Counterfeit Characters

A "Lawless" Story

By LoreliLee

Rating: NC-17 

Warning: This story contains consensual graphic sex between a man and a woman and/or violence. If this offends you, is illegal where you live or you are under 18, go somewhere else.

Disclaimer: The characters of John Lawless, Dave Bruford, Jodie Keane and Alan Snow belongs to South Pacific Pictures. The use of those characters in this story is not intended as copyright infringement.

Thunder reverberated with an earsplitting boom. The sharp cracks, louder than repeated gunshots, echoed through the squalid apartment shattering the silence and waking the woman. Lightening flashed so brightly it illuminated every corner of the joint emphasizing the tattered linoleum and shabby furniture. She looked around the seedy one room flat and wondered, ‘Will this nightmare ever end?’

She rolled over and glanced at the clock. The digital numbers showed four a.m. There was a man in the bed beside her snoring loudly. He was oblivious to the weather, oblivious to everything. ‘Well, he should be,’ she thought. ‘I laced his whiskey with enough Seconal to knock out a horse.’ She’d do almost anything to keep him from touching her.

‘Might as well get up and go home,’ she decided. She looked at the man with distaste. His mouth was open and he was drooling. When he finally woke, he’d have a mild headache and assume it was a hangover. Since she’d stripped him after he’d fallen asleep, he’d think he’d gotten lucky too.

She crept out of bed, feeling along the floor for her clothes. She found them, dressed quickly and in the dark of the storm, left him a note. "Joe," she wrote, "last night was incredible. No one’s ever made me feel the way you do. Sorry I had to go, but the rent’s got to get paid. See you tonight. Tina."

She slipped out of the disreputable lodging without a backward glance. If she had looked back, she would have seen Joe, watching from the bed, a calculating expression in his blue eyes as she shut the door.

Tina ran through the pouring rain to her car. She put the key in the ignition, turned it but instead of the soft purr of the engine, she was greeted with a grinding sound. The motor refused to turn over. She tried again and knew she had probably flooded it. ‘Damn,’ she thought. She sighed with frustration. It was too early to call a tow truck and she didn’t want to go back into Joe’s apartment if she could help it. She tried her cell phone but it was dead. She couldn’t stay in the car; she’d have to find somewhere else to wait. She pulled out the key and slammed out of the car as another rain cloud burst overhead. Within the two seconds it took her to run for the closest shelter she was soaked through.

She ran into what she thought was an empty doorway only to hit something big, warm, and solid.

"Hey," a softly accented male voice said. "Look where you’re going."

"Sorry," Tina apologized automatically as she backed away from the disembodied voice.

"No worries," the man replied. "Quite a storm."

"Yes," she answered. "My car won’t start."

He already knew that. He had taken the distributor cap to make sure of it. "Well, if you can wait until the rain cools down a bit, I’ll be happy to take a crack at fixing it."

Tina wished she could see his face. Because of the early hour and the fury of the storm, it was too dark in the doorway to see much of anything. As if he’d read her mind, she heard a scrapping sound and a match flared, putting his face in bold relief. In the dim light of the flame, she caught dark eyes, a mustache, a hoop earring on his left earlobe, and a beautiful sensual mouth. He had dark hair pulled off his face somehow and a quirky set of thick eyebrows. He used the match to light a cigarette then held the flame steady.

She knew she must look a sight. She wore a skin-tight T-shirt and jeans. Soaked with rain they clung to her body. She had been in such a rush to get away from Joe she hadn’t brushed her thick brown hair and she was sure it must be a rat’s nest of curls. She wondered if the heavy eye make-up she had worn the night before had caked around her eyes. He was studying her intently in the low light from the match.

Their eyes locked for a moment and time seemed to stop. Then the match burned down; the man gave a yelp of pain and shook it out. A long quiet moment passed between them. The only sound was the steady beat of hard rain pelting concrete.

John Lawless pulled out one more match and lit it. He wanted another look at the woman. He was watching her boyfriend, Joe Smith. He’d been on stakeout for three days now. The last two nights this woman had come home with Smith and then in the middle of the night, left alone. He‘d been intrigued with the way she looked and for reasons he couldn’t quite explain; he wanted to find out who she was. So he’d disabled her car and waited.

This rainy morning she’d come rushing out of the apartment house as if trailed by demons. Now as she stood there in the light from the match, she watched him with wary eyes. Her eyes were an unusual color, greenish blue. Didn’t quite match up with her skin tone or hair coloring. He wondered why she was wearing contacts. His eyes raked her form up and down. ‘Great set of knockers, great body,’ he thought. ‘Who is she?’ He let the match go out and took a drag of his smoke.

‘Who is he?’ she wondered. ‘And why is he here?’ As he had lowered the match, she got a glimpse of a black T-shirt, jeans, and a short black jacket. He looked more than a little grungy. In fact, he looked like trouble with a capital T. Tina shivered. The neighborhood wasn’t the greatest and although she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, she’d rather not have to.

"Are you cold?" he asked softly. "You’re really soaked." His voice sounded gentle and kind. "There’s a pub around here somewhere. We can go there to wait until the rain stops if you like."

"What’s your name?" she asked.

"My name?" he repeated with a soft laugh. "My friends call me JL."

She stuck out her hand. "Pleased to meet you JL. I’m Tina."

He took her hand and held it a moment longer than strictly necessary. "Nice to meet you, Tina. Now what do you say to finding someplace warm and dry?"

She nodded. She studied the area as JL’s cigarette arched from his fingers toward the street. The rain was still coming down in buckets. God, how she hated New Zealand weather. She’d be glad when she could leave this country and go home. Soon they promised. Just this one last job in New Zealand and then she would be free to go back to America.

"Over there," he advised. The sky had begun to lighten a little. She glanced in the indicated direction. A small neon sign flashed the word ‘Open’.

"Sure," she said. "Shall we run for it?"

He nodded and gestured for her to go first. She gritted her teeth and ran.

He watched her for a moment. ‘Great ass,’ he thought. Then he followed. His stride was a bit longer and he reached the door a moment before she did. He pushed it open.

Tina entered and thought, ‘Ah, blessed warmth.’ The pub was typical New Zealand and there was a roaring fire going. She went straight to the fire to try to dry out. JL went to the bar. She stood directly in front of the crackling flames rubbing her hands. Then she turned to warm her backside. She caught JL studying her. She wondered what he saw. In bright light, his face was hard to read.

She hadn’t realized he was so big or so tall. Seeing him standing at the bar, waiting on the drink order, she realized he was well over six feet. Of course, she was tall herself. ‘We’d make a good match,’ she thought.

The bartender brought two steaming mugs to him. JL nodded to her and brought them over to where she stood by the fire.

She took her mug greedily. She brought it up to her face and let the steam and aroma rise. She looked at him in surprise. "What is this?"

He shrugged out of his wet jacket. "Thought you could use something a little stronger than coffee or tea. It’s a hot rum toddy."

"How’d you convince him?" she asked. "It’s off hours."

"Charm and a twenty dollar note," he retorted with a self-deprecating laugh. His face lit up with an irresistible grin.

Tina found herself smiling back at him and relaxed a little. She took a sip of the hot drink and felt it slide warmly down her throat and through her body. It was exactly what she needed.

John watched Tina carefully. She stood in a relaxed stance, her eyes downcast, glued to the mug she held. Even in her present bedraggled state, with wild untamed hair, mascara ringed eyes and damp clothes she was a beauty. Still he sensed secrets and caution in her every movement. He had lived like that for too long not to recognize the signs in someone else. Eighteen months undercover had taught him a lot about himself and other people. There was something about her though. Something classy and straight that just didn’t jibe with the way she dressed and the company she kept. What was she doing with a lowlife prick like Joe Smith? Even his name sounded fake.

Tina sipped her toddy and wondered who JL was. In the subdued light of the pub, he still looked like trouble. From the brown leather cowboys boots on his feet to the long dark curly hair on his head which was pulled back in a ponytail every inch of him screamed bad news. He had a thick mustache and this weird little triangle of hair on his chin. Most men would have looked completely ridiculous, but somehow on him, it worked. He had taken off his jacket and casually thrown it on a chair. His T-shirt was skin tight, every muscle in his chest clearly outlined. His arms were huge and well muscled. ‘He must work out everyday,’ she thought. ‘That chest must be incredible. Oh god, don’t I have enough trouble in my life right now?’ She turned back to face the fire afraid to look at him anymore.

"So what are you doing wandering around at his hour?" he asked lightly.

"Storm woke me. Thought I’d go for a drive to relax." It sounded lame even to her.

"You’re American," he acknowledged with surprise.

"Yes," she nodded. "I am."

"And you’ve got a New Zealand license? That’s pretty impressive."

"It’s an international license," she remarked. ‘Shit,’ she thought. ‘Not good. Why am I telling this stranger anything?’

"International?" he rolled the word off his tongue as if he’d never heard it used before.

She said nothing. Better not to speak, better not to look into those eyes of his. She suspected what she saw in them would encourage her to tell him anything and everything.

There was a loud clap of thunder like a gunshot and she jumped. John put a hand on her arm and said, "It’s just thunder."

Still she said nothing. His hand lay lightly on her arm, his fingers not even moving and yet, their touch on her skin set a fiery heat flowing in her veins. Finally, she said, "Do you think I can call a tow truck from here?"

He felt the softness of her skin and the delicate web of fine hairs on her arm. He felt a rush of desire and removed his hand as if he’d been burned. "Too early," he replied. "This is New Zealand. Most of us don’t like the morning. Relax and drink your toddy. The rain’ll stop soon enough and I’m sure I can fix your car. Probably a loose wire or something."

"What are you doing out and about so early?" she queried.

