouse, Grumble
Hail, Hint, Hiss, Howl
Implore, Imply, Impose, Impute, Indicate, Indict, Infer, Inform, Input, Inquire, Insinuate, Instruct, Interrogate, Intimate, Invite
Lament, Lecture
Mention, Moan, Mumble, Murmur, Muse, Mutter
Narrate, Noted, Notify
Observe, Oppose, Order
Petition, Plead, Praise, Proclaim, Prompt, Propose, Publicize
Quarrel, Query, Question, Quiz
Rage, Rail, Rave, Reason, Rebuke, Recommend, Recount, Reflect, Refute, Reiterate, Relate, Report, Reprimand, Reproach, Require, Reveal, Review, Revile, Roar
Said, Salute, Scold, Scream, Screech, Seek, Shout, Shriek, Snivel, Submit, Suggest, Survey
Teach, Tell, Tempt, Terrorize, Test, Threaten, Toast, Torment
Upbraid, Urge, Utter
Wail, Warn, Whine, Whisper,
Yell, Yowl