Rating: NC: 17
Warning: This story contains scenes of graphic consensual sex between a man and
a woman. If you are under 18, this offends you, or is illegal where you live
please read something else.
Disclaimer: The characters of Scotty, VJ, Maxie, Pippi and Paul are taken from
the Kiwi Comedy Playhouse episode of "Flatmates" and belong to South
Pacific Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Scotty stretched luxuriously in the big bed. He'd never felt so alive despite being dead. He laughed aloud at the thought. He opened his eyes and looked around him. The flat he now lived in was sumptuous, if a little fancy for his beer and skittles taste. Quite a change from the cozy and comfy little flat he'd shared with VJ, Maxie, Pippi and Paul. Here the elaborate antique furnishings had scared him at first. He was sure, given his clumsiness; he would break every delicate expensive knick-knack in sight.
Surprisingly enough, one of the many advantages of his new life was an increased competence and increased control of all his senses. His hearing and sense of smell was a thousand times sharper, his touch much surer, and his eyesight much keener. His sense of taste had changed, but not necessarily in a bad way. He was, he knew, physically far superior to the klutz he'd been before. He still wasn't able to move nearly as fast or as silently as the others could though. Still, both Mr. D and Lucy assured him that it was just a matter of time. After all, he'd only "changed" four weeks before.
Just four weeks. Four blissful incredible weeks since he'd gone from mortal to immortal. From a clumsy idiot whose only place in life seemed to be as the butt of jokes to much-valued companion. Four weeks in which he'd gone from a life where no one really needed him to now being responsible for the well-being of ten beautiful women. Four weeks in which he had experienced what he could only call the world's biggest sexual awakening.
He looked at the woman who lay contentedly sleeping next to him. She was small and dark with waist length black hair and an incredible set of knockers. Ah, Lucy, the woman who had brought him into his new life. He was very grateful to her.
He reached over and stroked her face lightly. She moaned in her sleep, turned on her side and opened huge green eyes to look at him. "Evening," he announced.
She smiled, two sharp white fangs popped out of her luscious mouth. "Scotty," she murmured his name.
He grinned. When Lucy had first told him she was a vampire, he'd been terrified. Then, after they'd talked he'd adjusted to the idea. After he'd had sex with her, he'd liked that she was a vampire. Loved it in fact. When she'd broached the idea of him not only becoming one too, but also becoming the protector of the coven, it had intrigued him. She had talked for five minutes and then he had thought for another five. Five minutes was almost more than his less than agile mind could handle, but all the same he was hooked. She had offered him not only the opportunity to live forever, but also a chance to leave his old life behind. To remake himself into anyone he wanted without worrying about paying the rent. No longer would he be stuck in a dead end job where no one respected him, he would be free.
He thought occasionally with regret of his old flatmates. He did miss their teasing and companionship. On the other hand, he DIDN'T miss being used as a cash machine or taxicab. Like everything in life, or in his case, death, there was a trade-off.
After he'd agreed to join with Lucy, they had slipped out of his flat without a backward glance or even a goodbye. He knew his mates had no idea what happened to him or where he was. The firmest rule was no contact with anyone from his past. The ritual they'd had turning him into a vampire was kind of weird, but after it was over, the coven had made him welcome. Oh boy, had they made him welcome! Ten willing and beautiful women all of whom seem very interested in discovering just what Lucy had seen in him.
All of the women vampires were well over a hundred years of age, though none looked older than their mid-twenties. They were different physical types, different nationalities, even different colors, but they all had one thing in common. They were all sexually experienced and they were all willing to share their experience with him. He was a quick and eager learner. Though he'd been with several women before this, he'd never been too aggressive where the fairer sex was concerned. He'd been shy; almost timid about asking women out when he'd been mortal. Once out with them, he'd been even MORE afraid of making a sexual move. He was sure his less than stellar mental abilities were a turn-off. Still, the women in the coven weren't interested in conversation. They seemed fascinated by his body and all of his newfound skills. He took to the sex like a duck to water, always happy to indulge any of their whims. Lucy was still his favorite though, mostly because she was the first.
Now he was even beginning to branch out a bit. Trying out his newfound talent on his, well, victims, he supposed would be the word. But victims seemed wrong somehow. While it was true that he fed on the women he approached these days, he also tried to give them something in return, usually sexual pleasure. He was still experimenting with this unexpected aspect of being a vampire. He hadn't told Lucy or Mr. D about it yet. He wanted to figure out if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Not being that smart he hadn't decided yet. He only knew one thing for sure. Being a vampire was a kick. It was everything Lucy had said and more.