"Storm woke me too. Thought I’d take a walk. Pretty thick, eh?" he laughed at himself. "Guess I should have woken up more and thought first."

"Do you often act without thinking?" she asked. The question escaped before she could stop it.

He laughed softly and moved closer to her and the fire. He studied her face. "Not usually." He reached out and tilted her face toward his. He locked eyes with her and added, "I’m actually quite a careful kind of bloke."

She stared into his eyes. She felt herself being pulled into their depths. They were incredible eyes, dark brown almost black and there seemed to be a world of emotion alive in them. As she drowned in those eyes, she felt a red hot flush spread over her neck, her throat, and her face. Unconsciously she licked her lips, her tongue lingering on her lower lip.

He seemed as caught up in the moment as she. Then he sucked in his breath and broke eye contact. He released her chin and turned away. He walked over to the front window to stare out, turning his back to her.

She was grateful he had turned away. What was happening to her? She was the one who used sex as a weapon. She was the one who spent her life turning heads and making men go weak in the knees. Now she felt as if she’d run a mile and could barely catch her breath. Her body felt hot and tingly everywhere and it wasn’t from the heat of the roaring fire in the grate.

"Looks like it might be clearing a bit," he said without turning. His tone was hurried, rushed as if it was a fight to get the words out. His back seemed stiff somehow as if an act of will was forcing his movements.

Quickly Tina finished the rest of her drink and put the mug down on the bar. She joined JL at the window. It did seem to be clearing. His body radiated heat and a strong scent of tobacco, sweat, and something that was peculiarly male and incredibly sexy. Suddenly she wanted nothing more than to just go somewhere with him and get naked. To see that muscular body completely undressed and hovering above hers. She felt an intense wave of desire wash over her like a physical pain. She hadn’t felt anything like it in a very long time.

He turned to her, a small smile flitting across his lips. A lock of her hair had fallen across her cheek and he pushed it away, brushing her cheekbones with his fingers. She smiled at him and again licked her lips, her tongue played with her lower lip, and then she bit it.

God, he wanted her. Her clothes still clung to her figure, her full breasts outlined and straining against the taut material of the T-shirt. Her mouth was so beautiful, her lips full and sensual. He could feel himself getting hard just at the thought of what kissing her would be like. "We can take a crack at your car now if you’d like," he confessed in a tone far more suited for a proposition than a remark on her automobile difficulties. As if he realized how much his voice had given away, he turned away from her and looked back out the window.

She realized the attraction was mutual and was pleased. She was even more pleased that he too seemed to have his own reasons for ignoring it. "Sure," she agreed. "It does look better."

He put his mug on the bar and grabbed his jacket. Then he opened the door for her. There was still a soft rain coming down but the sky had lightened considerably. When they were halfway between the car and the pub, the sky exploded again and they found themselves running, not for her car, but for the doorway where they met.

For some reason she began to laugh, then suddenly her face was in his hands, and his mouth was coming down on hers. It was like a thousand volts of electricity shot through her body. His lips were so soft, they barely touched hers, and yet it felt like they were now an integral part of her mouth. She responded to him immediately, instinctively. Her arms encircled his neck, her body arched toward his. He released her face and pulled her closer, almost crushing her to his chest. She could feel the dampness of his shirt and the fast beating of his heart. The kiss deepened, the pressure of his lips intensified, his hands now tangled in her hair, pulling her head closer. He pulled back a bit, his tongue snaked out and traced her lips then he kissed her softly for a moment. He moaned and pulled her even closer. His hands caressed the small of her back and then he began to suck her upper lip. Now a moan escaped from her and she melted against him. Her hands moved from his neck to crawl over his back, to trace his powerful arms. She pulled his shirt out of his pants to feel his skin under her fingers.

His mouth came back down on hers, hard. His arms pulled her tight, his hands cupping her ass. His tongue plunged into her mouth, searching, hungry. She pressed against him, lost in the kiss, wanting it never to end. She slipped her hands under the shirt and felt the soft skin of his back. He moaned into her mouth.

He backed her up against the wall. Now their bodies were pressed so tightly together she could feel his excitement. He rubbed against her, his shaft hard on her thigh. She felt the cold damp stone against her back, heard the soft rain pelting the street and the sound of a car backfiring somewhere. The pressure of his body was causing a warmth to suffuse her and an ache to start deep within her. He ground himself against her and tilted her head back, his mouth devouring hers, practically becoming a part of hers. The kiss was so incredible she felt as if she would come, just from it. Finally she had to pull her mouth away; she couldn’t breathe and couldn’t think. She was panting with passion.

"You’re so beautiful," he whispered as he began to kiss her neck. His hands were moving over her torso, her arms, her legs, and her chest. His mouth was searing a hot trail across her throat. "I want you so much," he murmured.

She ground herself back against him, wanting him desperately. Wanting him so badly she already was wet and aching for him. There was another clap of thunder that sounded like multiple gunshots. Suddenly she was reminded of why she was where she was and of Joe Smith.

"Stop," she said.

John reluctantly pulled his mouth from her neck and looked at her with surprise. Her eyes were glazed with passion, he could see her breasts heaving beneath the T-shirt. "Why?" he asked.

"I can’t," she said, her voice full of panic. "I want to. You’ll never know how much! But I can’t."

He quirked an eyebrow but took a step away and released her. She sagged against the wall nearly falling.

He touched her face lightly, "No worries. I’d never force a woman."

"With looks like yours," she replied with a laugh, "I doubt you’d ever need to."

"Try telling that to my ex-wife," he muttered bitterly. The pending divorce and its nastiness rankled. He’d never forgive Marla for bringing up poor dead Sonya during the preliminary hearing. As proof of his infidelity. Like she needed to. He knew his emotions were still too raw. "I want to see you again."

"You still have to fix my car, remember?"

"I mean it."

She shook her head. "I’m involved. It’s complicated."

He pulled her back into his arms; he gripped her head and pulled her mouth back to his. He kissed her hard, brutally, his lips taking possession of hers. The desire in him so strong it seemed to sear into her soul. Now his tongue was like an attacking weapon, tightly coiled, sharply moving in and out of her mouth. He took one hand off her head and used it to grip her ass, to pull her tightly against him. He held her there while he ground into her, showing her how much he wanted her. That he wasn’t prepared to take no for an answer, not when she clearly felt the same.

She couldn’t help herself; she let desire ensnare her. She kissed him back, rubbing herself against him. Her arms were crushed to his chest; slowly she snaked one out, put it around his waist, and began to rub his ass. He backed her up against the wall again. He pulled her T-shirt out of her jeans, his hand slipping under the cotton to caress one of her breasts. She moaned into his mouth as his thumb began rubbing her nipple through the silk fabric of her bra. Now his other hand was moving down her body, down her belly, reaching for the snap on her jeans. She felt herself becoming liquid at his touch, felt as if any second now she would completely lose control. Oh god, she couldn’t.

It took an act of supreme will, but she managed to pull her mouth away from his. "Please stop," she said breathlessly. She paused and added in a voice ripe with threatening tears, "I can’t. Please."

John came to himself, shocked at how close to losing control he’d come. Passion and rage, sex and love, they were so mixed up in his mind these days. He'd always carried anger and rage tightly coiled inside him, even more since Sonya’s death. He couldn’t take it out on her. He released her again and took two steps back. "I’m sorry," he said softly. He tucked his shirt back in his jeans as he turned away.

She caught the expression of self-loathing on his face before he turned. "Don’t beat yourself up about it," she said softly. "I was sending you mixed signals. I just can’t."

"No worries." He had to get himself under control. He’d gotten in trouble before letting rage and passion overtake him. He had a job to do. Had to focus on that. He turned back to her, watched as her eyes searched his face. "Let’s see about your car, okay?"

She nodded. The rain had finally stopped. They left the doorway and went to her car. He had her pop the hood and get in. She watched as he worked on the engine for a moment. He stuck his head out from under the hood and called, "Loose wire. Try it now."

Blessedly the car started. She rolled her window down as he shut the hood and came round to the driver’s side. "Thanks," she said.

He reached out to touch her face. His caress was gentle, tender; he teased her lips with his fingers, then leaned down, and gently brushed them with his own. "Tina, I’d really like to see you again."

She studied him. Who was he? Could she afford to find out?

He didn’t wait for an answer; instead he pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to her. "No strings. Just call me. Please?"

"I don’t . . ." She looked at his earnest expression, the beautiful eyes almost pleading with her and she felt something stir in her chest. "I’ll try."

He nodded as if it was more than he expected and turned to go. His back was partially slumped and he looked oddly defeated. "Wait," she called out the window. He turned back, his face now hopeful. "Can I give you a lift?"

"A lift?" he looked a bit puzzled.

"Back home," she said softly. "It’s the least I can do since you fixed my car."

"No thanks." He shook his head and shrugged. "I’d rather walk it off."

She didn’t pretend to misunderstand. "That kiss was . . . JL . . . I wish . . ."

A soft smile lit his face totally transforming it. "Glad you liked it. There’s lots more where that came from."

She laughed and drove away. John watched her go and then went back into his doorway to keep a watch on Joe Smith.

Tina walked into her apartment, stripped off her clothes and took a long hot shower. Wrapped in a thick clean towel she finally checked her answer machine. There was only one message. "Tee, I need to see you. Sluggy beat me again. Can you meet me? I’ll be at the Olympic Café at nine-thirty. See you there."

She glanced at the clock, already nine. Still, she could make it if she hurried. Damn CeeCee and her command performances to hell.

Tina dressed quickly in khaki slacks and a demure white blouse. She grabbed her purse and flew out of the apartment. A quick drive got her to the restaurant. CeeCee was sitting in the back booth with a cup of coffee in front of her.