His duties as guardian to the coven did entail more than just "servicing" the female vampires sexual needs. But it was still simple. So far he'd only had to make sure the "girls" stayed safe, which was easier than it sounded, since any one of them was far more dangerous than almost any human in Auckland. He also did the occasional job for Mr. D, mostly delivering mysterious packages to various locations all over town. He knew down the road there would be more. He and Mr. D were still learning about each other. He found Mr. D somewhat frightening and intimidating. Not only because of his age, but because behind Mr. D's dark eyes even Scotty could see the vast intelligence. He knew Mr. D had seen it all and his mind could calculate and plan in ways Scotty couldn't even begin to guess at. There were lots of secrets in Mr. D's past, things even Lucy didn't know. No one would talk about why they'd left the States. He supposed that someday he would find out. (See The Vampire and the Hunter by Dominique for SOME details!)
Still, even with a somewhat uncertain unlimited and endless future stretching before him, Scotty was the happiest he'd ever been. He sighed softly and stretched his big body again, accidentally hitting Lucy in the solar plexus.
"Ouch," she muttered. Then she asked, "Where did you go?" She'd watched his face as his eyes had drifted far away. Scotty had beautiful brown eyes. They were deep pools of brown, expressive, emotional, and soulful. Even at the best of times his eyes were never that focused and after he'd said hello, they had clearly gone off into the cosmos.
"Huh?" He shook off his memories and turned to look at her. He grinned, his eyes crinkling up and focusing on her face and two lovely dimples appeared on his cheeks. "Sorry," he added when he realized how far away he'd gone. "I was just thinking."
Lucy studied him. Thinking was NOT something he was good at. Usually his "thinking" got them into trouble. The first time she'd taken him hunting, he'd "thought" it would be a good idea to catch people outside a blood bank. He'd had the crazy idea in his head that the ones who left the bank had MORE blood in them. She quickly disabused him of that notion and explained it was just the opposite. After that, he'd let her "think" for them. Now, after four weeks, he hunted on his own, surfing the singles bars, the nightclubs, the pubs, discos and female clothing stores of Auckland. He preferred to feed on women just as she preferred to feed on men. Scotty was the most intensely heterosexual vampire she'd ever met in her 131 years of death. And the best lover she'd ever had, dead OR alive. What was on his mind now? "What were you thinking about?"
His eyes were still a little misty. "Just remembering what I used to be. What my life was like before."
Now she really scrutinized him. Was he having second thoughts? A little too late for that now. She thought he was happy, content, he'd fitted into his new life as if he'd been born for it. Despite the early misstep with the blood bank and Mr. D's original disappointment in Scotty's lack of intelligence, things seemed to be going well. Mr. D had learned that Scotty could be taught, if you explained things slowly and concisely. Scotty was perfectly capable of most things; you just had to be careful what you said to him. He took EVERYTHING literally. Tell him to go soak his head and he would. After a few little contretemps when Mr. D had let his sarcasm overcome his good sense and Scotty had respectively hidden in his closet, taken a leap off a short pier and jumped in a lake, Mr. D had begun to choose his words much more carefully. Still, Lucy knew, if necessary, even though Mr. D had begun to grow fond of "the boy" as he called Scotty, he wouldn't hesitate to decapitate him in a hot New York minute if he thought he had to. Lucy hoped it wouldn't come to that.
Her eyes ran up and down Scotty's naked body. He truly was an example of the male form at the peak of perfection. Not only was his dark hair curly and wild, so much so that every time she looked at it, she wanted to run her fingers through it, but his mouth was incredible. His lips were so ripe and luscious, so kissable, that it made her knees go weak. His scruffy beard kept his handsome facial features from being too pretty or too feminine. His arms were powerful and thickly corded with the right amount of muscles. His chest was beyond words, his pectorals firm and beautifully shaped and completely covered with dark hair. As for the rest of him, he had the flattest abdomen she'd ever seen and yet another dark arrow of hair that led right to the family jewels. He was perfect there too, not too big, not too thick, and seemingly inexhaustible. Scotty, in addition to being a remarkable physical package, was also one of the sweetest men she had ever met. It would be a shame to lose him. As she studied him, she felt a wave of lust wash over her. She noticed that he was apparently not immune to her either. Finally, she licked her lips and asked, "Are you sorry?"
"Hell, no," he exclaimed. He pulled Lucy into his arms, settling her back against his chest. His arms encircled her waist. "I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. Or death for that matter."
She exhaled the breath that she hadn't even realized she was holding and snuggled against him. His large hands began to caress her body and she felt a warm tingly feeling envelop her. It was so weird, before she'd met Scotty she thought she'd never be warm again. She'd given up sex too, but now . . .
She felt his lips moving along the soft skin of her neck. "Hungry?" she questioned quietly.
"Maybe just a small snack," he murmured into her ear.
She could almost see the lecherous grin on his face. Then she forgot everything as he began to rub her nipples with his thumbs and his tongue began licking her jugular vein.
After their play, both Scotty and Lucy dressed for their night's hunting. They separated at the exit to the apartment house. Scotty decided to try his luck in the shopping district. He wasn't in the mood for the bar scene. It was only four weeks until Christmas, the stores were open late and he knew lots of lovely ladies had to be out shopping after work.