"You’re late," CeeCee said irritably

"Sorry, didn’t get your message until just a bit ago," Tina answered as she slid into the booth.

"Where were you?" the redhead asked as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder.

Tina studied the woman carefully. She and CeeCee had been partners for a long time. These days, despite the familiarity of her features and characteristics, it seemed as if she didn't know Cee at all. Tina answered bitterly, "Spent the night at Joe’s."

Cee’s green eyes flashed with understanding. "Joe Smith?" Tina nodded. "He’s a snake," the redhead spit.

Tina shrugged. "You don’t have to tell me that. I know. Still . . ."

CeeCee nodded in understanding. "Yeah, how’s it going?"

Tina looked around the restaurant. It was nearly empty. There was no one near enough to overhear. "So-so. He doesn’t trust me yet, so I haven’t been able to find out much. Still, he’s definitely into something dirty."

CeeCee’s green eyes grew calculating, "Any money to be made?"

"Gobs of it, I should think," Tina replied absently.

"Gobs of it?" CeeCee repeated with a laugh. "Picking up our local slang are you?"

Tina laughed. "I’ve been here for three months longer than I should be. How sure are you?"

CeeCee nodded. "Very sure. Keep working him."

"Okay. Listen," Tina added softly. "I think there may be a new player in the game."

CeeCee sipped some coffee, leaving a red lipstick mark on the pristine white surface of the cup. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Tina shook her head and sipped her own coffee. "There was a guy sniffing around this morning. Said his friends called him JL. My car wouldn’t start and he fixed it. Way too quickly by my reckoning. I think he disabled it so he could scrape acquaintance. See what you can find out, will you?"

Suddenly CeeCee was all business. "What did he look like?" Tina described him and then pulled the card he’d given her out of her purse. "This should have his prints as well as mine."

CeeCee held the card by the edge and said, "Gave you his number did he? You must have made quite an impression."

Tina smiled sadly. "Yeah, that’s me. A drowned rat in the rain coming off like Mata Hari."

CeeCee laughed. "When do you see Joe again?"

Tina stared into her coffee cup as if the secret to life resided there. "Tonight. I’ll meet him at his local. Cee, how much longer? I really do not want to keep drugging him."

The woman began looking through her purse. She replied, "Till you find out how we can clip his wings. Then you’re free."

Tina sighed and said, "I’m really beginning to hate this and New Zealand."

CeeCee laughed. "Come on Tee. You were the one who wanted to travel and see the world."

"I was a lot younger then," she replied sarcastically. "These days I don’t seem to end up in such nice or interesting places."

Again CeeCee laughed. "Could be worse. You could be in Oz."

"Too true," Tina said. "Too true."

John Lawless sat in his office looking at the file in front of him. It never seemed to get any thicker. Never seemed to generate any more info no matter how hard he worked it. His was a lonely job especially in Auckland.

He’d met Tina two weeks ago now and she was constantly on his mind. She hadn’t called; he hadn’t really expected her too. As hard as he looked, he couldn’t find anything out about her. It didn’t help things that she was a Yank. He had no resources outside the New Zealand police. Still, Bruford and Keane helped him on occasion. He was glad that prick Snow was finally on his way to jail.

In those two weeks, he’d learned a whole lot more about Joe Smith. Funnily enough that was the lowlife’s real name. He was a total wrong’un. In trouble almost from the day he learned to walk. Juvenile crimes, teenage crimes, stretches of time served until he’d turned legal age and then he seemed to get smart. Very few busts and no convictions. He always had plenty of money and no visible means of support. Inland Revenue had been after him for years, but couldn't touch him.

The woman who’d hired him claimed Joe Smith had stolen her trust fund and left her pregnant. She’d lost the baby and everything else. She wanted Lawless to find him and shake the money out of him. Well, he’d found Joe Smith, but hadn’t found a way to get at the money. The guy lived like a bum. Tina was still spending her nights at his apartment. He cringed every time he thought of that prick touching her.

He didn’t really know Tina yet the memory of their encounter was still overpowering. What was she doing with that dickhead? There was no way a woman like that belonged with him. Although why he was so sure she was a woman like that, he didn’t know. But he trusted his instincts. Something about this situation just didn’t smell right to him. He decided he would have to do something about it.

Tina strolled into the pub with reluctance. The last thing she wanted was to spend yet another evening with Joe Smith and his idiotic lowlife friends. She sighed. This wasn’t moving fast enough for her. The slime ball was all hands and no talk. She needed to find a way to crack his façade, get under his skin and find out what his game was. He’d dropped tantalizing little hints but nothing concrete. He kept nothing in that apartment of his and he never let her near his office. She would have to find a way to get in there when he wasn’t. She wanted this to be over.

She paused for a moment, her eyes searching the crowded pub, looking for Joe. She heard his laughter coming from a back booth and then she saw him. What was JL doing here? He was sitting and talking with Joe? CeeCee still hadn’t gotten back to her with any information. Damn, she hated working in the dark. She gritted her teeth. Well, if this JL were another one of Joe’s buddies she’d just have to brazen it out. She hoped he was as smart as he seemed to be. If Joe even suspected that JL had touched her, he’d have him killed.

Dressed in a see-through sheer red blouse tucked into tight jeans, Tina thrust out her chest and strolled to the booth. Instantly she batted her thick eyelashes and became the flirty cheap kind of woman that Joe liked. "Hey baby," she said softly. "Miss me?"

Joe Smith grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into his lap. "Course I did," he said. He pressed her down on him, "I get hard just thinking about you," he added in a coarse tone of voice.

John seated across the table clenched his hands tightly around his beer. He longed to punch that smug possessive expression right off the lowlife’s face. Tina was giggling at the man, acting as if she couldn’t wait to be alone with him. She whispered something in his ear and then she jumped up off his lap. With another giggle she turned and went to the bar.

"What’s up with her mate?" John asked.

"Went to get us another pitcher," Joe explained. "Don’t say nothing in front of her. She thinks I’m legit."

"What’d you think, I’m thick?" John retorted with a shake of his head. He waved a hand and added, "Never tell the girlfriend anything you don’t want repeated all over town."

"Smart boy," Joe nodded approvingly. "Maybe we can work something out."

"Bewdy," John whistled. "Cause I could really use some ready, you know?"

Joe nodded. The guy seemed okay. He knew quite a few of the right people, but still . . . He was an ex-copper. Rumor was he left the force after being undercover because he was dirty. Terry Bowers claimed he’d given him 40K, but Bowers was in jail and would say anything. He was a psycho. Still, if he’d kept the 40K, he probably was dirty. That could be useful. A guy like that could handle himself in a fight and Joe thought the next job could be rough.

Tina waited for the pitcher at the bar her emotions in turmoil. JL’s presence had hit her like a smack in the face. He looked so good. He wore tight black jeans and another black T-shirt like a second skin. Her entire body had reacted at the sight of him, immediately reliving those moments in the doorway. His touch, his kiss, her body physically ached for him. How the hell was she going to get through this? She paid the bartender and turned to go back to the table. She’d have to manage somehow. It wasn’t like she hadn’t done it before. But still . . .

Tina sashayed back to the table, swinging her hips. She placed the pitcher down and this time managed to sit not on Joe’s lap, but on the bench next to him. "New friend Joe?" she asked.

"A friend of a friend," Joe answered.

"The name’s Lawless, John Lawless," he said. "My friends call me JL."

"Tina," she responded. There was no hint in her behavior whatsoever that she had ever seen him before.

"Nice to meet you," John said. "You must be the girlfriend Joe’s told me about."

"Been talking about me again?" she replied with a laugh. "Joe, you really should learn to keep things to yourself."

Joe grabbed her and began to kiss her. From the angle that John had, it looked like she was actually enjoying it. Tina broke the kiss and when she turned, just for a moment, John thought he caught a glimpse of absolute revulsion on her face. But the expression passed so quickly he couldn’t be sure.

"Well then, so you’ll be in touch?" John asked as he rose from the table. He didn’t think he could stay there another minute.

"Yeah mate, sure," Joe said with a nod. Then he asked slowly, "You ain’t leaving are you?"

John nodded, the bar light glinting off the earring he wore. "You two look like you want to be alone. I’ll just piss off, shall I?"

"How about a game of pool then?" Joe asked him.

John shrugged. "Pool man? When you got a lady like that waiting on you?"

Joe waved a hand as if Tina were meaningless. His words confirmed the gesture. "She’ll be happy to wait, won’t you Tina?"

"Sure Joe. You go ahead and play pool. I’ll just sit here and drink your beer and wait like a good little girl." Her tone of voice warned John, if not Joe, that she wasn’t happy.

"That’s my girl. Knew you’d understand. Come on, I’ll let you break." Joe rose from the table, grabbed his beer and began to walk toward the rows of billiard tables in the back. He gestured for JL to follow him.

Tina shrugged her shoulders and poured herself a beer. Her expression spoke volumes, but Joe either didn’t care or couldn’t read it. John could though. He nodded to her as if in apology and picked up his own glass. He followed Smith to the green felt table.

Joe racked the balls for a game of nine ball and began to chalk a cue. John studied the crook before him. Joe Smith was tall, burly, and handsome in a coarse animal kind of way. He dressed in expensive clothes, but they didn’t fit him or his personality. John wondered, not for the first time, what Tina saw in him. Smith had a cruel mouth, blue eyes, blond hair cut short and a nose that had been broken at least twice.

John finished chalking his cue and nodded he was ready to go. Joe lifted the rack and waited. John bent toward the table, lined up his shot and had a good break. The nine ball went in.

"First game to you," Joe said with surprise.