Lucy didn't share his taste for adventure preferring the "old" ways like Mr. D. Scotty had been her one foray into what he would term the modern world and she didn't seem to want to press her luck. Scotty on the other hand was still out there searching. As much as he liked the other vampires and adored Lucy, he felt something was missing. He wasn't sure if it was a who or a what and his mind didn't really run much to self-examination. He only knew, with a certainty, that whatever he was missing, he hadn't found it. But he'd know it when he did.
He hopped on his motorcycle, a gift from Mr. D and began to cruise the streets of Auckland. He knew the other vampires were out looking for "prey," but he never thought of it like that. He was looking for a woman to pleasure and then afterwards he'd feed on her.
Stathira strolled idly along the busy nighttime streets of Auckland. She wasn't sure why she had come there. Wasn't sure why she'd left her home in Sydney, the only home she'd ever known. Two days before, moved by some impulse she didn't understand, she'd quit her job, packed a suitcase of clothes and hopped on the first plane to the first destination she could.
Now she wandered around, exploring the town, reveling in the freedom of being in a new place on her own. She could be anyone she wanted to be. She didn't have to stay the person she was. No one had any preconceived notions of who she was. She was free to remake herself and her life, as she wanted it. She paused for a moment to stare into a shop window. ' Wow,' she thought. 'What an outfit.'
Staring back at her was a blond mannequin wearing a short black leather skirt covered with zippers and a matching jacket trimmed with silver. The outfit looked fantastic and sexy. She'd always wanted an outfit like that but had never been brave enough to buy one, let alone to enter a shop and try it on.
"You'd look great in that," a soft voice remarked from behind her.
She turned suddenly embarrassed by her yearning to find a man haloed in the dim light of the street lamp. He was tall and big with wildly curling brown hair. His face was almost too beautiful to be human. He had thick black eyelashes layered over deep brown eyes and possibly, the most beautiful mouth she'd ever seen. A scruffy looking beard and mustache surrounded his full sensual lips. He was dressed casually in a flannel shirt and jeans but she could sense the powerful muscles hidden beneath the clothes. She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry with another kind of yearning.
The man grinned at her and she felt her heart melt. He had the most adorable dimples. "You should buy it," he decreed as his eyes traveled over her form appraisingly. His gaze tracked her long blond hair, pulled back in a barrette off her face, her sea-green eyes, then down over the curves of her breasts, her long lithe limbs and then back to her face. Approval slid into his dark eyes. Now he licked his lips. "I'm Scotty," he acknowledged. "Come on, let's get you into that outfit."
Stathira swallowed hard. It was certainly one of the most interesting offers she'd ever had. She studied Scotty for a moment. He seemed nice enough and it wasn't as if he was trying to lure her into a dark alley. The store was well lit and there were several other customers inside it.
He held out his hand and she took it. "You're cold," she declared with surprise. It was a mild night.
"I have poor circulation," he explained nervously. "Let's go in," he added more urgently.
Stathira nodded and allowed him to practically drag her into the clothing store. When they walked in a short brunette came rushing forward to greet them. "Hi, Scotty," she greeted him with a leer. "It's been a while since you were last here. How have you been?"
"Fine," he muttered. "My friend here likes the outfit in the window. Got it in her size?"
The salesgirl professionally ran her eyes over Stathira's body and nodded. Then with another lecherous look at Scotty, she rushed off to get a size eight.
Stathira studied Scotty curiously. Obviously, he shopped here a lot. He not only seemed perfectly comfortable in a woman's clothing store, but well known too. Why would he come here often? Was he gay?
He seemed to read her mind. "My sisters really like this place. I often shop with them."
"Oh," she replied with relief. It would have been such a waste if he'd been gay. The thought surprised her. Was she actually considering? She just didn't do things like that. Well, she was going to re-invent herself, why not start with that? "Oh . . ." she murmured again as the salesgirl came back and handed her the outfit. She touched the leather reverently. It was soft and supple; it would feel heavenly against her skin.
"Go try it on," Scotty urged.
Stathira didn't need to be told twice. She practically ran to the dressing room at the back of the shop. She untied her gym shoes, then quickly stripped off her blouse and blue jeans. She slipped the leather skirt over her slim hips and slid into the jacket zipping it up only as far as she absolutely had to. The outfit fit perfectly and felt as if it was made for her.
She studied herself in the mirror. She'd never seen herself like this before. She looked . . . sexy!
"Thought you might need some shoes to go with that," Scotty informed her from the doorway of the dressing room.
When had he arrived? He must move like a cat, she hadn't heard any footsteps or even the sound of the door opening. And she knew she had shut it.
"How long have you been there?" she asked as a flush moved up her face. Had he seen her half-dressed?
"Just got here," he replied amiably. He handed her a pair of black spike heels and then leaned his body against the doorframe.
She took the shoes and looked at them. They were gorgeous. She dropped them to the floor and stepped into them.
Scotty smiled and looked at her. As their eyes met, desire sparked in the depths of his. The sight made her heart jump in her chest and she felt a warmth begin to suffuse her entire body.
"Almost perfect," he whispered hoarsely. He moved through the doorway of the small dressing room, shutting the door behind him.
His tall body moved closer and she suddenly realized how big he was. His presence filled the small room and Stathira found she could barely breathe from the wave of lust that washed over her.
She continued to struggle for breath as he came even closer and his hands went behind her head. What was he doing?
Scotty pulled out the barrette that was holding her long locks back. He ran his fingers through the silken thickness of her hair, pulled it around her face and proclaimed, "There, now you're perfect."
She swallowed hard and looked in the mirror. Was that really her? She turned back to find Scotty staring at her, sexual hunger awash in his eyes.
She smiled at him and began to open her mouth to speak, when it became impossible. Scotty gripped her face in his strong hands and began to kiss her wildly. His soft lips pressed hard against her partially opened mouth and his tongue immediately slipped inside. She moaned from the feel of his tongue in her mouth. She kissed him back, her own tongue darting out to meet his.
His hands held her face captive; her body began to arch toward him, her arms slid around his waist. In the heels, she was nearly as tall as he was. She pulled him closer, pressing her body against him. She could feel the hard muscles in his chest and the hard length of him against her thigh. She moaned again.
His soft lips seemed to become hard against her. His mouth was crushing hers, his kiss brutal, hungry, filled with a passion she had never felt directed at her before. Her whole body was a flame with desire. One of his hands left her face and slid down her body. Then both his hands were caressing her flesh with wild abandon, lighting a thousand fires on her skin. He pulled her tightly against him, crushing her to him, pressing his body against hers, his erection grinding into her groin. It felt wonderful. She lost herself in the erotic sensations. For the first time in her life, she allowed herself to do exactly what she wanted to do, any possible consequences be damned. For the first time in her life, she felt free.
Now he began to back her into the three-way-mirror. He pressed her shoulders to it, then ran his hands down the front of her body, brushing over her breasts, down to her waist and to the zipper on the front of the skirt. He pulled back from the kiss and looked at her, his eyes dark with lust.
She saw he was looking at them in the mirror. His eyes seemed to darken further as she began to unbutton his flannel shirt. He pushed her hands away, then in one fell swoop, unzipped the skirt, and tore her panties from her body.
Suddenly he was on his knees in front of her. He moved her legs apart and wrapped his arms around her thighs. She could feel his breath on her nether lips. He blew on her mound and her hands reached for him. He moved even closer and lightly traced her opening with his tongue.
She moaned and thrust her pelvis at him. He glanced up at her and she smiled. He again traced her nether lips with his tongue, running it lightly over them in a back and forth motion until she was moaning and opening for him. Then when she thought she would scream because she wanted more, he slipped his tongue inside her.
She moaned loudly and probably would have fallen, but his strong arms around her thighs held her up. She couldn’t breathe; the pleasure was so intense. Now he tongued her clit, teasing it, brushing it lightly, but not enough to give release. Then he stiffened his tongue and began to move it in and out of her, her clit forgotten for the moment. His beard was teasing the lips of her sex, tickling her. Then his tongue was back at her clit; he kept running it lightly over and around it, never enough to quite take her over the precipice only enough to leave her begging more for more.
She moaned, pushed, and moaned some more. She thought he would never let her come and then his tongue was moving in and out again and suddenly he was sucking her clit. She screamed his name and came all over that beautiful face with a shattering orgasm that sent her entire body into spasms. The only thing that kept her from collapsing was his arms holding her up.
He kept a tight grip on her, his head now resting against her thigh as he waited for her spasms to subside. "That was a good one," he commented.
When she could finally breathe, she panted, "Are you are trying to kill me?"
Scotty seemed to find that remark incredibly funny. He got the most adorable grin on his face and then bent to lick her thigh. He rubbed his beard, which was soaked with her come, against her skin and then licked in circles as if he couldn't get enough of the taste. She nearly had another orgasm just from watching him.
She stroked the soft hair on his head. "That was incredible," she whispered.
"You liked it, eh?" he murmured. He was eyeing her sex as if considering doing it again.
She pulled at his head and ordered, "Come up here."
He grinned and stood up. She could see his erection clearly outlined in his jeans. She immediately reached for it, stroking him through his pants. He moaned and then got the weirdest look on his face. When she looked back down, she realized why.
A bright red flush suffused his face and he croaked with the utmost embarrassment, "That's never happened before."
Stathira didn't know whether to feel flattered or frustrated. The poor boy had lost control. She pulled him into her arms and whispered, "Doesn't matter. I'm quite sure we can fix it."
"Yeah," he muttered as he studied her face. "I do believe we can. Hey, you know what? You never even told me your name."
She laughed softly. "Stathira."
"Stathira? That's a lovely name. Stathira, would you like to come home with me tonight?"
"Yes, Scotty, I would," she answered.
"Bewdy," he exclaimed. "Let me just go pay for that outfit and we can get out of here."