John shrugged. "Just lucky mate."

Joe's blue eyes grew calculating. A cruel smile crossed his lips as he asked, "Want to bet on it?"

"Hell no," John said with another shrug. "Like I said, it was just a lucky shot." He’d been station champion for three years running. He knew Joe wouldn’t like losing and he couldn’t afford to lose big. He wasn’t broke, but his money was day to day. Truth was, he could use some ready cash.

"Come on," Joe urged. "What’s a little friendly gambling between friends?"

"No way mate," John replied. "Remember me? I’m the one who needs the ready. I can’t afford to lose."

"And you’re so sure you would?" Joe asked.

"Hey man, I don’t want to get into an argument here." John turned as if to walk away. "If you’ve got any work, just call okay?"

Joe put a hand on his arm. "Hey no hard feelings, eh? Sometimes I get carried away. Let’s just play a friendly game."

The second John felt the crook's touch on his arm he wanted to hit him. The anger and rage surged through him like another flow of blood. He looked at the manicured hand on his arm and shook it off. "Sure. Let’s play. This time you break."

John worked very hard and managed to lose the next three games. At some point, during each of the games, Joe had returned to the table where Tina waited. He would refill his beer, then grab her and cop a feel. John was barely able to keep his rage in check. He really wanted to beat the crap out of Smith and was afraid he was about to when luck came his way.

Winning put Joe in an expansive and jovial mood. This JL was smart; smart enough to know beating a potential boss was not a good idea. He could tell JL could play, but instead was allowing himself to be beaten. Very smart. Tina, she was behaving herself too. Sitting at the table like a good girl, talking to no one, ignoring everything going on around her. Maybe his suspicions of her were unfounded.

Joe was about to suggest a fourth game when his mate Sluggy swaggered into the pub. John recognized him right away. Sluggy looked like another version of Joe, only smaller and darker. John watched as Sluggy caught Joe’s eye. Joe excused himself and went to talk to him.

John watched the two men have a hurried intense conversation. Something was about to go down. Joe strolled back to the pool table and said, "Hey mate, can you do us a favor?"

"Sure," he said, "what’ca need?"

Joe’s eyes took on a cold, calculating look. "I got to take care of some business. Can you make sure Tina gets home okay?"

"Got any work for me in this business of yours?" John bent his whole body forward in a pose of eagerness and submission.

Joe shook his head. "Don’t be so eager. This ain’t it. But hey, here’s fifty to make sure my girl gets home safe and sound."

John looked at the cash hiding his distaste. He knew if he didn’t take it . . . He accepted the cash and said, "Sure mate. I’ll see the lady home."

Joe eyed him carefully. "Just to her door mind. No going in."

John put on his best innocent face. "Think I’m that stupid?" he asked rhetorically. "She’s your girl. I don’t poach man."

Joe nodded as if he was satisfied. "Okay. Be back here tomorrow night. I might have a job for you."

John watched as Joe went to Tina, pulled her to her feet and said something. Tina shook her head, but he could tell Joe wasn’t giving her a choice. With a mulish expression on her face, she sat back down. Joe said something else and then motioned JL over. He went.

"JL will take you home." Joe said.

Tina looked angry. Her eyes flashed. She wore very heavy eye make up and even heavier cake makeup on her cheeks. Her bright red lipstick looked like it had been applied with a trowel. Despite all of that, she looked beautiful. John wondered why she hid her features that way.

"I want to go with you," she complained petulantly.

"Not tonight. Finish your beer and let JL see you home. And mind, not late either. I’ll know about it."

John took the hint and warning. He suspected this might be a test of him and Tina. He nodded and said, "Right boss. She finishes her beer and I’ll make sure she gets home."

"Good," Joe bent down, kissed Tina, and then he left.

John stood there staring at her. She was muttering something to herself that sounded an awful lot like damn and double damn.

In fact, Tina was cursing. This would have been her best chance to find out what the hell Joe and Sluggy were up to. Instead she was stuck. She looked appraisingly at JL. Could she convince him to follow Joe? Probably not. Damn!

She picked up her beer and drained it. "Okay, I’m ready. If you’ll just walk me to my car you can get back to your pool game."

"I promised to see you home and that’s what I’m gonna do," he stated with amusement. "In fact, I promised I’d see you to your door."

"Just bugger off," she reiterated irritably. "I’ll be fine."

"You don’t want to mess this up for me, do you? If I screw this up Joe’ll never give me work. And I need money." If she liked slime balls so much he’d be one.

She studied him, her eyes narrowed a bit and then she bit her lip. "Stuff it," she spit. "Okay wiseguy, then let’s go." She jumped up from the table, brushed past him and strode quickly for the door. He followed, intrigued by the way, now that Joe was gone, her walk had changed. Her whole demeanor in fact.

She pushed open the door of the pub and by the time John got outside, she was nowhere in sight. Where the hell had she gone? Then he saw her car pulling up. She honked once and he had to run for it. She waited while he got in and fastened his seatbelt. Then she took off like a bat out of hell.

"What do you think you're doing?" he sputtered as he watched the speedometer shoot upward.

"Shut up. If you yammer at me I’ll lose my concentration and at this speed that could be fatal."

John watched as Tina speed through the city streets, ignoring traffic laws, her speed seeming to increase at every turn. When she hit the motorway, her speed hit 100. He gulped and wondered what had possessed her. Abruptly she began to slow down, the speedometer dropping to 65. Then she turned off the motorway and slowed even more. Finally, she stopped the car.

John exploded, "What in the bloody hell do you think you’re doing? Do you want to get us both killed?"

She laughed. "I’m a very good driver."

He undid his seatbelt and moved over to loom above her. "Bloody hell Tina. Besides the potential fatal accident, if Joe even guessed we knew each other he’d have me killed."

"So you know that about him, do you?" she answered softly. "What else do you know?"

Her face was framed in the moonlight, her lips slightly parted. He could see her breasts clearly outlined in the sheer material of her blouse, the nipples hard. "I know you’re his girl," John whispered. "And right now, at this moment, I don’t bloody care." He bent his head and softly brushed her lips with his. It was as if a charge of static electricity passed between them. He bent to kiss her again and before he could even get into position, she reached for his head and pulled his mouth back to hers.

She kissed him hard, her mouth smashed against his, her tongue attacked his lips, her fingers tangled in his hair. She pulled one hand away and undid her seatbelt. Then she wrapped her arms around him and pushed him back toward the passenger’s seat, trying to suck his mouth into hers.

Tina was savage in her advance on him; her kiss was frenzied and ferocious. She pressed her body against him, trying to mold herself to him, trying to make her body become a part of his. Her mouth was trying to devour his, as if she had a hunger in her that could only be assuaged by him. He tried to keep up with her, to match passion for passion but she was too frantic. He felt baptized by her desire, transformed by her ardor, his body was being overwhelmed with sensations.

She bit his lower lip and then her lips left his mouth. They were on his throat, her tongue licked his Adam’s apple, and her hands ran over his arms and then his chest. She pulled his shirt out of his pants, slipped one hand under his T-shirt and scratched her long nails over his nipples. He moaned into her mouth. Her other hand had moved to the buttons on his fly. He couldn’t keep up with her she was moving so fast. What had gotten into her?

He knew this erotic dance could only lead one place. The possible consequences were terrifying. This time, with an instinct he didn’t understand, he was the one who stopped it. "Tina," he asked softly, pulling her hands away from him. "Tina, what’s going on, eh?"

She raised her face from his neck. Her eyes were glazed and her breathing labored. She wanted him so badly, with such an intense physical longing she literally ached for him. How long had it been since sex was anything more than part of the game? How long since she’d been with a man by choice, by true desire, rather than as a necessary part of the job? Too damn long. "I want you JL," she said gasping for the words. "Here. Now."

He shook his head. "Joe’s probably got someone watching you. They’ve probably already told him of our little drive out of town. We need to get back. I don’t want anything to happen to you."

"To me or to you?" she asked bitterly. She pulled away from him and moved back into the driver’s seat. "I thought you fancied me," she added quietly as with trembling fingers she gripped the steering wheel.

"I do," he said softly. "But I fancy our lives more."

Her knuckles were turning white on the wheel. "Meaning despite what you said, you do care about your life."

"Both our lives," he said each word slowly, carefully, clearly. "Both of them." he repeated.

"I see," she answered. She put her seatbelt back on and started the car. "Don’t worry about Joe. I can handle him. I’ve done this before. Taken a fast drive. Not usually with a passenger though. I’ll tell him I was testing you. He’ll believe me."

John had no doubt of that. Whoever this woman was, she was clever. He was sure she could convince Joe of anything. The question was why would she want to save his ass? "Why didn’t you tell him we’d met before?"

"I thought you liked living," she said. She was turning the car around.

"Why are you with that prick? Joe Smith is the worst of the worst." He couldn’t stop the question from escaping him.

She turned it back on him. "Why do you want to work for him?"

He turned away from her, somehow not wanting to lie to her face anymore. "I need money."

She noticed his grimace and took it to be disgust. She thought she’d feed it some more. "A girl’s got to live," she replied, answering the earlier question.

"He’s supporting you?" She nodded. John didn’t believe her, although he wasn’t sure why. It made perfect sense. Still, he let it and the moment for truth pass.

Tina began driving back to Auckland, much slower than she had left. Whatever had emotionally driven her to lose control, she had apparently gotten back into check. She drove in silence for a long time. When they hit the city, she slowed her speed even more, following all the traffic laws. She drove to the nicest part of town and pulled into the parking garage of an expensive high-rise.

"You live here?" John asked.

Tina put the car in park and nodded. She unhooked her seatbelt and said, "Yes. Joe takes good care of me."