"Pay for the outfit?" she echoed. "You don't have to do that. I can't let you do that!"
"Of course you can," he said as he turned for the door. "And don't change clothes either. I'll get a bag for your other clothes."
"Scotty, really, I can't . . ." Whatever else she was going to say, she forgot. Scotty smiled, his eyes looked deeply into hers and she let it go. As she waited for him to return, she re-zipped the skirt and gathered up her things. Scotty came back with a bag and the two of them left the store.
Scotty led her to a motorcycle and she hopped on the back. She slipped her arms around Scotty's waist and leaned into him, feeling the hardness of his body as the machine vibrated beneath her. Without any underwear and in the short skirt, she could immediately feel another orgasm start to build inside her from the bike ride. If she hadn't already been in such a wild state of arousal, she would have been worried. Her body never behaved like this. Hell, she never behaved like this. Going home with a stranger?
All too quickly, the ride was over. Scotty had pulled into a parking garage attached to an apartment building. He stopped the bike and turned off the motor. Stathira removed her arms from his waist. Scotty got off the bike and swiveled his head as if looking for something or someone. Then he pulled her off the bike and gathered her into his arms. "We have to be very quiet when we go in," he whispered.
"Okay," she agreed without really understanding why.
"I'm not supposed to bring people home," he explained. "My bo . . . landlord doesn't like strangers in his building."
"Your landlord doesn't like strangers . . . " she repeated. "But weren't you a stranger when he rented to you?"
Scotty mumbled something too low for her to hear and then began pulling her along in a hurry. As they got to the door, he cocked his head, closed his eyes and then seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He opened the door with a large key and then led her up a flight of stairs to a hallway.
Stathira thought it looked odd for an apartment building. The hallway seemed to stretch for very long way and there were several doors, but it didn't look like any of them locked. Scotty pushed in a door and pulled her quickly inside. The flat was incredible, very large and very plush. All she really got a chance to register was that it was luxurious before Scotty dragged her into the bedroom.
He flipped on the light, and her eyes were drawn to a massive king-size bed. Thick posts at every corner held up a canopy draped with thick velvet curtains. It looked like something from a medieval castle, and Stathira glanced at Scotty with a question in her eyes.
"My landlord has a thing for antiques. The flat came furnished. It's nice though, you can pull the curtains on the bed and no one will ever find you."
"Why would you be worried about anyone . . ." She never got to finish that sentence, because Scotty pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her again.
His hands ran up and down her arms and chest. His mouth moved to her neck. She moaned his name and her hands begin their own exploration of him. She felt the muscles in his arms through the flannel of his shirt, then his chest. She reached down and slipped her hands under the flannel. She slid her fingers up, felt the silky soft hair, then brushed his nipples with her nails. Now he moaned and pulled back.
His eyes were dark and glazed. His breathing was ragged. The expression on his face was one of complete lust. It excited her nearly as much as his touch had.
Stathira began pulling him toward the bed. She wanted to feel him inside her so badly she couldn't stand it. He grabbed her around the waist; his hands moved down and cupped her ass. His mouth pressed harder and she arched up, her hands moving under his shirt again, trying to get it off him. He kissed her so hard, that soft delicious mouth crushed hers, his tongue plunging into her mouth, sliding in and out. His other hand was unzipping her jacket.
Suddenly they both had too much clothing on. They broke apart and the clothes went flying. First his shirt. Stathira gasped at the glory of his chest. She reached out in wonder to touch it. Hard as a rock. She bent her head to taste his nipples. She licked first one, then the other. Then she tried to suck them, but he was moaning and trying to remove her jacket. He pulled her head away. She looked up at him hungrily, her mouth open.
He groaned as if he couldn't stand it anymore. She could see his erection; she reached down and traced his shaft through the jeans. He moaned her name and ripped her jacket off, then fumbled for the snaps on her bra. She heard it pop and then he bent his head and buried his face in her breasts. The ache inside her was now at danger level.
He had a nipple in his mouth, just holding it there and the tease was painful. She pulled his head forward, trying to bring him closer. She could hear him chuckle and felt his hot breath surround the sensitive peak.
Again, she reached for the bulge in his jeans. She slid her nails over it, lightly teasing and he almost bit her nipple off. He began to tongue the nipple in his mouth, then sucked it lightly. Stathira moaned again and felt her entire body turning liquid.
She unsnapped his jeans and tried to slip her hand inside. He released her nipple, groaned and moved back. He finished the unveiling she started. Soon, he was standing there, completely and gloriously naked. She sucked in her breath and dropped to her knees. She had to taste him. Now.
She moved forward and gripped his knees. She raised her head and licked her lips as his eyes watched her. Those beautiful eyes are almost glittering and she could see how out of control he was.
She bent forward and traced his hard length with her nails. He moaned and then thrust his pelvis toward her. He was even beautiful there, long, thick and large. But not too big. Perfect, like all the rest of him.
She grasped his shaft gently, stroking it straight out. His breathing was loud, ragged, and irregular. His hands were reaching for her head. But Stathira had another idea. She moved closer, but rather than take that beautiful hard length into her mouth, she encased it between her breasts. Now she used her hands, pressing her breasts together, forming a hole. His hard length was completely buried between them.
He groaned. "Oh god," she heard him mumble. She gently kneaded her breasts around him, knowing the softness must be driving him crazy. He thrust at her and she raised her face and smiled. His mouth was open, his eyes partly closed, his tongue sticking out between his lips. His hands were on her shoulders. She continued to press her soft breasts around his hardness. He moaned and thrust and she could see the first drop of pre-come appear. She bent her head to lick it off.
He grunted and pulled her head forward. She laughed softly. She released her breasts and took his organ into her hand. She licked his hard shaft up and down. Then she licked the head, tasting another salty drop of him.
He grabbed her head and she took him lightly into her mouth, holding him in the warmth. He was moaning and groaning and she knew what he wanted. She had never felt more powerful or more in control in her life. She ran her tongue up and down his organ as it lie in her wet hot mouth. Her hands caressed his balls gently.
He thrust his pelvis, his hands were in her hair and she could tell he was making an effort to control himself. She began to move her mouth back and forth slowly, teasing him with her tongue. He began to thrust harder at her; he groaned her name, nearly begging now. She began to suck lightly, so lightly; he didn’t even notice it at first. Then a little harder and a little harder still. He pulled her face forward and she felt him go deeply down her throat.
Now he tried to take control. Holding her head steady and thrusting into her face. She let him have his way, applying more suction and her tongue. Suddenly he stopped and pulled all the way out of her mouth. She looked up in surprise. "Why?"
He shook his head. His whole body was trembling. "Not ready to come yet."
She sat back on her heels and looked at him.
He joined her on the floor. He looked at her; she was still half-dressed. His eyes focused on her breasts and he bent his head to kiss and lick them. His mouth seared a hot trail over her throat. His beard tickled and his tongue teased. Her body was melting. Everything about her was becoming liquid, fluid, and lighter than air. His mouth felt so good. Now he had both her breasts pressed together and he was working that hot tongue back and forth across her nipples. He licked first one, then other. Now he was rubbing his soft lips and beard across the areola and peaks until she was shivering and moaning. She felt each lick, each touch, deep inside. She knew she was wet again, soaked through the underwear she wasn't wearing.
She reached down to touch his shaft and he shoved her hand away. ‘Why?" she asked.
He raised his head and looked at her. "My turn to be in control."
The words made her shiver. What did he have in mind?
He released her breasts and rose from the floor. He pulled her up, kissed her hard, his mouth a raging furnace of desire. She pressed against him, rubbing her breasts against that incredible chest.
He moaned into her mouth, his fingers fumbling for the zipper on the skirt. He found the zipper, unzipped it, and the skirt fell to the floor. His hands reached down and cupped her ass. He pulled her tight, rubbing himself against her.
He was groaning again, moans of eagerness and passion escaping his lips. "You’re so wet," he murmured. His fingers were feeling around, brushing the lips of her sex, teasing it. She moaned against him. He slid a finger in, wiggled it and she jumped. He slipped the finger out.
"Lay down," he whispered. "On the bed. On your stomach."
"On my what?" she repeated.
"Trust me," he demanded.
She decided to. She did as he asked. He got on the bed after her and then she felt his mouth on her back. He licked a path up her spine, his tongue and beard teasing, tickling. His hands were rubbing her ass. As he ran that magical tongue up and down her spine, her body arched off the bed, the ache inside her getting worse. Now his tongue danced in the little depression above her buttocks. She arched up higher and he slipped a hand underneath. His fingers were lying across her sex, applying pressure with their presence.
He began to tease the area around her ass with his tongue, then slipped it inside her anus. She arched with pleasure and he slipped two fingers inside her sex. Oh god, his tongue was licking her anus, his fingers were moving in and out of her sex and his thumb had found her clit. She exploded, nearly jumping out of her skin. She was screaming with pleasure, the orgasm had turned into twenty orgasms, and the pleasurable sensations were so intense and overwhelming she couldn't stop coming. She thought she was going to black out from the intensity. Her body was spasming around his fingers and tongue; she'd soaked his hand, the bed. Her heart was racing and she couldn't breathe. Still, she was coming. He didn't seem to want her to stop either. He kept working her body, kept her coming and coming. Through the pulsing of the orgasms, she could hear his breathing. It sounds a lot like hers. Finally, she whispered, "Please, I want to feel you inside me."
She heard him suck in his breath. He pulled his fingers out of her. She shifted her head; he was licking her come off his fingers. This nearly set off another orgasm. She turned over, on to her back and reached for him. She was wet and open, just waiting.
He pushed her hand away and moved off the bed. His eyes searched the room, looking for something. He crossed the room and when he came back, he had some handcuffs. He grinned at her and asked, "Do you still trust me?"