He placed a hand on her arm, "What are you doing with him? You don’t seem the type."

She laughed bitterly. "How in the hell would you know what type I am? You don’t know anything about me."

He touched her face lightly. "I know enough to know something stinks about this whole situation. How’d you get tangled up with that prick anyway?"

She pushed his hand away and pulled a little mirror out of her purse. Damn, her makeup was a mess. Quickly she fixed her lipstick and then glanced at him. "Better wipe my lipstick off your face and neck, if someone should see . . . " She handed him a tissue, undid her seatbelt and got out of the car.

John released his seat belt and used the tissue. When he got out of the car Tina was waiting for him. She looked around the garage and saw a tan Range Rover parked two spaces away. Joe’s car. "Better walk me up and act like we’re total strangers. Joe or one of his goons is around here somewhere."

John nodded. The two walked to the elevator and when it came got in. As soon as the doors whisked shut Tina said, "JL, stay away from me. And from Joe. You seem like a nice man, I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt."

He looked into her eyes; she was trying to tell him something, trying to warn him. He couldn’t let it go. "Why Tina? Why is it okay for you, but not for me?"

"Just do it," she said impatiently. "If you value your life, just stay away."

"I can’t do that. I need the money."

She shrugged as if to say, I tried. "Fine. But then stay away from me."

The elevator stopped, the doors whooshed open and Tina strode out of the elevator. John followed. He watched as she unlocked her door, her back slumped and dejected. She turned back toward him and said loudly, "Thanks for seeing me home. Sorry I scared you with my driving. I just wanted to see how you’d do. I promise I won’t do that again."

For a moment he was puzzled, then he realized she thought Joe was inside. He said, "No worries. You had me going there for a while. Thought I was in the middle of a getaway. Well, this is where I piss off."

She nodded and pushed in her door. He turned and pushed the button for the elevator. Before her door shut completely, he heard her squeal with delight, "Joe darling! You‘re here. I thought I wasn’t going to see you again tonight."

He clenched his fists tightly as he got on the elevator. How could she be with that asshole?

Joe was lounging in a chair, his feet on the coffee table, a bottle of beer in his hand. He didn’t look mad, which was good, but very smug and self-satisfied. His business must have gone well. Damn, what had he been up to?

"Fancy something stronger than beer?" she asked as she moved through the apartment, dropping her purse on the dining room table.

Joe jumped up from the chair and grabbed her. He pulled her mouth to his and said, "I fancy you." He began to kiss her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to escape tonight. Tina closed her eyes and thought of JL. Through the long night, as she feigned passion and delight, as Joe Smith brutalized her body and tried to brutalize her soul, she pulled her mind away. Each time Joe touched her, kissed her, penetrated her, she remembered JL’s touch and kiss. Imagined what it would feel like to have him inside her. Somehow, she got through it. When Joe, completely sated, finally left at four am, she was sore, bruised, sick of everything, and still no wiser about his business. She felt so unclean no matter how long she stayed under the shower she couldn’t wash the stink away. She called CeeCee at eight a.m. She got the machine and left a message. Then she sat down to wait.

John was having breakfast with his client. Cecilia Joban her name was. She had asked for a meeting in a call the day before. She was concerned, wanted to know where he stood. He sipped some coffee and studied the redhead in front of him. She seemed genuinely nervous and upset.

She handed him an envelope. "What’s this then?" he asked as he took it.

She sighed and played with the bow on her demure ivory dress. "More money. I know you gave me a special rate, but you’ve been working on this for days. It’s another hundred."

John slipped the envelope in his pocket. "I’m still working on him. I’m supposed to see him tonight. Said he’s got a job for me. Look Ms Joban, do you want your money or do you want him busted? Seems like to me, it would be easier to get him busted. But I doubt you’d get your money back that way."

"You can’t do both?" her green eyes fluttered at him. "I’m not looking so much for revenge. I just want my money back."

John shook his head. Something about that didn’t ring true. This was their third meeting. Each time they met, something else seemed off about her. Today especially, it felt as if with each word that she uttered all of his nerve endings tingled. He’d met other women scorned before. They always wanted their money and revenge. But this one claimed to want only her money. Something definitely wasn’t right here.

"What have you learned?" she asked.

"Something went down last night. I couldn’t find out what. But whatever it was, it was big and made him very happy." He couldn’t forget leaving Tina to spend the night with him. The images that went through his mind at the thought of them in the sack were painful.

"Last night?" she repeated thoughtfully.

"Yeah," he nodded. "He ran off with his mates and left me to take care of his girl."

Her eyes narrowed at that. "His girl?"

John nodded. "Yeah. Didn’t I mention her before?"

She shook her head. "No. What’s she like? Oh I hope he isn’t . . ."

He thought for a moment. How could he describe Tina? Even as he said the words, he knew they weren’t true. But to a woman like Cecilia Joban, it was the only explanation that would make sense. "She’s hard, not an innocent. She seems okay. I don’t think he’s looking for anything more than sex from her."

Her eyes opened wide at that. "You don’t think he’s going to steal her money?"

"I don’t think she has any money," he said softly.

His client nodded and rose from the table. "I see. Well, just do the best you can then. I’d really like my money back. But if you can drop him in it, that might work too."

John nodded and watched her leave. Suddenly he felt like he’d been dropped into the middle of it himself.

CeeCee left the detective sitting in the restaurant. So he’d spent more time with Tina. And still didn’t have a very good impression of her. So much the better. She knew Tina would be pissed if she realized Cee was the one who’d added the player. But then Tina hadn’t seemed all that keen on the job anyway. Hadn’t seemed to be keeping her mind focused. Besides, this Joe Smith was a lot slicker than they’d thought.

She pulled the article she clipped that morning from the New Zealand Herald out of her purse. Someone had broken into the Treasury. The Treasury claimed nothing had been taken, but Cee knew that was a lie. A complete set of plates for 50-dollar notes was missing. It was Smith. She knew he already had the ink, now all he needed was the paper. She wanted those plates, the paper and the ink. Then she’d be set for life.

Tina paced her apartment waiting for CeeCee to call. She’d been through the paper and seen the same article. She knew Joe had to have been behind it. She wondered what he’d really stolen. If he had gotten his hands on some plates he could flood the country with currency and couldn’t even be charged with counterfeiting. Slick, very slick. No wonder CeeCee wanted him so badly. Gobs of money indeed.

The telephone rang in the silence, startling her, although she’d been waiting for it. "Hello?" she said eagerly into the receiver.

"Tee, how you doing?" It was CeeCee.

"Cee, I need to see you. Now."

"I’m a little tied up at the moment. How about a late lunch?"

"Yeah, fine, whatever. I’ll see you at twelve-thirty."

"Make it one."

"Done. See you then."

Tina paced her apartment impatiently. She changed her clothes twice finally settling on a knee length flowered skirt and a plum blouse. She kept glancing at the clock, willing it to move. Willing the time to pass. Finally, at twelve-thirty she left the apartment to meet CeeCee.

Now Tina waited impatiently at the restaurant. She looked at her watch for the twentieth time. It was one-thirty. Cee was never late. If anything, she was always early. This did not bode well. There was more going on here than she had been told. More than she knew and she didn’t like it. This was supposed to be easy, her last job, then freedom. Damn and double damn. She checked her watch again. A whole minute had passed. She’d give CeeCee five more minutes and then she’d really go at it!

As she was about to leave, CeeCee strolled into the crowded restaurant. Dressed to the nines with a complete hair and make-up job and looking as if she hadn’t a care in the world. She was laden down with packages from some of the most expensive shops in Auckland. What was she up to? "You’re late," Tina hissed as CeeCee deposited her packages on the extra chair and sat down.

"Sorry luv," she said with a negligent wave of her hand. "I told you I was tied up this morning. Had to make it look good. You think you’re the only one with a job to do?"

Tina swallowed hard. Sometimes she forgot that CeeCee did more than just give her orders. She did her own part as well. "Doesn’t it ever get to you?" Tina asked.

CeeCee shrugged. "It is what it is. And usually the end result is worth it." Cee studied the brunette. "What’s wrong?"

"I got screwed last night," Tina responded. "Literally and figuratively. Smith showed up in my apartment, all happy and horny. Couldn’t drug him, had to do him. It was not pleasant."

CeeCee put her hand on Tina’s arm. "Sorry. But . . . Did you learn anything?"

Tina flinched, shook of the arm and then shook her head. She was put off by the total lack of sympathy in Cee's voice. "He’s a true prick. Just used me, rolled over, left 500 and split. Cee, I can’t do this anymore. I want out. Now."

CeeCee shook her head. "You know I can’t do that. Just finish the job."

Tina shrugged; it was the answer she had expected. "What did you learn about JL? His full name is John Lawless by the way."

Cee took a sip of coffee. "I know. He’s an ex-cop."

"An ex-cop? What the bloody hell? Why is he sniffing around?’ Tina paused, her eyes narrowed and she asked, "Are you sure he’s ex?"

CeeCee nodded. "Very sure. Got blown off the force in a dirty deal. He’s private."

Tina shook her head. "Private? What the hell would he want a job from Joe for then? He’s got to be working a case. Cee, you have got to get someone to warn him off. He’ll get himself killed."

"Let it be Tee." Cee waved her hand as if it would magically solve the problem. "I’ll handle him."

"Shit," Tina said. What was she going to do about JL? "He’s supposed to come by the local tonight. Joe said he’s got a job for him."

"So you did find out something?" CeeCee asked.

"No. Just that Joe had something on last night, I’m guessing it was the Treasury job. And he’s got another for tonight." Tina eyed CeeCee speculatively. "What did get stolen? The papers said nothing, but I know better than to believe that. And Joe was awfully smug last night."