She studied him for a moment. Well she'd always wanted to know and oh what the hell. She nodded. He moved up the bed toward her and cuffed her wrists to the bedposts. She was now helpless. He grabbed two pillows and slid them underneath her, forcing her sex up high. Her legs were spread wide, dangling. Now he slowly moved between them, wearing nothing but a grin. He placed his hands on her thighs and spread them even wider. Then he moved forward, his mouth slowly licking up her belly toward her breasts.
He began to tease her, his mouth and tongue and beard slipping and sliding all over her body, all over her chest. His fingers were teasing the outer lips of her sex, playing with the opening. Her body was shifting and moving beneath him. With her hands cuffed, she couldn't do anything but accept this tribute. He was playing with her, teasing her into a frenzy. But it felt so incredible she never wanted it to end. Her mound jumped every time he touched it. The liquid was streaming from her and she could tell from his breathing and his own movements that he loved it nearly as much as she did.
He moved further up the bed. His face was hovering above hers, his chest inches from her, but she couldn't touch it. His hard shaft was swinging between his legs, now teasing her clit. He bent, rubbed against her, she arched up and moaned. He did it again, enjoying the torture, the sweet agony. He teased her lips with his tongue, tracing them lightly over and over until she was nearly crying with pleasure. Now his mouth moved down again, his tongue licking her nipples, which were beginning to hurt from their hardness. She felt as if her entire body was one big itch that had to be scratched. She pushed her pelvis up towards him.
He lifted his head from her chest and looked at her. His eyes were so dark, so heavy lidded; his mouth was open, his tongue resting on his lower lip. His chest was moving, his breathing ragged. Suddenly it occurred to her what he was waiting for. "Do you want me to beg?" she asked. He grinned. A perverse notion overtook her. "I won’t," she protested. "I can take it as long as you can."
His face clouded for a minute and then his eyes seem to explode. "Think so?" he asked.
He moved down the bed and further between her legs. He breathed on her sex. She could feel it jump toward him. With the pillows under her, her mound was already pushed up so high. He blew on her for what seemed like minutes or hours. The need to feel something inside her was now dangerously painful. She began to tug at the cuffs holding her wrists captive. She bit her lips to keep from crying out. She'd be damned before she'd give in.
"Stubborn, aren’t you?" he asked with amusement.
She said nothing. It was his game, let him decide who wins.
He blew one more time, then flicked his tongue out to trace her nether lips. The contact reminded her of the wonderful way he'd already pleasured her. She groaned from the incredible sensation of that mouth on her. He did it again. She moaned again. The next time he leaned in, she threw her legs around him, trying to pull his face in. He laughed and pulled back. He removed her legs and stared at her.
She figured she must look a sight, but something about her seemed to please him greatly. His organ was sticking straight out, red and throbbing.
He locked eyes with her and began to stroke himself. She was now suddenly afraid he was going to waste that beautiful erection on himself. "Wait," she conceded finally.
"What?" he asked. His hands were still now, waiting on her.
"Oh the hell with it," she muttered. "Neither of us will win if you do that. Consider this me begging."
He grinned and within seconds had moved back onto the bed and slowly, so slowly began to slide his shaft inside her. She could feel each inch of him as he filled her up in a way she had never felt before. When he was completely sheathed in her, he ground his pubic hair into hers. Then he paused.
She could feel his hard length throbbing inside her and she wanted him to move. He looked down at her, his eyes dark and then began to glide slowly out, his fingers rubbing one of her nipples. She could feel him pull all the way out and then he began to tease her again. He rubbed the tip of his organ against her clit, his fingers still playing with her hard nipple.
"You’re driving me crazy," she entreated him softly. "Please either do or don’t, but stop teasing me."
She watched as his whole face changed, the teasing grin vanished. Now his face was full of the lust and the unrestrained passion she saw earlier. He thrust back into her and his movements were anything but gentle. Anything but teasing. He pounded into her, grinding his pelvis hard into hers, his moves frenzied and wild. His mouth found hers and his kiss was frantic, his tongue slammed into her mouth, crushed her lips. The full weight of his chest crushed her to the bed. She wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him in deeper and deeper.
The pressure of his body, combined with her position on the bed was making for an incredible friction. She felt an immense orgasm building inside her. He ground her into the soft pillows; she felt one of his hands moving under her to rub her ass and that did it. She pulled her mouth from his and came in a flash of blinding light, the spasms of her body so intense around him, she felt as if she'd pulled him inside her beyond where anyone could go.
He groaned and began to kiss her neck. Then with one more incredibly powerful thrust, his own climax overtook him. He shuddered on her and she felt a slight pain on her neck as if he bit her and then a new kind of exquisite pleasure overwhelmed her. She felt his whole body shake on hers and the joy made her buck beneath him. She could feel his balls emptying their load inside her, feel his organ shrinking, but still throbbing. Each sensation seemed separate and apart, and she could feel each one on it’s own. For a long moment, she could feel each muscle in his body and hers then a pleasure so intense and extreme, that she knew in a blinding flash of understanding it wasn't humanly possible. Stars exploded behind her eyes, her body writhed with an incredible spasm and then she passed out.