The redhead glanced around the restaurant. No one was paying any attention. "They got some plates, fifty dollar notes. He already has the ink. He must be going after the paper tonight."

"Shit . . ." Tina muttered softly. "There is a gob of money here. What’s the plan?"

"Cling to Joe like a limpet tonight. Try and find out what he’s up to. As soon as you know, call me at this number." CeeCee scribbled a telephone number on the napkin. "I’ll take care of it."

Tina gave CeeCee a speculative glance, "And if JL is there?"

"What do you care?" CeeCee replied irritably. "You know what we’re after here. If he gets in the way he’ll be dealt with."

"I do not want to see one more civilian get hurt," Tina said. "There’s been too much death already."

CeeCee grimaced. "You can’t keep blaming yourself for what happened with Greg. That was not your fault."

Tina shook her head. "He never would have been there if it wasn’t for me. I do not want another death on my conscience."

"You know," Cee said thoughtfully, "it’s a damn good thing you’re getting out after this job. You’re really beginning to lose your perspective."

"Maybe I’m just developing one," Tina retorted bitterly. She rose from the table. "I’ve gotta go. Make myself into the cheap slut Joe likes so much." She paused and turned back to look once more at the redhead. "Do you think this will end it? Tonight?"

CeeCee looked at Tina carefully. She was going to miss her. "Yes," she replied. "I think tonight will be the end."

Tina found a public phone on the corner and dialed the number JL had given her. To her surprise, he answered. "Look," she said after he identified himself, "I really need to talk to you. Can we meet?"

"I thought you wanted me to stay away from you?"

"I don’t have any more time to play games," Tina retorted. "Can you meet me or not?"

"Where?" he asked, all business now. He could hear the panic in her voice.

Where was a problem. She knew Joe was having her followed. How? Then she thought of it. "Meet me outside the mall. I can lose my tail inside there easily enough. And JL, I know who you are. No more games."

"I’ll be there in thirty," he said. Then he hung up.

Tina raced to the mall and pretended to shop, trying to pick out which of Joe Smith’s goons were her shadow. She spotted two likely looking candidates and led them on a merry chase through a lingerie store. Only the one who looked like a gorilla followed her out. Next, she led him to a beauty salon. She spoke to the receptionist and spun her a tale of a jealous husband and new lover. She passed the girl a fifty-dollar note to cover for her for two hours and slipped out through the back of the salon.

With any luck, JL would be waiting and she could deal with him and the problem before the gorilla knew anything was amiss.

JL was waiting, right where he said he’d be. He was in a nondescript blue car with the motor running. She jumped in and said, "Go."

He pulled out into traffic as she put on her seatbelt. "Where to?" he asked.

"Somewhere we can talk. Privately."

"Got just the place," he said. He drove them to Bruford’s in-laws beach house, thankful he’d still kept the keys.

"Nice place," she said as she entered the elegant front room. "Yours?"

He shook his head. "Friend of a friend. Now then, what’s this shit about knowing who I am and no more games?"

She looked at him hard. Why hadn’t she seen it? She, who was so good at dissembling. So good at playing a role. He wasn’t trouble. One look into his eyes should have told her that. "Cut the crap," she said. "I told you, I know who you are. Private cop now, former New Zealand cop. What are you up to with Joe?"

"Who the hell are you?" he exploded. "You aren’t who you pretend to be, are you? And how do you know I’m an ex-cop?" He took two steps toward her and gripped her arms. His rage and frustration at the situation seemed to express itself as an overwhelming fury with her.

Tina winced and recoiled instinctively as he touched her. John noticed and immediately loosened his grip. Gently he rolled up her sleeves. Her arms were covered with old and new bruises.

"That rat bastard did this to you, didn’t he?" he said, his voice choked with rage. "I’ll kill the bloody prick." He clenched his fists and stood in front of her, the rage in him barely contained. "Tina," he asked softly, "why the hell are you still with him? How can you let him do this to you?"

She stared at him. His beautiful eyes were filled with concern, his anger genuine, the bewilderment almost painful to look at. His voice was so gentle. Suddenly it was all too much for her to handle. She began to shake; her calm exterior and detached demeanor shattering. "Susan," she whimpered softly. "My name is Susan."

"What?" he said in confusion. He watched as the tall woman crumpled like a broken toy into a little heap on the floor. She began to cry. He picked her up and carried her to the couch. He set her down and sat next to her, at a loss as to what to do.

She wrapped her arms around herself and began rocking back and forth. She kept repeating the phrase, "Susan, my name is Susan."

He pulled her into his arms and held her while she sobbed. Finally, the spasms racking her body seemed to ease. She lifted her tear-stained face to his. He realized then that she wasn’t wearing heavy make-up or her contacts. Her eyes were dark blue and incredibly beautiful. He wiped her tears away with gentle fingers.

She touched his face. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you. John, don’t go to the pub tonight. Don’t go near Joe. This is . . . Damn . . . I can’t explain. Just trust me. Please."

His shook his head in total bewilderment. "Who are you? What’s your involvement in this? You know I was a cop. If you’re in trouble, I can help you."

"No." She shook her head. "I don’t need any help. After tonight, it’ll all be over. I’ll be done and I can go home."

"Home? Tina," she winced at the name. "Sorry, Susan, what are you involved in?"

She seemed to pull herself together then. "I can’t tell you. Just trust me. Please. Don’t go to the pub. Don’t get near Joe. And please, if you care about me at all, never call me Susan again." She rose from the couch and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "You’d better take me back now."

"No," he said. He rose from the sofa and repeated insistently, "Not until you tell me what’s really going on here."

She moved to stand by the window. "I can’t. You already know enough to get you killed. I will NOT have another death laid at my feet."

He walked over and stood behind her. He understood that only too well. Sonya’s death was his own cross to bear. "Why did you want to see me?" he asked softly.

She turned to face him. "To warn you. To . . . I don’t know. I just didn’t want . . ."

He bent his head intending to kiss her gently. The instant their lips touched, though, it was as if a raging fire enveloped them both. Her arms went around him and her back arched. He pulled her tight against him, molding her body to his. The soft kiss became a fireball of desire, their desperate mouths opened and their searching tongues entwined. They devoured each other’s mouths, their tongues danced sensuously in time to music only they could hear. Their bodies began to rock together meshing in an erotic ballet written for two. Their hands were now frantically groping each other’s body. The fire ignited in them both was so strong, the desire too overwhelming for either of them to fight it. This time, neither would stop it; neither of them could.

Within seconds, they were on the floor, clothes being tugged at, hands and mouths trying to reach everywhere. Susan was moaning his name over and over, her hands trying frantically to pull off his T-shirt, to explore the hard firm chest. She exulted in the feel of his soft mouth on her lips and neck, of his hands, reckless with passion and yet so gentle after the rough touches she’d endured before. Her body was aflame with desire for him, her soul desperately in need of cleansing.

He unbuttoned her blouse his hands trying to reach underneath her to unhook her bra. She arched up and felt him achieve his goal. She slipped the blouse off her shoulders and then the bra. He buried his face in her breasts. His mouth and tongue kissing, licking, teasing and finally sucking her hard nipples. She felt her entire body pulsate with an intense sensuality and then shudder with pleasure.

She slipped her hand under his shirt, pushed it up; he paused long enough to help her. She gasped when she saw his chest. It was every bit as incredible as she had guessed. His muscles were perfectly formed and interestingly enough he was completely shaved. She ran her fingers over the taut muscles lightly then scrapped her long nails down towards his belly. He moaned. She found and traced the scar on his side, her fingers running up and down it. She pulled him down; flat on her, feeling his strong firm body crush her to the hard wooden floor. She pulled his head up and kissed him hard, her mouth applying an incredible pressure to his.

Their kiss was passionate, their two bodies entangled, rubbing back and forth against each other. She could feel him, through the silk of her skirt and the denim of his jeans, hard against her thigh. Could feel the soft smoothness of his chest, the hard nubs of his nipples as they rubbed against her bare skin. She moaned and pushed against him, aching to feel him inside her.

Now John raised himself up on his arms. He was trying to get his pants undone and pull up her skirt as well. She moaned as she felt her skirt lift and his fingers traced her nether lips through the silk of her underwear. She reached down to help pull her panties off. Then she was reaching for him. He had his jeans and underwear down. His hard shaft now sprang free. She thought it was beautiful, long, thick, and so hard.

She used her fingers to open herself for him and guided him inside. She winced a little, sore from Joe’s use of her the night before. Still, as JL slid all the way up inside her, the pain turned into pleasure. "Susan," he breathed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard her name sound like that.

Then his mouth came back down on hers and he began to glide slowly in and out of her. She gripped his back, her hands running up and down the hardness of it. He felt so good inside her, the power of his desire overwhelming, a desire she willingly matched. She'd almost forgotten what it was like to have sex for pleasure.

She could feel him quicken his movements, begin to grind into her harder and faster. One of his hands was moving down her belly, she pulled her mouth from his as his fingers began rubbing her sweet spot. She clawed his back and bit his neck as she came, then screamed his name. Her orgasm was so intense it set off John’s own climax. He ground into her one last time and came with a loud groan.

For a long time, they just lay there, the desire barely sated, yet knowing somehow that this was probably all there was and all there ever might be. It was so quiet; only the sound of labored breathing could be heard. John raised his head from her neck. He studied her face; she seemed to be crying. "What’s wrong?" he asked gently. "Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head. "It was wonderful. We shouldn’t have, oh, but I’m so glad we did. I’d forgotten . . ."