Scotty felt Stathira pass out from pleasure and released his fangs from her neck. That had really been something. He knew Mr. D would be pissed if he found out that Scotty brought a mortal home with him. But from the first moment, he'd seen her, looking longingly at the leather outfit in the shop window, he'd felt a kinship with her.
He had recognized a kindred spirit; a woman not unlike he had been before, looking to remake herself. Looking for something, searching. There was a need in her that matched a need in him.
When he'd seen her in that outfit, her look of surprise and wonder, he'd been sure. Maybe she wasn't exactly what he'd been missing in his life, but he needed her to be a part of it. And in the moment of orgasm, when he'd fed on her, he'd confirmed it. He'd gone into her mind briefly, just enough to learn what he needed to know.
They had room in the coven, the usual complement was twelve and they were only ten now. He hoped Mr. D. would see it his way.
Scotty threw on a pair of jeans and went in search of Mr. D. He found him in the library, thankfully alone. "Uh, Mr. D. Can I talk to you for a minute?"
Mr. D looked at Scotty and didn't even have to read his mind to know this had to be about sex. Damn, what was it with the boy? "Yes, Scotty?" he asked with trepidation.
"I uh, that is, well you know we have some openings," he mumbled with a red face.
"Scotty," Mr. D elucidated, "While it is true we're presently two short, I'm not quite sure you're really ready to be picking candidates to fill the vacancies."
Scotty's face got a little mulish. He repeated insistently. "I think I found someone right. She's really terrific and perfect. She just moved her from Sydney. She barely knows anyone in Auckland and she has no family here. No one will miss her. And well, I like her," he added defiantly.
Mr. D looked at Scotty. He'd never seen the boy so sure of himself before. Still, there was something quite amusing about it. "Scotty, despite what you may think, the coven is not your personal harem."
"I don't think of it that way Mr. D," Scotty declared earnestly. "Honestly, I don't. It's just before, when I was mortal, well I didn't date much."
"Didn't date much?" Mr. D echoed. "Are you telling me that before you became a vampire you weren't constantly having sex?"
"No," he confessed. "Actually I was kind of shy around women. Ask Lucy. I could barely ask her for a date and then when I did, I forgot to tell her who I was and where to meet me. If she hadn't reminded me . . ."
"I see," Mr. D replied thoughtfully. "You're saying that it's only since you've become a vampire that you've had, shall we say, these constant sexual urges?"
"Oh I had them before, I just couldn't ever satisfy them. That is, I could satisfy them, but not with someone. Alone," he amplified, the embarrassment now emanating from him in waves. His next words came out in a rush, "And it's not like the women don't like it. I mean, I ALWAYS make sure they have a good time. I like to pleasure them," he finished, his embarrassment now complete.
Mr. D sighed. What the boy was asking was not completely unreasonable. Especially if the woman was truly as alone as Scotty had intimated. "How do you know that she just moved here?"
"I, uh, well, that is, when we were having sex, I went into her mind. I've never tried that before, but Lucy told me how to do it." Scotty dropped his eyes and looked at his feet. "She's in my room."
"You brought her home with you?" Mr. D exclaimed.
Scotty shrank back. Although Mr. D had not raised his voice, Scotty could feel his anger at his disobedience. "I know, I know, I'm not supposed to. But I couldn't help it. Anyway, I think she'd make a great addition and . . ."
Suddenly Mr. D shrugged; accepting what he supposed was inevitable. "If she wants to join us we'll hold the ceremony tomorrow. But Scotty, don't make a habit of this."
Scotty kept silent; his eyes still glued to the floor.
Mr. D walked over to his male vampire and pulled his face up. He glared at the boy and requested, "Scotty, do me a favor?"
"Anything Mr. D, anything!" he vowed fervently.
"Try to wait at least six more months before you find another one."
Scotty nodded and beat a hasty retreat back to his room. He pushed in the door and saw that Stathira had woken. She was lying there still cuffed to the bed and smiling.
"Hi," he mumbled a little nervously. After all, he didn't KNOW she'd actually want to join the coven.
"Hi," she answered. "Where did you go? I missed you."
"You missed me?" he asked. He slipped off his jeans and moved on to the bed to join her.
She smiled even more brightly. "Yes, I missed you." Her eyes ran over his body, the dark fuzz of hair on his chest and his belly. Then her eyes went back up to his. "Can we play some more?" she asked.
Scotty's grin grew even wider. "Want me to uncuff you?"
"Maybe later," she whispered passionately. Then she asked shyly, "And maybe later I can cuff you up?"
Scotty's grin nearly exploded off his face. He'd been right! Stathira would make an excellent addition to the coven. Later that night, after they had pleasured each other some more, when he asked her, she jumped at the chance. The next night Stathira truly did leave her old life in Sydney behind and began a new one as a vampire.
The End?