He quirked an eyebrow and kissed her nose. She smiled a smile he’d never seen before. It totally transformed her face. He got a glimpse of the real woman, the woman who lived behind the heavy make-up and cheap clothes. The one who didn’t wear colored contacts. Suddenly he had a blinding insight. He pulled out of her and rolled off. He looked down at her and said, "You’re a cop, aren’t you?"

She sat up quickly, her eyes wary. "Why would you say a fool thing like that? What in the world would make you think I’m a cop?"

"I’m right, aren’t I? You’re some kind of international cop? Interpol maybe?"

"Don’t be stupid," she said. "I’m not a cop."

"Damn it Susan," he shouted. "Stop lying to me. Just tell me the bloody truth for Christ’s sake."

She began to dress and wouldn’t look at him. He sighed with frustration and began to dress too. "Look," he said softly. "I won’t blow your cover. I’ve been there myself. But I got a job to do too. Unless you give me a damn good reason why I shouldn’t show up at that pub tonight, I will."

"What kind of job?" She was dressed now and again standing in front of the window facing away from him.

He studied her back as he said, "Smith stole my client’s money. She wants it back or him in jail."

"And how will working for Joe accomplish that?" she asked.

Her posture intrigued him. At first, she stood tall, her back firm. With each sentence she spoke, a change seemed to come over her. "If the cops bust him I can testify against him."

"Do you know what he’s into?" she asked as she finally turned around to face him.

He shook his head. "Not at the moment. But he’s been into just about everything illegal at one time or another."

"Well I do," she replied. Her eyes flashed angrily as she added, "Leave it alone. You do not want a piece of this or of him."

"Why not?" he asked curiously. Really, it was amazing. Even without the makeup or contacts, she was a chameleon. Her entire personality changed with each moment.

"Can’t you just trust me?" she asked. She studied his face. For a few brief moments, she had known him, allowed him to know her. Now he was already becoming foreign to her.

He reached out, caressed her cheek, pulling Susan back to him. "I want to. But you haven’t given me a reason to."

She pushed his hand away. She couldn't give in. Not now. Not when she was so close. She needed to hang on, just for a little while longer. "He’s going to pull a very dangerous job tonight. It’s the last piece of a billion-dollar game. When he does, someone is going to take it all away from him. I’m not sure if anyone will be left standing at the end. I only know that if you’re with him, you will be at risk. John," she moved closer to him, put her hands on his chest. "Please stay out of it."

He grasped her hands with his own. He tried to pull her eyes back, to make her see him again. He could tell she was somehow drifting away. Who was she? "What about you?" he asked softly. "What do you get out of this?"

"My freedom," she whispered.

"Your freedom?" he repeated. "What the hell does that mean?"

She shook her head. Her eyes seemed to plead with him for understanding. "I can’t tell you. The people I work for, they are about one thousand times more dangerous than Joe Smith is. And a hell of a lot smarter. If they even thought I’d told you any of this, they’d kill you and me both."

"Let me help you," he pleaded. He could not lose her. He could not lose another woman to the seamy criminal side of life.

"I don’t need your help," she answered. "This is my last job. They promised. When I’m finished, I’m free."

He released her hands and pushed his hair off his face. He asked, "And you believe them?"

"Yes. I’ve been doing this for a long time," she answered. "Long enough to know when I’m being played. And I’m not. Not this time. Cee will keep her word."

"Cee?" he repeated the name.

"Yeah. My control." At his blank look she tried, "My operator?"

"Operator?" he repeated the word slowly. "That’s what they called my contact when I was undercover. He was a prick who left me hanging out to dry by my dick. How can you trust her?"

"She’s my sister." Susan said.

"Your sister?" he repeated. "Jesus. What is this? A family business?"

She laughed bitterly. "In a way. Look John, I really have to get back. The beauty shop scam will only work for a couple of hours. I’ve been here too long already. When this is over, I’ll call you."

"No you won’t," he said sadly. "You’ll be gone."

"I’ll call you," she repeated. "If only to explain and say goodbye."

He didn’t believe her. But for the moment, he would have to trust her. They gathered up their things and got back in the car.

As he drove back to the mall she said, "You’ll stay away."

"Susan," he heard her quick intake of breath at the name. "Sorry. Tina," he went on, "are you sure I can’t help?"

"I do not want you dead," she said softly. "If you show up tonight that’s exactly what you’ll be. Do I need to make it any clearer?"

"Guess not," he answered.

He pulled into the same spot where he had picked her up. She looked at him for a long moment and then said, "I’ll call you. Later."

He said nothing as she got out of the car. He watched her walk away knowing he couldn’t let her go. Well he’d never promised her he would stay away, did he?

Tina came out of the salon only to find, instead of the gorilla sitting in the waiting room, Joe Smith. She put on a happy smile and kissed him.

"Your hair don’t look so different." he declared suspiciously.

"Course not," she replied. "You like it this way, don’t you?"

"Yeah," he confirmed.

"Just had it washed, trimmed and touched up a bit. A girls got to look good for her man, don’t she?" she retorted with a laugh.

Joe pulled her roughly into his arms; his hands crawled all over her body as if he owned it. She tried to hide her revulsion. Again she closed her eyes and thought of JL. Joe kissed her roughly, his tongue pushing insistently into her mouth. She pulled away and said, "Didn’t you get enough last night?"

"Can’t ever get enough of you babe," he muttered. He pulled back a bit to study her face. Something seemed different. What was it? Her eyes! "Hey, what’s with the eyes? They’re a different color."

Damn, she’d forgotten to put in her contacts before she’d gone to meet CeeCee. "Do you like it?" she asked flirtatiously. "It a new thing for me. Thought I’d try them for a laugh. Colored contacts."

"I like the other color better. Change’em."

"I can’t now. Got to leave them in for a certain amount of time or else you get some kind of infection. I’ll go back tomorrow." His grip on her arm loosened. Thank god, he’d bought that.

Still holding her arm, he led her out of the shop. "Where are we going? My car’s in the lot," she said.

"Got to see a man about some money." he replied.

"The pub?"

He didn’t answer. He dragged her through the mall and out to the curb in front. He pulled her into the back seat of the Range Rover. The gorilla was in the driver’s seat.

"Let’s go Benny," Joe said.

Tina surreptitiously studied Joe's face. He looked like he was deep in thought, but she knew he’d already made his plan. What was he up to? And where were they going?

Benny seemed to be driving round in aimless circles, and then he pulled up in front of the pub. "So are we going in?" she asked softly.

Joe looked at her through half-closed eyes. "We’re waiting here. Just stuff it would you? I need to think."

Tina knew better than to argue with him. She closed her eyes and leaned back on the seat. Sooner or later, he would tell her what he wanted her to know. Better to just go with it. This had to be it. Whatever was going to happen, Joe was going to make her a part of it now. Tonight really would be the end.

"There he is," Joe said. "Benny, get him."

Tina opened her eyes in time to see Benny grab JL as he began to walk toward the pub. She swallowed hard. What was going on? JL wasn’t fighting Benny; he was walking along side him as if this was the only place he wanted to be. Benny unlocked the door and JL sat down on the passenger’s side.

She hid her shock and pretended to be looking for something in her purse. "You remember JL, don’tca?" Joe said after Benny had gotten back in and started the car.

"Yeah. What’s he doing here?" How the hell had Joe found out about them?

Joe's eyes burned with an unhealthy light as he said, "He’s going to help me. Just like you are."

"Me?" she repeated. "What’ca want me to do?"

"You’ll see," Joe answered as Benny zoomed into traffic.

Tina took a deep breath and snuggled her body into Joe’s. Damn JL anyway. Why couldn’t he have listened to her? "Joe honey, I need to make a pit stop first."

"Pit stop?" he repeated the phrase like he’d never heard it before. "What the hell is a pit stop?"

"Bathroom," she whispered. "I need a bathroom."

Joe laughed. "Plenty of time for that later."

"It’s kinda urgent," she admitted. Damn, she needed to call Cee.

"Fine. Benny, pull over at the first petrol station you see."

"Not there," she recoiled in mock horror. "They always smell. A restaurant or something."

"Do you need to piss or not?" Joe retorted angrily.

"Fine, fine," she said. She felt in her pocket for her cell phone. Then remembered that she’d never replaced the dead battery. It was a damn good thing this was her last job. Forgetting to put in her contacts, not getting a new battery for her cell phone. She never would have gotten herself into this predicament six months ago. Everything had gone steadily downhill since Greg died.

She remembered the night Greg died as if it was yesterday. It had started out as just another job. Cee had found the pigeon and they were going to run the investment swindle. Tina would get close to Greg, seduce him, introduce him to Cee, and get him to agree to invest. A nice harmless little game, that usually worked without any problems or risk. Until Greg decided he wanted his money back and her too. Only it turned out the money wasn’t Greg’s but a loan shark’s. Greg had borrowed it with promises to repay it twofold. The night he told her this he was caught in a crossfire between the loan shark and Cee. It had left a bad taste in her mouth and after that she wanted out. Cee had seemed to understand. Had promised this would be easy. Just get next to Joe and find out where the money was. Then they’d run the con. But everything was going wrong. Everything.

Benny pulled the car into the gas station. She went to get out when Joe said, "Leave the purse."

"A girl's got to fix her make-up."

"You’re not wearing any," he snapped. "Leave it. Go do your business."

Shit, she really had been stupid. She flew out of the car and into the restroom. No phone. Damn and double damn. Well, she might as well use the facilities as long as she was there. No tell when she’d get another chance. When she came out of the stall, after flushing it, Joe was standing there waiting.

"What the hell?" she exclaimed. She went to wash her hands and added, "Anyone would think you didn’t trust me."

After she dried her hands he grabbed her arms and replied, "I don’t."

"Now honey," she murmured appealingly, "Have I given you any reason?"

He titled her head towards his and declared, "No. But I ain’t known you that long. And I do reckon you fell for me awfully fast."

She smiled her most seductive smile and said, "Now Joe, aren’t you just so irresistible that I had no choice?"

He laughed and released her. "Too true." He pulled her toward the door. "If we stay here any longer I might have to do you and we don’t have time."

‘Well thank god for that,’ she thought. She got back in the car.

"So where are we off to then?" JL asked.

"You’ll find out when we get there. Thought you wanted to earn some ready," Joe answered snappishly.

"I do. But it would be nice to know what I’m supposed to do. I didn’t bargain on a chick."

"Not to worry mate. Tina will do as she’s told. Won'tcha my sweet?" Joe traced the curves of her breasts.

She shivered and vowed, "Always Joe. You know that."

"Just relax," Joe answered vaguely. "I’ll tell you what you need to know when we get there."

There was absolute quiet in the car after that. Tina fidgeted in her seat, her hands pulling on the buckle of her purse. JL seemed relaxed, at ease, although she could see the tiny twitch in his cheek. Joe hummed softly to himself, a tuneless song. Benny drove, seemingly in circles for a very long time. Finally, he pulled into the parking lot of a warehouse. It seemed deserted.

"Okay then," Joe explained. "Here’s what you do. Tina, I want you to sashay up to that guard and distract him. I need you to get him out of there so we can go into the warehouse. You can do that honey, can’t you?" Tina nodded. "After the guard is gone, we’ll go in and get what I’m after."

"Which is?" John asked. This seemed too easy. Way too easy.

"Just some paper."

"Paper?" John repeated.


"What’s so important about paper?" John asked.

"Let’s just say that this particular paper is worth its weight in gold." Joe laughed and looked at Benny. "That’s a good one, eh? Worth it’s weight in gold?" Benny laughed with him. Joe looked around the car, "Everybody ready then?" No one said anything to contradict him. "Tina, you go do your stuff."

The robbery went off like clockwork. She distracted the guard; the men crept into the warehouse and stole ten cartons of paper. As soon as they were back in the car, Benny began to laugh hysterically.

"What’s so funny?" John asked.

"Nothing," Benny said. "Nothing."

"Where are we going now?" Tina asked. "I think I need a bathroom again."

"Relax," Joe said. "We’ll be there soon."

Benny drove out of town into the country. Tina couldn’t tell, but she thought there might be someone on their tail. Well, Cee was good and so were the others. She just hoped no one would die this time.

They arrived at a farmhouse. Benny parked in the driveway. Joe gestured for them to get out. Tina stumbled a little and managed to whisper to John, "Stay near me when the trouble starts." He gave no acknowledgment, but she knew he’d heard her.

Tina watched as Joe, Benny & John carried the cartons into the farmhouse. Then Joe gestured for Tina to enter. Before Tina even had a chance to get her bearings the fun started.

Sirens exploded, flashing lights fanned across the windows and a voice called, "It’s the police. Joe Smith, we know you’re in there. Come on out with your hands up."

"What in the bloody hell?" Joe shouted. He looked wildly around the room. He pointed at John. "You. This is your doing. You’re still a cop."

"Not me mate," JL shouted back. He was glad that Joe didn’t have a gun. He could probably take him in fisticuffs, but a weapon would be lethal. "You grabbed me off the street in front of the pub, remember? No way could I have called anyone to set this up. I haven’t been out of your sight or his since you grabbed me. If you don’t believe me, ask him." He pointed at Benny and Benny nodded.

"Then you," he shouted at Tina.

She shook her head. "Not me Joe. Same thing. You picked me up and except for the few minutes in the bathroom at the gas station, I’ve not been alone. No phone in the john."

Joe's face grew angry and puzzled. "How the bloody hell?"

"Who knew about this?" John asked. "Besides you?"

"Only Sluggy," he answered. "Shit, you don't think?" Joe shook his head. "Nah. Sluggy'd never turn on me. Must be a lucky guess by the cops. Don’t suppose you have a gun on you?"

John shook his head. "Never carry since I left the force. Don’t like ‘em much anyways. Too easy to get them turned against you."

Joe nodded. He again looked wildly around the room. Outside the voice shouted for Joe and company to come out with their hands up.

Joe shrugged. "Might as well give ’em what they want. They don’t have much on me anyway." He looked at Tina and JL. "No witnesses either, right?" They nodded their heads. "Just remember, if I go down you go down with me." Again, they nodded. "Benny," Joe said turning to him, "open the door."

Benny went to the door and as he stepped through, he was cut down by gunfire. Tina watched in real horror as a red stain began to spread against his chest. "That’s not . . ." she began to say, when John clasped his hand over her mouth and pulled her away from the windows. He grasped her around the waist and pulled her down behind the couch.

Joe took one look at Benny, cursed under his breath, turned and ran for the back door. He pulled it open and again the sound of gunshots was heard. Then it got very quiet.

Tina began to struggle in John’s arms. "Let me up," she whispered.

"No they might still . . ."

"Stuff it. I know them." She looked at him sadly. "I told you if you came you’d get dead. Why didn’t you listen to me? Let me see if I can stop it."

He nodded. "Cee?" she shouted. "All clear Cee. You got them." Tina stood up and walked to the center of the room.

CeeCee stepped over Benny’s prone body and into the doorway. She had an Uzi in her hands. "That’s it then?" she said.

"Pretty much," Tina replied. "Except for this one. But he won’t tell."

"You?" John said when he saw CeeCee.

"Shit," CeeCee muttered.

Tina’s eyes widened. "You two know each other?"

John nodded and said, "She’s by way of being a client of mine."

"She’s your client?" She turned to Cee, "No wonder you weren’t worried about him being in the game. What the hell have you been up to?"

CeeCee shrugged. "Just making sure you did your part. Wouldn’t want you to pull out on me now, would I?"

Tina looked down at Benny. He was still bleeding. "Cee," she asked softly. "You used real bullets, didn’t you?"

"Do you have any idea how much this is worth?" CeeCee said slowly. "Tee, this is the score I’ve always dreamed of."

"Did you have to kill him?" Tina asked. "And what about Joe?"

"The others got him, I’m sure," Cee answered. "What do you care? You didn’t like that prick anyway."

Tina shrugged. "It’s over now, right? I’m finished?"

"Well," Cee replied, "that depends doesn’t it? I mean, you don’t like killing, do you? Don’t have the stomach for it. And well, I’m afraid your friend here knows a little too much for my comfort. How much did you tell him?"

Tina jumped in front of JL as CeeCee cocked the gun. "Nothing. He doesn’t know anything. Cee, please don’t kill him."

"Who said anything about killing him?" Before she could shoot, big hands come down on hers and knocked the weapon out of her hands.

"Took you buggers long enough," John said as Dave Bruford and several other New Zealand cops entered the room.

"Would have been here sooner mate," Dave said. "But the bloody transmitter lost the signal for a bit."

John looked surprised at that. What signal? He hadn’t carried a transmitter. He looked at Tina, but she was studying CeeCee as if she’d never seen her before.

A man dressed in a very expensive suit came through the door. He took one look at CeeCee and said, "Did you really think you could get away with it?"

CeeCee began to curse him up one side and down the other. Then she began snarling and fighting with the officers who were attempting to cuff her. It took two men to subdue her. As she was being dragged out of the room she spat, "He won’t save you Tee. You just watch. He’ll let you fry. You’re as guilty as I am."

Tina/Susan said nothing. She waited until CeeCee was gone and then turned to the man in the suit. "Conrad, can you give us a minute?" He nodded. She went to JL and said, "How did you know the cops were coming?"

John looked at her and shook his head. "Still undercover myself luv. Makes it nice don’t you think? My nark cover was blown, but being kicked off the force works for me this way. I can do all sorts of stuff as a PI that I couldn't do otherwise. But you? Not a cop? She’s your sister? Please. I may be a little thick sometimes, but I’m not stupid."

Susan laughed. "I did lay it on a little too heavy, didn’t I?" She shook her head. "I really am losing my touch."

"Want to tell me what’s really going on here?" he asked.

She looked to Conrad who nodded. "Some of what I told you was true. This was my last job. I’ve been working undercover for Interpol for five years in a special unit. We scam the scammers so to speak. Cee was my partner and immediate supervisor. Everything was going fine until about six months ago. Money being used in the scams and for the scams started disappearing. Then one of the men we were investigating turned out not to be a crook, but under Cee’s direction I turned him into one. Then he was killed. No one was ever supposed to use real bullets, but that time, someone did. We knew it had to be CeeCee, so since then, I’ve been working her as much as the case to see what was going on."

"So this thing with Joe Smith was as much to scam her as it was him?" she nodded. "Your purse the transmitter?" again, she nodded. "Susan?" he said the name softly. "Is that your name?"

She smiled that same soft sweet smile she’d smiled after he’d made love to her. "Yes, Susan, Susan Banks."

For a moment, he grinned, then his eyes turned sad. "You’ll be leaving then?"

She shrugged. "I’ll need to see this case through the start of your legal system. Then it’s back to Brussels for debriefing and then, home."

His face lit up as an idea occurred to him, "I don’t suppose you have any holiday time?"

"Holiday?" Light dawned. "Leave?" He nodded. "Well actually, I probably have a lot of leave coming."

His smiled widened. "Any chance you could spend some of it here?"

Her eyes opened very wide as she asked, "With you?"

John took her in his arms and kissed her gently. "With me," he said. "I could remind you again what it’s like to have a good time without having to pretend."

She melted against him and touched his cheek lightly. "Two cops on holiday together? Just think of the trouble we could get into."

The End

Lawless Stories

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Romance Down Under